MAY, 1946
KB 233
R O O K S VJ'ZL,, “ In the Heavenlies” by H. A. Ironside« D.D., Litt.D. A deeply devotional exposition on The Epistle to the Ephesians. Paper covers, only $1.00: cloth bindings, $1.75. Ask for big FREE catalog of “ best in Christian Literature,” also information on this 30-year faith work. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the West Coast. Service prompt. Satisfaction assured. Write today. WESTERN BOOK & TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pres. Dept. KB, 1719 Franklin St.. Oakland 12, Calif. ERICK PETERSON FIRST-CLASS 730 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. A B I B L E S C H O O L F O R T H E O R I E N T FEBIAS, the proposed Far Eastern Bible Institute and Seminary (Interdenomina- al) is a project of GI's who sponsored the ‘‘Youth lor Christ” and the *‘G.I. Gospel Hour” in Manila. WILL YOU HELP Filipinos and others to secure sound Bible and Theological training? Pray—send gifts—write for literature and photographs to the Promotional Committee, 401 Pennsylvania Ave., Manila, P. I „ or 196 Mounds Blvd., St. Paul 6, Minn. Fo r 5 G e n e r a t io n s Ample Parking Closed Sundays THE place to shop for no liquor sow . every food and house hold need. Store Hours 9 o.m. to 6 p. m. - 31 Stores to Serve You CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. TH E BAPTIST BO O K STO RE 352 S. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. BARGAIN INMUSIC "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 1" 64 Solos, Duets, Trios. Quartettes, Choruses, and other Specials "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 2" 75 Solos, Duets, Choruses, and other Specials, 30c each, 2 for 50c, 4 for $1.00 GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. PRAY FOR THE KING'S BUSINESS SHOE REPAIRING Phone VAndike 9483
was not the proper time. If it had been eaten the evening before the Cross, it was eaten twenty-four hours ahead of the usual time specified in the Jewish law. Christ came to fulfill the law, not to break it. The Paschal Supper was eaten the night after the day.of preparation at which the sacrifice was slain. We know that Jesus was cru cified on the day of preparation (John 19:14). From this verse, it is perfectly clear that, at the time of the cruci fixion (the noon following Christ’s eating the Supper with His disciples), the Passover Supper had not been eaten, since it was the day of prepara tion for the Passover. Second, John 18:28 reveals that on the morning following this meal with His disciples, there was still an antici pation of the Paschal observance. It would be observed that evening, twenty-four hours after the Supper Jesus ate with His disciples. It is nec essary that it should be so, for then “ our passover also hath been sacri ficed, even Christ” (1 Cor. 5:7). Furthermore, from John 13:1 we learn that the Supper they ate was “ before the feast of the passover.” No wonder that the great commentator Godet says, “It does not seem fb me possible that this Supper can be the Israelitish Paschal Supper.” But it may be asked, did not Christ speak of eating the Passover when He told His disciples to go and prepare it? Yes, He did.'But it should be borne in mind that the Passover occasion was a feast lasting seven days (Luke 22:1). There were more meals than one during this time, and since the Supper Christ ate with His disciples was not the Paschal Supper, it was probably the first meal otf the Day of Preparation. For the Children L oving O ne A nother J ohn 15:9-14, 17 MEMORY VERSE: “This is my com mandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you" (John 15:12). Before the Lord Jesus Christ died upon the cross for our sins, He had a long talk with His dearest friends. He told them many things, but the thing He talked about most was their love for one another. He told them they should love one another as much as God loved Him and as much as He loved them. The best way to have the love of the Saviour and to be joyful Christians is to keep His commandments. What a difference there would be in our homes and in our churches if each Christian truly loved the other! There would be no jealousy, quarrel ing, unkindness, or hatred if they would let the Lord Jesus fill their hearts completely with His love.
LESSON FOR JUNE 23 The Bonds of Christian Fellowship LESSON MATERIAL: Luke 22:14-20: John 17:6-8, 20, 21. GOLDEN TEXT: “ A new commandment f fllve unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one an other’'. (John 13:34). Outline and Exposition I. T he P lace of F ellowship (L uke 22:14-20) Instituted by Himself, the Lord’s Table is the special place of fellow ship. The familiar custom of eating and drinking makes the Supper very simple instead of an involved super stitious, religious rite. Its purpose was to unite the hearts and minds of believers and to remind them of the Lord’s Person and work. No religious ceremony is fraught with such possi bilities of Christian fellowship. II. T he P eople in the F ellowship (J ohn 17:6-8) The ones who enjoy this fellowship are those to whom God’s Name has been manifested, who were sovereign ly given to Christ by the Father, and who keep His Word (v. 6). They ac knowledge that all Christ has was given to Him by the Father; they re ceive’ Christ’s words as being from the Father; and they know Christ came into the world as One sent from the Father (vs. 7, 8). To them the Father and Christ are equal and by them worshiped as God. The only distinc tion that is made is that which rises from the difference between source and channel of blessing. III. T he P urpose of F ellowship (J ohn 17:20, 21) The purpose of fellowship is not only to satisfy the Lord’s desire for remem brance, but to fulfill His desire for the oneness of all who believe on Him; this is something more than any mere membership in ah organization. It is a fellowship of all-embracing charac ter, the members being united to each other in the same unity as that which exists between Christ and the Father. The Lord desires that this unity be so apparent that the “world may believe that” Christ was sent by the Father. However far short of this purpose the Church has fallen, it is nevertheless true that the fact of the existence of the Church does remind the world of Christ and His claims upon it. Points and Problems What meal was it that Jesus ate with His disciples the evening before His crucifixion? Many think it was the Paschal Supper at which the lamb was eaten, but to me this seems im possible for several reasons: First, because the time of its eating
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