King's Business - 1946-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

should be concerned with the Father’s name, kingdom, and will. Following thé petition for God’s will to be done on èarth, is a prayer for physical needs, and for three great spiritual needs: forgiveness, protection from temptation, and deliverance from the evil one. III. T he P lace of the K ingdom (L uke 17:20, 21) The Pharisees thought the kingdom should come with a spectacular out­ ward, show. The Lord reminded them that wherever the King was, there was the kingdom. Christ the King was then present with them, but, as they did not accept Him as such, they missed the kingdom. The rendering of the Authorized Version, “the kingdom of God is with­ in you,” instead of the better transla­ tion of the American Revised Version, “ in the midst of you,” has led to all sorts of errors, not the least of which is the denial of the literal kingdom of Christ upon the earth. Points and Problems Those who would follow Jesus in fullest devotion and service must give evidence of five characteristics sug­ gested in the five passages selected for this week’s lesson: 1. Self-denial (Luke 9:23,'24). Jesus had just been speaking about His cross. No hindrance would be per­ mitted to dissuade Him from His pur­ pose in relation to Calvary. In a simi­ lar rrlanner, those who would follow Christ must let nothing keep them from His side. The things of Christ must be supreme. 2. Humbleness of spirit (Luke 9:46- 48). The child in the midst is Christ’s illustration of what He wants to see in His followers. As the child is will­ ing to recognize its reliance upon others for help and guidance, and gladly receives the same, so the disci­ ples of the Lord need to recognize their dependence upon Him and to re­ ceive His spirit of self-abnegation. When this takes place in the heart, self-seeking and unholy ambition flee. 3. Undivided interest (Luke 9:57-62). In the instances of the three men who were confronted with the matter of discipleship, Jesus, in dealing with each of them, shows clearly that fol­ lowing Him means that His cause must come first. Nothing can be al­ lowed to divide one’s loyalty, not even the tender ties of the home. Christ de­ mands first place always and under all conditions. . - 4. Desire to pray (Luke 11:1). The request here is not to be shown how to pray, but to pray. Nothing more surely reflects a deep spirituality than the desire to pray, a love for commu-

nion with God. “Lord, teach us to pray.” 5. Right ideas as to Christ's coming (Luke 17:20, 21). This is suggested in­ directly in Jesus’ words to thè critical Pharisees. The King was then present in their midst. He was soon to be re­ jected and crucified. But in the follow­ ing verses, He reveals that one day He will come in power and great glory. This fact has much to do with faithful discipleship. : For the Children J esus ’ F riends L earn to P ray ^I atthew 6:9-13 MEMORY VERSE: “Lord, teach US to pray” (Luke 11:1). Would you enjoy having a friend who never talked to you, one who al­ ways listened to you speak but did not answer? Some Christians hear God speak to them through His .Word and through their Sunday School teachers and their preachers, but they never speak to Him in prayer. ' When the Lord Jesus was upon the earth, He taught His disciples to pray. Probably you have said what is calied “The Lord’s Prayer” many times.,Have' you just said the words, without think­ ing about what they mean? Have you loved and worshiped God as you said, “Hallowed [holy] be thy name” ? Have you really wanted His will to be done in your life? Have you believed that He will supply all of your needs? Have you been as willing to forgive those who sin against you as your Lord has been willing to forgive you- for sinning against Him? Have you really prayed these words? Prayer is talking with God. How our Father in Heaven loves to hear us talk to Him! He wants us to tell Him about our joys and our problems. He wants us to ask for His help.- He wants to hear us tell Him how much we love Him. We may pray at any time — while we are working, playing, in a crowd,' or alone. Sometimes we are not able to talk aloud to oqr Lord. He Will hear even a prayer that our hearts whisper to Him. Every Christian boy and girl should have a regular time each day to, talk with God and to hear Him speak through His Word. Many of God’s children believe that the best time is in the morning before they talk to anyone else or hear anyone speak to them. “If you meet God in the morn­ ing, He will go with you all the day.” • It always pleases God when we pray for others. We should ask Him to save our families and our friends. If we love them as we should, we -will • want them to be in Heaven with Jesus, and with us forever.

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