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POSTERS represent ing the RACE, the N A T I O N , and the CHURCH, on which s h o r t reviews are given leading up to the lesson for the day, give, at the close of the lessons, a re markable bird’s - e y e view of the Bible as a whole, or a mental picture of the Bible as one long connected story. They in no way duplicate the cutouts. POSTERS AND FIGURES . . $1.00
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Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door
The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of stu dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be se cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p. m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to sup port this ministry by your prayers and gifts.
Nazi Germany denied Christianity. And its prison camps are the terrible results . . . Japan is pagan. And its atrocities re flect its godlessness. Let us be warned. Unless the spirit of Christianity prevails, these areas of world decay, like disease in the human tissue, may spread through civilization. Reinforce your church at hom e! Re v ive and strengthen y ou r m issions abroad! Support the world-wide minis try of your American Bible Society! Agents of the Society are everywhere ready and willing to give-their strength, and if need be their lives, to widen the distribution of the Scriptures.
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Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California
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