King's Business - 1946-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

/4*ttertfc*& ^ a tton ite TRAITS eutei BOOKLETS Famous for *helr typographical excellence and strik­ ing messages. Good News tracts and booklets are ac­ ceptable everywhere. Samples, prices on request* G o o d l e w s P u b l i s h e r s 322 West Washington • Chicago 6, Illinois A Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to the World­ wide Distribution of Christian Literature. LANTERN SLIDES <&, Glsss slides, 2,,x2,/ and 3 ^ ,/x4,/ from your films and snapshots. The exclusive service for missionaries and Christian workers. 1945 busiest of last thirteen years at this ad­ dress due to repeat orders and friendly rec­ ommendation. The old low price of 60c a slide, colored. Either size. (Any quantity.) No lists. Phone CLeveland 66129. •• • a Daily Vacation Bible School Plan COMPLETE To t h e L a s t DETA IL C. WHITFIELD SIMS «1Ï6 Myosotis St. Log Angeles 42, Calif.

The Saviour said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). To prove His love as the great­ est of all friends, our Lord laid down His life upon Calvary’s Cross. The wonderful thing about His death was that it was for His enemies as well as for His friends. That -was surely the greatest love that could be shown. Few people would die for a friend, much less for an enemy. When our Lord showed such great love for us, we surely should be willing to obey His commandment to love one an­ other. When it is hard for you to love someone, remember how great your Lord’s love is; and you will find it easier to love at all times. L E S SO N F O R JU N E 30 Working for a Christian World LESSON MATERIAL: Mark 16:15, 16, 19, 20; Luke 24:45-49; Acts 2:46, 47; 5:42. GOLDEN TEXT: “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15), The command of Christ, not the need of the world, is the right motive for Christian service. Hence the out­ ward results of the service should not be its motive power. Whatever inter­ pretation may be given this particular passage, the basic fact is that the Lord commands His followers to go “into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” After Christ ascended, His disciples obeyed the command, and “went forth, and preached.” The Lord from Heaven confirmed “the word with signs and wonders.” It is always true that obey­ ing His command brings confirmation of our labors from the Lord. II. ( L u k e 2 4 :4 5 -4 9 ) Christian workers must have an un­ derstanding of the Scriptures that teach Christ’s death and resurrection. It is on this basis of the atonement that “repentance and remission of sins should be preached” to all peoples. In order that the preaching be ef­ fective, it is necessary that the work­ ers possess the Holy Spirit. The dis­ ciples were commanded to wait for His coming before engaging in their work. Now the waiting time is over, the Spirit has come, and He equips with power all of the workers en­ gaged in the Lord’s service. T h e E q u i p m e n t f o r W o r k in g Outline and Exposition I. T he M otive for W orking - (M ark 16:15, 16, 19, 20)

III. T he C ontinuance in W orking (A cts 2 :4 6 , 4 7 ; 5 :4 2 )

For their mutual comfort and en­ couragement, the workers frequently met together “with gladness and sin­ gleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people.” They preached the Word daily, and daily the Lord added to their num­ ber. They had only to proclaim the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Himself gave the in- ciease. The message was continually proclaimed whether in the temple or the houses, as these early Christians taught and preached that the crucified and risen Jesus of Nazareth, was the true Messiah. The message is the same today—the only preaching the Lord honors. Points and Problems 1. "He that believeth and is bap­ tized shall be saved; but he that' be­ lieveth not shall be damned" (Mark 16:16). This verse does not say that he that is not baptized shall not be saved. On the contrary, in the latter part of the verse the omission of bap­ tism in connection with “ believeth not” would seem to indicate that bap­ tism was not essential to salvation. “He that believeth not shall be damned.” Condemnation is the result of unbelief, not of failure to be bap­ tized. Baptism is the picture of the new life in Christ and surely should be practiced by every believer. It, beautifully sets forth the Christian’s identification with the Lord Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection. It represents the very heart of the Gos­ pel. It is essential to obedience but evidently not to salvation because man is saved, not by anything he can do, but only by the power of God (John 1:13). 2. "And sat on the right hand of God" (Mark 16:19). Statements simi­ lar to this are found repeatedly in the New Testament. They are suggestive of the finished work of Christ in con­ nection with His first coming. When upon earth, Christ’s days were filled with ceaseless activity. He scarcely took time to sit down. But when His ministry of redemption was com­ pleted, He “sat” on the right hand of God. His sitting was (1) the posture of rest, (2) the positioh of authority, and (3) the restoration of glory. (See John 17:5.) 3. "And ye are witnesses of these things" (Luke 24:48). This was to be the business of the disciples to whom Jesus spoke. It is also the mission of the Church today. It is the Great Com­ mission in a different form. The con­ tents of the believer’s witness are de­ scribed in Luke 24:46, 47. His message centers in the Cross and the open tomb; there can be no substitute.

Every hour of every day i$ programmed— lessons, handwork, songs, special feat­ ures—in the ALL BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL SERIES of Daily Vaca­ tion Bible School Les­ sons.* Yet the Series is flexible enough to permitchanges tosuit individual ideas. It's a blessing to the un­ trained teacher, a welcome aid to the trained. Be ready to

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manual— each department, 25c; pupils' workbook, 12c. ^ ^ S S / l D E A B O O K Please send FREEIDEA BOOK with complete plan for Daily Vacation Bible School. NAME— ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ADDRESS-------------------------— -------- ------------------------------- CITY, ZONE___________________ -STATE-


SCRIPTURE PRESS S O O N . Clark S t. D e p L,K B S -5 6 Chicago 10 , III.

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