King's Business - 1946-05


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

We can better realize the importance of this silent sermon when we remem­ ber that Jesus said that the bread was to remind His followers of His body which was given for them. We must never lose sight of this important truth. At the Supper with His disciples, Jesus took the cup, and said that the wine was like His' blood which was shed for the remission of sins. Since that day people down through the ages have remembered the words of Christ, and all who have believed in Him have been cleansed from all sin through His blood. In the seventh chapter of the book of the Revelation, John relates that he saw a great crowd of people, which could not be counted, standing before the throne of God. They were there because they had washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. As we think of this silent sermon, God would have us look back to the cross of Christ, where His body was given and His blood shed. He would have us look within our own hearts and make sure that no unconfessed sin lurks there. Then He would have us look forward to the coming of Christ, for He said: ‘‘For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Cor. 11:26). Fifth Week LOVE AND LINKS Objects: A large red cardboard cross, a globe of the world, a piece of paper six feet long and three inches wide, and a pair of scissors. (Glue together the ends of the paper, making a cir­ cle. but before doing so, give one end of the paper a half-turn. Place the cross on the pulpit and the world on a table below it. Fasten the scissors to the back of the cross. Begin the les­ son with the link hanging from the cioss.) Lesson: This link of white paper hanging from the cross reminds me of t e life of an individual who has been saved by accepting Christ as His peisonal Saviour. After His death and resurrection, before His ascension, Christ said to His disciples: “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the 'gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). It looks impossible for this circle of paper, representing the life of a Chris­ tian. to reach the. world down on the table. If we could add another link to this paper, it would reach to the world.

In the case of the Christian, who is surrendered to Christ, a link of love is added to this person’s life in order that the \ world may be reached for Christ. I find a pair of scissors back of the cross with which I will demonstrate how this can be done. (One inch from the side of the circle, begin cutting around the circle. Continue cutting one inch from the edge until you have gone around the circle twice. The re­ sult will be a loop with the same cir­ cumference of the original, linked to another loop with twice the original circumference.) We now have two links. We will call the large one “the link of/love.” You will notice that now it easily encircles the globe on the table below. With the love, of Christ added to the life of a Christian, that person, obey­ ing the command of Christ, reaches out to a lost world.

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