THE B I O L A HO U R CALIFORN IA Arroy Grande-San Luis Obispo KOAG 1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550 4:00 P.M. Sun. KWSO 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF Chico-Paradise KEWQ 930 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Fresno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF KTYM 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles-Longi Beach KGER 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF KGER 1390 10:30 P.M. MTWTF Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF San Bernardino-Riverside RACE 1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF KFXM 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. Santa Cruz KSCO 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. KSCO 99.1 (FM) 8:30 A.M. Sun. San Diego KBBW 102.9 (FM) 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF
Biola Hour BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 7 No. 10 OCTOBER, 1967 S T A f f f f President .......... S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ............. ALSANDERS Production ............. JILL EHMANN Printing ................CHURCH PRES Published monthly by the Radio Dopt. B I O L A S C H O O L S & C O L L E G E S 13800 Blola Avenu# La Mirada, California 90638 CONTENTS COMPLETE IN CHRIST — Lehman Strauss ........... 3 COMPLETE IN CHRIST — Lehman Strauss ........... 5 COMPLETE IN CHRIST — Lehman Strauss ........... 7 COMPLETE IN CHRIST — Lehman Strauss .... 9 SECOND COM ING OF CHRIST— Harold Flckett 12 PANEL DISCUSSIONS .......15 PARABLES A N D PEARLS - . 2 8 FOLLOWING GOD'S W ILL — Lloyd T. Anderson ........ 32 M A N 'S UNSPEAKABLE SUFFERING — Lloyd T. Anderson ........ 33 COVER: Associated s t u d e n t b o d y president, Rick Allen, points out campus sites to fresh men students.
910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 860 8:00 a.m. MTWTF 1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY
1440 10:30 P.M. Sun.
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1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF OREGON 790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF
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580 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
630 8:30 A.M. MWF
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800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
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550 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
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630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
Spokane KCFA
1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
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1490 8:00 A.M. MWF
1390 9:30 AJA. MTWTF
(Continued on page 22) Controlled circulation postage paid at La Mirada, California
YOUR CHR ISTIAN WILL Did you know that there is a way to invest In Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately yeu may be able to leave more money 1er your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. B I O L A S T E W A R D S H I P D E P A R T M E N T
F “ OR IN him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power” (Col. 2:9, 10). The E p is tle to the Colossians, strange as it might seem, was writ ten to bring to a halt a great reli gious revival. Like all religious re vivals, this one had Satan as its leader. I make a clear distinction between religion and Christianity. Christ is the Founder and Head of Christianity. Satan is the founder and head of all religion. There is a marked difference between these two systems. The Devil is a very religious per son. The fall of Lucifer, whereby he became the Devil, was the result of his attempt to dethrone God and en throne himself (Isa. 14:13, 14). Why did the angel Lucifer want to be like God? He wanted to be worshipped. This is brought out clearly in the testing of Christ in the wilderness (Matt. 4:8, 9). This worship of men’s hea rts, which Satan seeks, will reach its zenith in the Tribulation after the true Church has been caught up from the earth to Heaven. At that time the whole inhabited earth, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life, will worship the Devil (Rev. 13:4, 8, 15). In the meantime, Satan keeps ac tive in the realm of religion. His pro gram never lags, he, whom our Lord called “the prince of this world” (John 14:30; 16:11). Satan’s method of blinding men to the truth is by means of a syncret ism,. The dictionary defines a syn cretism as a union of conflicting re ligious beliefs. It is a movement to unite different religions by seeking
some common ground for coalescence. In the city of Colosse, in Asia Minor, Satan instigated and inspired a phi losophy called Gnosticism. I t was a syncretism made up of Judaistic legalism, Roman paganism, Hellenis tic philosophy, and the vocabulary of Christianity. Mark well, I did not say “Christianity,” but merely the vocabulary of Christianity. By in jecting a little of the right vocabu lary, Satan’s victims fell an easy prey to his new religion. The intel lectual pride of the Gnostics had watered down the pure Gospel of re demption through Christ into a phi losophy. This group, by flaunting its new intellectualism and “science falsely so called” (I Tim. 6:20), led the less educated ones to believe that their neo-gnosticism possessed a su perior knowledge (Col. 2:4, 8). Now who might turn from the re-
The 1966-67 Biola Quartet sings together for their final performance. The youngmen trav elled across the United States and appeared in Bible Conferences and church services for the school for two years. From left to right are Richard Buhler, Rolland Gangsfee, Lyle Jacobson, and Jim Reub. Seated in frontare Dr. Ray A. Myers, Biola Board Chairman, and his daughterMrs. Frances Simonson.
ligion he is practicing to a new syn cretism? The answer is unmistak ably clear! Only that person whose religion is not meeting all of his needs, the incomplete person who is restless and dissatisfied. Never in the history of the human race have there been so many frustrated people. The emotional ills of the masses provide Satan with an opportunity to intro duce a new cult, or a religious syn cretism. Never in the history of the Christian Church has there been such a widespread interest in reli gious mergers. The Devil’s one-world church is coming into international prominence and acceptance. The very heart of this Colossian letter is its doctrine of the pleroma or “fulness.” It is a Divine attribute, so that God is its Author and Source. One of the purposes of the Incarna tion was to make the Divine com pleteness available for our human in completeness. Stating it succinctly, Christ came in order that He might fill us with the fulness of God. But first, we must see this fulness in Christ Himself. So the Holy Spir it says, “For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell” (Col. 1 :19). And then He adds, “For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9). Do not miss this tremendous tru th , namely, that nothing can be added to the God-Man, our Lord and Sav iour Jesus Christ. He is complete in Himself. That is eternally true, for Christ was, is, and ever will be fully God. He is “the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). God purposed that through Christ His fulness should be passed on to you and me. The obvious intentional plan of the Father in sending His Son to earth is that man, being in complete because of sin, might be made complete in Christ. All the ful ness of God is in Him, that from Him it may come to us. This treasure of completeness was placed in the earthen vessel of our Lord’s manhood
that it might be within reach of every man. Don’t turn to any cult or religion when all the fulness is in the blessed Son of God. Don’t run from your marital difficulty to a divorce court when you and your mate in marriage can be made complete in Christ. Don’t contemplate suicide when the Saviour can give you abundant life. Are you weary and tired of your present way of life? Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). * * * The task ahead of us is never greater than the power behind and within us. * * * 'TW A S A SHEEP 'Twas a sheep, not a lamb, that strayed away In the parable Jesus told; A grown-up sheep that had gone astray From the ninety and nine in the fold, Out on the hillside, out in the cold, 'Twas a sheep the good shepherd sought; And back from the cold, safe in the fold, 'Twas a sheep the good shepherd brought. And as earnestly hope and pray? Because there is danger; if they go wrong, They will lead the lambs astray. For the lambs will follow the sheep, you know, Wherever the sheep may stray; When the sheep go wrong, it will not be long, Till the lambs are as wrong as they. And why for the sheep should we earnestly long, And so with the sheep we earnestly plead, For the sake of the lambs today; If the sheep are lost, what a terrible cost Some lambs will have to pay. — 'Alice V. Herron
by Lehman Strauss
T o YOU who are weighed down and weakened by the sorrows of life, listen to this good news: In Christ dwells all the fulness of God, and we who trust Him are filled — full in Him. This blessed God-Man, who is your Saviour, Redeemer and Friend, stands ready and able right now to make your life full and com plete, even in the midst of your sor row. The Bible says that Christ is “full of grace.” Now He would have to be full of grace to condescend to leave His throne in Heaven to come to Bethlehem’s manger. But wonder of wonders, in the condescending grace of His Incarnation, He left nothing at home in Heaven. “In Christ dwell- eth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily,” meaning that even after He took on Him a human body, His ful ness had not diminished one iota. This very moment He is full of grace. But this is not all! Listen further to the Apostle John, “And of His ful ness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1 :16). John is spe cific in applying the fulness to one virtue, namely, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Saviour has an infinite and inexhaustible supply of grace, and it is at our disposal just for the taking. In His absolute Deity, the fulness of His grace is eternal. Out of His unlimited fulness, we be lievers can receive from Him suffi cient grace for the sorrows of life. John says th e re is “grace for grace,” that is, grace upon grace, one measure of grace flowing after another measure of grace, new grace to replace old grace, unbounded, eter nal grace. Have you received Christ as your Saviour and Lord? Are you truly in Christ? If you are, then
claim your possessions. Don’t, allow Satan to cheat you out of a complete life through diverting your attention away from Christ and His grace. Turn to your Saviour, for position- ally, every child of God is “complete in Him.” Take from Him that fresh, constant, unfailing supply of new grace, for out of that fulness, every believer is supplied. His grace is saving grace for sin ners (Eph. 2:8, 9), sanctifying grace for saints (Titius 2:11, 12), and sufficient grace for sufferers (II Cor. 12:9). God may answer our prayers in one of several ways. Sometimes He responds with a direct answer, giv ing us our request almost immedi ately, or shortly thereafter. Then, too, God responds at times with a delayed answer, giving us our re quest, but not until after a lengthy
Reverend John F. MacArthur,a graduate of Talbot Theological Seminary, hasrecently been appointed special representative forthe school. He wil be conductingme tingsand Bible con ferences throughouthe United States, contact ing individuals on behalf of the expanding ministry of Talbot Seminary. Mr. MacArthur is a thirdgeneration minister. His father. Dr. Jack MacArthur, is director of the nationally known "Voice of Calvary" radioand television production.
who puts His grace and power in me.” Listen to Christ again as He says, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” He is not saying, My grace will be suf ficient for thee. If you are in Christ, then His grace is sufficient now. Open your eyes to see what you have, and then open your heart to receive His grace, and you will not ask that your sorrow and suffering be taken from you. On the contrary, you will find His completeness to be your completeness. In Christ the Christian is com plete. Even if your sorrow follows you to your grave, you can die a complete Christian, for your Saviour says, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” He does not promise His ful ness for merely an hour, or a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, but for all the days of your life, and forever. His fulness is the fulness of the Godhead, eternal and unchang ing, sufficient for the entire journey of life.
lapse of time. And finally, God might respond with a denial. But, like Paul, we are slow to accept God’s denials. We make the mistake of concluding falsely that, if we do not get the thing for which we asked, then God did not answer our prayer. But God always answers the prayers of His children, in one way or another. In the midst of his trial, Paul discov ered in actual experience the love of God in action, “grace for grace,” grace upon grace, one measure of grace flowing after another measure of grace, new grace to replace old grace. Sorrow and suffering, as we know them, are far too much for any of us to endure in our own strength. But when Christ’s fulness becomes our fulness all is changed. Then we can say with Paul, “I can do all th in g s through C h ris t which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). Or, as a Spanish edition of the New Testament puts it, “I can stand all things through the indwelling Christ
Pictured in front of Myers Hall are the members of the graduating class of Talbot Theological Seminary. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean, is seated in the front row (center).
by Lehman Strauss
sons, and even professing Christians, who live troubled and restless lives. Some of these latter have little of this world’s goods, others have an abundance; but whether they have little or much, their lives are incom plete. The more they get, the more they want. And if you are one of them, you know what I say is true. We are indebted to Abraham for a rich and rewarding experience which has been recorded for our blessing. Abraham had gone out to B E L I E V E T H E B IB L E There are some who believe the Bible, And some who believe in part. Some who trust with reservation. And some with all their heart. But I know that its every promise Is firm and true always; It is tried as the precious silver, And it means just what it says. It is strange we trust each other, And only doubt our Lord; We will take the words of mortals. And yet distrust His words; But, oh, but what light and glory Which shine o'er all our days, If we always would remember That He means just what He says. — A. B. Simpson battle against the combined forces of several kings in an endeavor to rescue his nephew Lot. God’s servant emerged from that conflict a victor, and returned with Lot and the spoils of the battle (Gen. 14:21-23). Abra ham’s God was the Possessor of Heaven and earth. The earth and the fulness thereof was His, there fore, Abraham was content to draw from that fulness. The Possessor of Heaven and earth of the Old Testament is no 7
I N simplest terms the Holy Spirit declares through Paul, that you have everything when you have Christ. If you accept this at once as an assumed and self-evident fact, then you are well on your way. But if you refuse to accept it because you cannot conceive it or compre hend it, then you must struggle along in your present incomplete and dis satisfied way of life. The fulness of Christ includes goods for the sustenance of life. And I mean to get right down to the necessary material things of life, those everyday commodities which are essential to our very existence. Since the believer has everything when he has Christ, then he shall never have to suffer any shortage of his needs. A security that is based upon money and material things is a false security, thus it cannot leave the heart fully satisfied and com plete. Now I am not deploring wealth, just as long as a man comes by his riches honestly and dispenses them scripturally. It is cause for rejoic ing when we see men and women, dedicated to Jesus Christ, prospering in the things of this life. Riches per se are not evil. Rather, writes Paul, “The love of money is the root of all evil” (I Tim. 6:10). It is the obsession for accumulating wealth which is a root of all evil. “Labour not to be rich” (Proverbs 23:4). But I fear that too many completely ignore the plain teaching of God’s Word, and they will learn, if they have not discovered by now, that money and things do not make one’s life complete. For everyone who is drawing from Christ’s fulness and living trustfully and triumphantly from day to day, there is a great host of unsaved per
other than our Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament (John 1 :3, Col. 1:16). The earth and everything good which fills up the earth is His (Psa. 50:10, Hag. 2:8). What a great God and Saviour we have! Eli jah partook of His fulness when “the ravens brought him bread 'and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook” (I Kings 17:6). David testified of His fulness (Psa. 37:25). The poor widow tasted of His ful ness when He filled her vessels full of oil (II Kings 4:1-7). And think of it! We who have trusted Him are made full in Him. Now the fact that we are complete in Christ does not mean that we get everything we want. It does mean, however, that we-are assured of hav ing every need met. And we might not need a new automobile when we want one, or new clothes when we want them, or a full stomach when we feel like eating (Phil. 4:11, 13). It was when Paul was chained in a prison cell that he said, “I have all, and abound: I am full . . (Phil. 4:18). Christ’s fulness was his ful ness, even under seemingly adverse circumstances, thus he was happy and contented. Regardless of what your financial status in life is at this time, do not fail to grasp the full meaning of the all assuring promise of Philippians 4:19. This great and familiar text, I dare suggest, has not worked for some of you. But do you know why? Let me offer two possible reasons. First, this promise is not given to the unsaved. It has no application whatever to the person who has not received the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit addressed this Epistle “to all the saints in Christ Jesus . . . ” (1:1). Second (and this might sur prise some of you), this promise does not apply to all the saints to whom the Epistle was written. Look closely at both the text and the context. No sound exposition of this passage will allow the disasso
ciating of verse 19 from verse 18. The two verses are in sep a rab ly linked together. Look at it for your self. The offerings from the Philip pian Christians, for the work of the Lord, were given at great sacrifice on their part. They were not wealthy Christians who, like those rich men in the temple of whom Christ spoke, gave “of their abundance,” that is, their surplus or overflow (Mark 12: 41 t 44) . Those saints in Philippi were like the poor widow in that same temple scene, who “cast in all that she had, even all her living.” And according to our Lord’s mathematics, “this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury” (Mark 12:43). Like the offering of that poor widow, the gifts of the Christians in Philippi were “an odour of sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God.” To all such who rely daily on the fulness of Christ, this never- failing promise covers. Are you in Christ? Have you been born again? Is the Lord Jesus Christ your God and Saviour? If you own Christ unashamedly, then be verita bly assured that in Him, who died on Calvary’s Cross, is all the fulness of God, and through your union with Him, that fulness is yours both through all of time and eternity.
Planning programs for the Arizona Bible Col lege from left to right are Mr. Al Sanders, Biola vice president of public relations, Mr. Merv Fishback, executive administrator of the Arizona Bible Colege, and Mr. Vernon Doerk- sen, director of public relationsfor ABC.
by Lehman Strauss
M ore and more , we are seeing a mental and moral breakdown in modem society. Never has there been so much frustration. Never have we counselled with so many un happy and incomplete people. We need to proclaim the old, old story of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ to satisfy this great need. Using Colossians 2:9, 10 as a base of operation, we have pursued a word study of the Greek term pleroma, translated “fulness” in Colossians 2:9 and “complete” in verse 10. In these two verses, the Holy Spirit is stating simply and succinctly that, in the Incarnate Christ, all the ful ness of the Godhead dwells, and that all believers in Christ have access to that fulness. The Christian life is a complete life, and the Christian is a complete man. If there is any lack in God’s children, it is, for the most part, the result of our failure to ap propriate that fulness which is ours in Christ. We should all be deeply thankful to God for every good work and every true worker raised up by the Lord in this hour of the world’s need. If you are saved and in the place of God’s appointment for you, then you are a member of Christ’s Body and therefore a vital and in tegral and necessary part of His program. To each of you this mes sage comes with the sincere prayer that you will remain true to Christ and His Gospel, and find your suf ficiency in Him for this service of life. This business of serving the Lord Jesus Christ is a glorious and re warding work, but it is not without its trials and temptations. The Apos tle Paul said, “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there
are many adversaries” (I Cor. 16: 9). He spoke of “the enemies of the cross of Christ” (Phil. 3:18). Few of our Lord’s servants have been called to pass through trials as severe as those through which Paul passed (II Cor. 11:24-28). And yet, in the face of bitterest opposi tion, he could say, “God is faithful” (I Cor. 1:9). Paul accepted by faith the fact of Colossians 2:9, 10, that God’s fulness was in Christ and Christ’s fulness was for him, thereby enabling him to press on confidently to the end. He made some mistakes, but he never “cracked up” nor gave up. Nor did he allow past failures to drive him from the task to which Christ had called him. Paul kept “file 13” close at hand, a waste basket into which he discarded the excess lug gage of life (Phil. 3:13, 14). In these days of growing opposi tion to Christ’s Gospel, there is like-
Dr. RayA. Myers (left), chairman of theBioia Board of Directors, confers with Dr. Arnold Ehlerf, head librarianfor Bioia College and Talbot Theological Seminary. The Bioia library alwaysappreciates any used books which peo ple wish to invest in the school's ministry.
ceived Christ Jesus the Lord,” that is, in the same way that we received Him, by transferring the confidence we had in ourselves, or in others, to Him, we must now continue. Our best efforts were not enough to save us, nor are they enough to carry us through day by day in service for Christ. At no time can any of us afford to lose our hold on total de pendence upon His fulness. The mo ment a servant of Christ begins to rely upon his own accomplishments, he can expect trouble (Gal. 3:3). Christ’s fulness for service is il lustrated effectively for us in His miracle of feeding the five thousand. To the best of my knowledge, this is the only one of our Lord’s miracles which is recorded in all four Gospel records (Matt. 14:15-21; Mark 6: 30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14). This at once suggests that there is something of importance that we should not overlook. After reading all four accounts, it seems that our Lord, weary from much work, sought solitude for rest, quiet and prayer. However, when He saw the multitude following after Him, instead of being disturbed by the interruption, he was moved with compassion. Matthew, Mark, and Luke make mention of the fact that the disciples requested Christ to send the crowds away. They too were weary, and no doubt limited in their material resources, and would there fore have welcomed a respite from their labor. But the great Provider, in whom all fulness dwells, would not allow the multitude to go away hungry. Out of His fulness He will provide sufficient food for the hungry crowd. But more than this, He will teach His servants that He is their sufficiency for the service of life. The disciples saw the obstacle in the pos sibility, and therefore talked only of their limited resources and how im possible it was to feed so many with so little. Jesus saw the possibility in spite of the obstacle, fed the mul titude, and then showed His faith
wise a growing tendency on the part of Christ’s servants toward discour agement and defeat. In the past five years I have been in touch with more than a score of missionaries and pastors who simply quit their Chris tian activity to return to secular work. One medical doctor returned from the mission field to set up a private practice at home because of “inadequate financial support,” as he himself stated it. A pastor resigned his church to teach school for more money. Another pastor left the min istry to work in an automobile fac tory because he could not take the pressure of the pastorate. Now God only is the Judge of His servants, and each of us must answer for him self at the Judgment Seat of Christ. However, I feel compelled to share with you a verse in the Colossian passage which we have been study ing: “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him” (Col. 2:6). Our continuing in serv ice for Christ is based upon the same prin ciple as our entrance into the family of God. “As ye have therefore re-
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland(left), Biola president, meets with Rev. BernardTravaille,pastor the First Baptist Church of La Crescenta, at a recent gathering on the campus. Pastor Travaillehas completed two decades of min istry in the church and has seen if grow to some 1500 members. Dr. RayA. Myers, Biola Board Chairman, is a member of the congrega tion.
of the writers tell us why the baskets which were filled were twelve in num ber, therefore any reason given would be mere conjecture. But I am going to risk my reputation by shar ing with you the conclusion of my sanctified imagination. I see here the possibility of one full basket for each of the disciples. Their job was to give the Bread of life to the multi tude, and Jesus was urging them to get on with the job, assuring them that as fast as each would empty his basket, He would fill it again. His fulness was their fulness. The ser vant of the Lord is never impover ished as he goes about his Master’s business. To you who serve the Saviour, be assured that Christ’s fulness is your fulness, even when your basket be comes empty. Whatever you need, however serious your circumstance, or desperate your plight, be urgent in prayer. Your Lord is able and willing to provide all your need so that you can get on with your job. Take courage and press on in the Word and in the work (Gal. 6:9).
less servants that He was likewise their sufficiency in carrying out their divinely-appointed assignments.When Andrew and Philip became occupied with the insufficiency of their meager material goods, it was time for Christ to demonstrate His fulness. He commanded the disciples to seat the people, and then taking the five barley loaves, and two small fishes, He multiplied them before the eyes of all of His disciples. Andrew had raised the question, “What are they among so many?” And in so doing, he had completely overlooked the ful ness of the Godhead which dwelt in Christ, a mistake too many of us have made in the past. But Christ’s fulness is not lessened by our lack of faith. And so, with the people now seated in orderly groups, and using the means which were at hand, He gave thanks for the little and multi plied it to feed the many. As I examined the miracle in all four of the records, I noted that each of the writers included the fact that Christ gave the bread to the disciples and left its distribution to the multitude in their hands. After all, this task was both their privi lege and their responsibility, and they needed to learn the precious lesson that whenever God calls a per son to do a job for Him, He equips that person with everything to get the job done. We read in all four ac counts concerning t h e multitude, that “they were all filled.” Philip had talked about every one of them taking a little, but our blessed Lord, in whom all fulness dwells, does not give niggardly. He fed them until they were fully satisfied. And all the while the disciples were witness ing a practical demonstration of Christ’s inexhaustible supply. This was the lesson they needed to learn. But the story does not end at that point. We are told that of the frag ments which remained, there were twelve baskets “full.” Now note that word full. It is derived from the same word translated fulness. None
Dr. Louis T. Talbot (left), Biola Chancellor, and Dr. Ray A. Myers Chairman of the Biola Board of Directors, had the opportunity of participating togetherin the recent commence ment exercises of the school.
The Second Coming of Christ
by Dr. Harold L. Fickett, Jr., Pastor First Baptist Church Van Nuys, California
M any reputable educators today are willing to admit that our Lord Jesus Christ is the master teacher of all time. One of His most effective didactic abilities was that of being able to use scenes and ex periences familiar to His listeners as a means of illustrating profound truths for them. Case in point is that of the story of the five wise and the five foolish virgins recorded in Matthew 5:1-13. This important theological parable is based on the
ding party. As they went along the street, anyone who had a burning lamp could get in the wedding pro cession. Instead of going on a honey moon as couples do today, after be ing married in the home in which they were going to live, the bride and groom hosted a seven-day festive party for all the members of the wedding entourage. When Jesus told this story the peo ple readily understood why the five wise virgins were invited to the re ception, why the foolish virgins were excluded. In using this story our Lord Jesus Christ is calling atten tion to at least four great truths concerning His own second coming. Let us examine these together using a pivotal word as the focal point of each. The first pivotal word is cer tainly. This parable teaches us be yond any shadow of a doubt that the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is a certainty. When the mes senger of the parable cried out, “Be hold, the bridegroom cometh,” the bridegroom came. Make no mistake about this. When that moment in his tory arrives which God the Father has designated for the return of Christ, the Saviour is going to come back. Nothing can prevent this cata clysmic event from occuring. More than 500 specific references in the Scriptures attest to this truth. The second pivotal word is folly. As you and I examine this parable, it seems to shout at us, it is folly for anyone not to prepare for the Lord’s coming. The virgins in the parable who did not prepare for the
Jew ish wedding c u s t o m s w e ll known to all the people of Je su s ’ day. According to those customs, the bride would wait w ith h e r a t te n dants in her home for the coming of the groom. No set time was given for
Dr. Fickett
the wedding ceremony. The fact of the matter is/the groom usually liked to slip up on the wedding party to see if he couldn’t catch them un awares. Sometimes he would even come in the middle of the night in an effort to accomplish this purpose. However, he had to meet one require ment, it was necessary for him to send a messenger before him crying, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh!” The bride heard this cry; she and her attendants would go out to meet him. If his coming was at night, each attendant had to have a burning lamp. If she didn’t have it she was not allowed to be a part of the wed
coming of the bridegroom are called foolish. They are very generous but were victims of their own folly. So it is with the individual who fails to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. In eternity he will be revealed as a fool — one who is vic timized by his own folly. The third pivotal word is identity. QUIET M IN D I have a treasure which I praise; None better can I find; There's nothing like it on this earth— 'Tis this: a quiet mind. But 'tis not that I'm stupefied Or senseless, dull or blind; 'Tis God's own peace within my heart Which forms my quiet mind. I found this treasure at the cross, And there, to every kind Of weary, heavy-laden souls God gives a quiet mind. My Saviour's death and risen life To find it were designed; His love, the never-failing spring Of this, my quiet mind. The love of God within my breast M y heart to Him doth bind; This is the peace of heaven on earth, This is my quiet mind. And what may be tomorrow's cross I never seek to find; My Saviour says, "Leave that to Me And keep a quiet mind." I'm waiting now my Lord to see, So patient and so kind; I want to thank Him face to face For this — my quiet mind. This parable definitely teaches us that the true identity of every in dividual will be revealed at the com ing of the Lord. Look at the story with me for just a moment. Right after the coming of the bridegroom there was no way of telling who the wise and the foolish virgins were. They all looked and acted the same,
however, when the bridegroom came each one was identified as to what she was. Five were identified as wise virgins and five were identified as foolish virgins, and so shall it be with the coming of the Lord for His bride. When the Lord returns every individual is going to be identified as to what he is. His is going to be identified either as a Christian or as a non-Christian. In Matthew 24:40- 41 the Saviour Himself puts it this way, “There shall be two in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” The last of the pivotal words is finality. The most ominous state ments, the most terrifying state ments in this parable, are the words found in verses 10 and 12. They are “the door was shut, I know you not.” You see, the foolish virgins were too late, their fate was sealed. Alfred Lloyd Tennyson, in his poem, Idols of the King, has turned this part of the parable into a song which he has the little novice say to Hie queen when her Majesty had too late dis covered the high cost of sin. Late, late, so late and dark the night in chill. Late, late, so late that we can enter still. Too late, too late, ye cannot enter now, No light had we, for that we do re pent, And learning this, the bridegroom will relent, Too late, too late, ye cannot enter now. Yes, the tragic story of the five foolish virgins, the tragic story of any individual who fails to prepare for the coming of the Lord, can be summarized in the simple phrase, “Too late, too late, too late.” Back in December, 1915 when it appeared as if Britain would lose 13
the first World War, Lloyd George, the Prime Minister in speaking to the House of Commons concerning the slackness of the English people said, “I wonder whether it will not be too late. All are fatal words on this occasion — too late in moving here, too late in arriving there, too lating in coming to this decision, too late in starting with enterprises, too late in preparing. In this war, the footsteps of the allied forces have been dogged by the mocking spector of too late.” One writer in comment ing on this speech, said that it re minded him of Rosetti’s terrible lines, “Look in my face, my name is might have been. I am called no more — too late — farewell.” So every unprepared person with great finality of the coming of the Lord, can say concerning himself, “Look in my face, my name is might have been. I am called no more — too late — farewell.” God grant that Has someone seen Christ in you today? Christian, look to your heart, I pray; The little things you have done or said— Did they accord with the way you prayed? Have your thoughts been pure and your words been kind? Have you sought to have the Saviour's mind? The world with a criticizing view Has watched— but did it see Christ in you? Has someone seen Christ in you today? Christian, look to your life, we pray; There are aching and blighted souls Being lost on sin's destructive shoals. And perhaps of Christ their only view May be what of Him they see in you. Will they see enough to bring hope or cheer? Look to your life! Does it shine out clear? HAS SOMEONE SEEN CHRIST IN YOU TODAY?
no one listening to my voice today will be in this position when the Lord returns. A tourist who visited in the ex quisite gardens in one of the loveliest states in Italy wrote the following account of his conversation with the caretaker. “How long have you been here?” he asked. “Twenty-five years.” “How often has the owner been to see the estate?” “Four times.” “When did he come last?” “Twelve years ago.” “He writes to you, I suppose.” “Never.” “From whom do you get your orders?” “From the steward in Malan.” “Does he come here often?” “Never.” “Who comes then to look after things?” “I am left very much alone, very seldom do I see strang ers.” “Yet, you keep the garden so spic and span that one would think that you are expecting the owner tomorrow.” “Today, sir, today.” Wise is the person who lives his life as if the Lord were going to return today! PEACE Oh for a heart of calm repose Amid the world's loud roar, A life that like a river flows Along a peaceful shore! Come, Holy Spirit, still my heart With gentleness divine; Indwelling peace Thou canst impart: Oh, make that blessing mine! Come, Holy Spirit, breathe that peace, That victory make me win; Then shall my soul her conflict cease, And find a heaven within. JUST FOR TODAY Just for today, my Lord, I ask, For needed strength to do Thy will As I perform each daily task, And all life's varied calls fulfill. O give me, Lord, a lowly heart, A loyal mind, a quenchless zeal, Thy wisdom, peace and joy impart And on my labors set Thy seal.
PANEL DISCUSSIONS with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland and Dr. Charles L. Feinberg
Q . Vallejo, Calif. — “My wife has been sick for many years, and I have been told that we should expect the Lord to heal her. Is this right?” A. This is a commentary on the Christian life that there are those demanding the Lord to do various things. You must have far greater faith in God than you have in your prayers. This is absolutely vital to a victorious Christian life. Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” No one should demand that the Lord heal him. We can and should pray to the Lord, but it is always, “Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, be done.” We have a right to pray for healing but it must be in accordance with the infinite loving will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “Does the word day in Genesis mean twenty-four hours or a thousand years? I f we say that it can mean a thousand years, al lowing for theological ages, then it is confusing.” A. The word day in Genesis has more than one meaning. When God divid ed the light from the darkness, He called the light day. This means light time. This does not mean twenty- four hours, but is the light time. Then we read, “And the evening and
the morning were the first day.” The word day here is different from its first use. The first means day time, when there is light. The second is twenty-four hours. In Genesis 2:4 we read the interesting summation, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.” This is the entire creative activity of God. In the prophetical books we read of the day of the Lord. This is a period of time, com prising the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ, along with the Tribula tion. The New Testament also talks about the day of salvation. That’s been operative for over 1900 years, ever since our Lord died on the cross. There is also the view that one can allow these days to be 24 hours, al lowing for a great gap of time be tween Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. There is a very fine explanatory note in the New Scofield Reference Bible on this. Q . San Diego, Calif. — “A Christian friend told me that because I smoke I will go to hell.” A. No person ever goes to hell be cause he smokes, or is involved in some other practice of a questionable nature. An individual goes to hell 15
Q . Denver, Colo. — I heard a minis ter say not too long ago that it would be all right if you and your husband didn’t get along together to get a separation so long as you didn’t get a divorce. Then he pointed out some Scripture in Corinthians. Can you explain this?” A. It must be a very extreme situa tion when a husband and wife, who have been joined together for life, have to get a separation. While legal ly, it is different from divorce, actu ally it is little different. The passage to which you may refer is I Corin thians 7 :10. How each of us needs to watch that the lines of communica tion are kept open as we read the Word of God together! The easy way out is to run off. The Scripture en joins, “Let not the wife depart from her husband.” The door to forgive ness is always to be kept open. There are so many variables that it is al most impossible to render an ade quate statement without knowing all the facts. Read the first part of this seventh chapter. Neither one is to deprive the other of his or her rights in marriage. The devil is always ready to tempt us. Q . Santa Ana, Calif. — “I need help on II Corinthians 5:17, for when ever I use this verse people will ask me how I became new. Being reared in a Christian home, I cannot point out a time when I felt a definite change in my life. This seems to be a weak spot in my testimony.” A. This verse reminds us that in coming to Christ we become new creatures. It is always a dramatic thing when one can point to the day and the hour when he accepted Christ as Saviour. While you may not be able to point to a specific in stance, the important thing is that with your spirit you are a child of God. Being reared in C h ris tia n homes, many people seem to grow into a personal relationship with the 16
because he does not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour (John 3 ¡IB IS). Without question, a person’s testimony is adversely affected if he is a Christian and smokes. We need to keep in mind, at the same time, that there are some people who are greatly concerned about smoking, yet they gossip and backbite and show anything but a loving Christian atti tude. In God’s sight this is just as wrong if not worse. Q . Escondido, Calif. — “I ’ve heard you say on your broadcasts that in heav en there will be no difference in sex. I believe this is a verse from the Lord’s discussion with those who questioned Him about the resurrec tion. While I don’t doubt the Lord’s statement, yet I wonder how we could then know our wives and they us in heaven.” A. The statement to which you re fer is quoted from Matthew 22:23-33 when our Lord answered the Sad- ducees who did not believe in the resurrection. You are erroneously in ferring by the question that mem bers of the angelic host don’t know each other. Think of Michael and Gabriel as two examples. Note that blessed promise in I Corinthians 13: 12 telling us that we shall know even as also we are known. I John 3:2 reminds us that we are going to be conformed to Christ’s spiritual image. Yes, we shall know our loved ones in heaven. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “I understand that there are many Hollywood motion picture stars who are Christians. Do you permit your students to attend shows featuring any of them?” A. No, we do not. We believe, with a deep sense of conviction, that the motion picture industry typified by Hollywood is morally corrupt. Stu dents sign a statement that they will not attend moving pictures while they are students at Biola.
ligions shows that only Christianity can meet the needs of man’s deepest need. There may be certain moral, patriotic, and personal fe a tu re s which are instructive, but man needs redemption. As an illustration, it may be that some rat poisons are ninety percent corn meal, but the other ten percent is sufficient for killing. Please don’t think that we here at Biola think we are the only ones who have the truth. All those who claim the Bible as the norm, and central truth of their teaching and living have the correct view. Look to such standards as John 14: 6, 17:17, and I John 4:1-4. How can anyone trust his eternal welfare on what some man said? Our basis is the eternal Word of God. The only standard, we repeat, is the infallible Book given by direct revelation of God. He is a supernatural being, and
Lord until they come to the point where they have a vital relationship with the Saviour. The Bible doesn’t tell us that we have to point to a definite time. All we need to be sure of is that know Him now and rejoice in His salvation. Q. Portland, Ore. — “I find your pro grams very inspiring, but there is one point on which I cannot agree. I believe that there is good in all re ligions and that it is not right to condemn others as though you are the only one who has the truth. When there are so many religions, how can one know which is the right one?” A. Do you mean that all religions are on the same level concerning man’s most basic need in cleansing for sin ? If so, then you are incorrect, for an intensive study of world re
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The Biola Fellowship Plan The B iola F ellowship P lan was inaugurated to include all those who have been blessed by the ministry of BIOLA and who have a desire to invest in this work of the Lord on a regular (monthly basis). Con sistent, faithful giving by God’s' people enable us to carry on the many diversified ministries God has blessed since the school’s founding in 1908. The amount of your gift is up to the individual ; faithfulness in giving is what is most helpful in continuing the Lord’s ministry at BIOLA. The B iola B roadcaster , a publi cation consisting of messages, poems and illustrations given on the B iola R adio H our , is mailed automatical ly each month to the members of the B iola F ellowship . You may become a member of this F ellowship by simply filling in the information below and mail ing it to us.
Corinthians 3:9
'For we are laborers together with God.'
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us a further indication of a lack of interest in the things of Christ. See ing all of these signs, we look up, knowing our redemption draweth nigh and cry out, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Q. Portland, Ore. — “What does it mean when the Scripture speaks of carnality? Where is this found?” A. This comes from the Latin relat ing to the flesh. Carnality does not refer to unbelievers who are unre generate. I Corinthians 2:14 refers to the latter while the next chapter has to do with those who have trust ed Christ. The saved are divided in to two groups : those who are living for this world and those living for the glory of the Lord. The former are the carnal. These are people who want their own way and are living
we cannot possibly know Him unless He reveals Himself. Anyone who has the Word of God and follows its plain teaching has the truth. There are many religions because there are al ways many counterfeits if the real object is worth anything. Q . Phoenix, Ariz. — “I have wondered if perhaps all of the trouble and ten sion in the world, accompanied by mental difficulties people seem to suffer, are not signs of the end time. Are there any Biblical passages which would verify this view?” A, Yes, we feel this is a very per tinent observation. There is also a great deal of demon possession in the world today. One of best references to this is II Timothy 3:1-5. There is a whole list of dire conditions which follow. II Timothy 4:3 gives
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Lord was saying was, “If you want to know what God’s truth is concern ing My Messiahship, concerning the message I bring concerning salva tion, give God a willing heart.” Q . San Francisco, Calif. — “Can you please explain the gift of prophecy and its place in the church today.” A. In the Old Testament it was an office as well as a ministry. There were non-literary p rophe ts who, while their messages were important, yet they didn’t write any messages recorded for us in Scripture. The gift of prophecy indicated that a man was especially chosen of God. Strict ly speaking, a prophet was one who spoke God’s message. He was literal ly God’s proxy. In the New Testa ment, our Lord Jesus was the great est of all prophets. Prophecy, in some people’s thinking is restricted only to foretelling. But there is also the other dimension of foretelling. No tice I Corinthians 14:3, “But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and com fort.” Any ministry today which is prophecy in the New Testament sense, needs to include these three points: edification, exhortation, and consolation. Your minister, as he stands in the pulpit, is exercising the gift of prophecy. In this age proph ecy is preaching. Q . Pomona, Calif. — “Please give me the reference in the Bible as to the spirit and soul’s going back to God and the body’s returning to the dust.” A. There is more than one Scripture on this. The first part of your ques tion is answered in Genesis 3:19. The Scripture for the spirit and soul going back to God is Ecclesiastes 3: 21; 12:7. See also II Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23. Q . Tacoma, Wash. — “How did the thief on the cross know anything 19
only for self. Anything that puts God in second place is a sign of car nality. Paul says, “I could not speak to you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal (babes in Christ).” These were in spiritual babyhood. This is a sad commentary on the life of a be liever. Thomas A. Edison said that he could’t allow himself to look at the Atlantic Ocean for it almost drove him crazy. He saw infinitudes of power which were unharnessed. This is also a sad condition to make an analogy for carnal Christians. Q . Wichita, Kan*. — “J am a Chris tian, have been regularly praying and studying my Bible, and, yet I seem■ to feel constantly depressed. Can you give me any suggestions as to what I should do?" A. It is difficult to answer such a question without knowing more of the background involved. Such things as a poor diet, bringing about obesi ty, can cause such unfortunate feel ings. Why not check with your doc tor? We are supposed to live above our circumstances as a life of vic tory in Christ. Jesus. We are more than conquerors! The Bible tells us, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” When one is depressed, he is usually think ing of himself. Keep your mind stayed on the things of the Lord. Think about the love of the Lord and the truths found in His Word. Trust Him for all your problems. Q . Turlock, Calif. — “In John 7:17 it says that if any man will do the Lord’s will, he will be able to know of His doctrine. Does this mean the various doctrines concerning the things of the faith?” A. It is a marvelous thing for a per son to determine to do the will of God. It doesn’t mean, however, that doing the Lord’s will might auto matically make one conversant with all theological matters. What the
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