TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
perfume, perhaps the most precious thing that she owned, and washed the Saviour’s feet and .wiped them dry with her hair. This was Mary’s way of showing her love for her Lord. Some people criticized Mary, but the Lord rejoiced, for the most precious thing that anyone can bring to Him is a heart filled with love and worship. Perhaps you are giving your money and time and talents to your Lord, but do you take time each day to hear Him speak to you through His Word and to tell Him how much you love Him? Your love and worship are the gifts that will please Him most. , LESSON FOR JUNE 9 Working With Christ . a L:E? SON MATERIAL: Mark 6:7-13; Luke 10:1, 2; 14:25-27. GOLDEN TEXT: “ He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me” (Matt. 10:38). Outline and Exposition | T he P ower for the W orker (M ark 6 :7 - 1 3 ) The power for working for Christ is bestowed by Christ Himself-and none other. He is always eager to give, and does give, sufficient power for any service He asks. He also gives such clear instructions for using His power that there need be no confusion in His service. Hav ing therefore the power and the in struction, it remains for the worker only to obey, and the required work will be done satisfactorily. II. T he P urpose of the W orker (L uke 1 0 :1 , 2) . The purpose of the seventy was to precede the Lord to the places “whith er he himself would come,” and thus prepkre the way for His appearance. In one sense, the Christian worker of today also goes, with the Gospel, to the hearts of those to whom Christ would make Himself known as Sav iour and Lord. Because the harvest is great, and the laborers few, working for Christ entails constant prayer that He, the Lord of the harvest, will add to the number. No worker is called upon to appoint other workers, but must rely upon the Lord of the harvest to do it. III. T he D emands U pon the W orker (L uke 1 4 :2 5 -2 7 ) Thei service of Christ requires that He Himself be supreme in the heart of His servant. He Is to be placed above the nearest and the dearest of earth, and even life itself is to be counted secondary to Him. Christ de clares that true discipleship cannot be experienced without thus making Je sus the chief object of life and serv ice.
Working for Christ also demands that the laborer bear his own cross, that is, voluntarily accept that which would otherwise be hateful to the flesh, and thus follow Him fully. Points and Problems 1. "Began to send them forth by two and two" (Mark 6:7). In service as in worship and living, the believer needs Christian fellowship. The Lord exhorts believers to come together for worship (Heb. 10:25). Without it, they are likely to “cool off” spiritually, as the red-hot coal turns gray, when removed from the fire. So God also recognizes the importance of believers’ laboring together in service for Him. Two indi viduals, working side by side, support and encourage each other. Thus they both become more useful. Further more, their testimony bears more weight. It strikes home. “At the mouth of two or three witnesses,” the mes sage is established. 2. "Save a staff only" (Mark 6:8). A precious, provision! The mission was so urgent that they were not to bur den themselves with any encum brances. However, they were told to take the staff, for every traveler and pilgrim carried one. It was an aid to comfort in travel. It is suggestive of the Lord’s presence with His servants as they go on His errands. With Him nothing else Is needed. He answers all demands. “Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psa. 23:4). 3. "But be shod with sandals" (Mark 6:9). The servant of the Lord should be ready for the march—ready to go anywhere the Lord commands (see Exodus 12:11), As he goes, he ought to be prepared to herald “ the gospel of peace” (Eph. 6:15). 4. "Anointed with oil many that were sick" (Mark 6:13). Again, in James 5:14, and only there, do we have anointing with oil for healing in the Scriptures. The oil is not used in these instances simply for medicinal purposes, as some maintain. It is typi cal of the Holy Spirit, as Zechariah 4:1-6 makes plain. Without Him, there is neither healing for the body nor the soul. Compare John 3:5. MEMORY VERSE: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). The Lord Jesus Christ had twelve close friends who were His special helpers. These friends were called His disciples. One day the Saviour chose seventy other men who also would help Him with His work upon the earth. He sent them out by twos into every city and place He planned For the Children H e l p e r s of J e s u s L u k e 1 0 :1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , 1 7 a
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