Q . Denver, Colo. — I heard a minis ter say not too long ago that it would be all right if you and your husband didn’t get along together to get a separation so long as you didn’t get a divorce. Then he pointed out some Scripture in Corinthians. Can you explain this?” A. It must be a very extreme situa tion when a husband and wife, who have been joined together for life, have to get a separation. While legal ly, it is different from divorce, actu ally it is little different. The passage to which you may refer is I Corin thians 7 :10. How each of us needs to watch that the lines of communica tion are kept open as we read the Word of God together! The easy way out is to run off. The Scripture en joins, “Let not the wife depart from her husband.” The door to forgive ness is always to be kept open. There are so many variables that it is al most impossible to render an ade quate statement without knowing all the facts. Read the first part of this seventh chapter. Neither one is to deprive the other of his or her rights in marriage. The devil is always ready to tempt us. Q . Santa Ana, Calif. — “I need help on II Corinthians 5:17, for when ever I use this verse people will ask me how I became new. Being reared in a Christian home, I cannot point out a time when I felt a definite change in my life. This seems to be a weak spot in my testimony.” A. This verse reminds us that in coming to Christ we become new creatures. It is always a dramatic thing when one can point to the day and the hour when he accepted Christ as Saviour. While you may not be able to point to a specific in stance, the important thing is that with your spirit you are a child of God. Being reared in C h ris tia n homes, many people seem to grow into a personal relationship with the 16
because he does not accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour (John 3 ¡IB IS). Without question, a person’s testimony is adversely affected if he is a Christian and smokes. We need to keep in mind, at the same time, that there are some people who are greatly concerned about smoking, yet they gossip and backbite and show anything but a loving Christian atti tude. In God’s sight this is just as wrong if not worse. Q . Escondido, Calif. — “I ’ve heard you say on your broadcasts that in heav en there will be no difference in sex. I believe this is a verse from the Lord’s discussion with those who questioned Him about the resurrec tion. While I don’t doubt the Lord’s statement, yet I wonder how we could then know our wives and they us in heaven.” A. The statement to which you re fer is quoted from Matthew 22:23-33 when our Lord answered the Sad- ducees who did not believe in the resurrection. You are erroneously in ferring by the question that mem bers of the angelic host don’t know each other. Think of Michael and Gabriel as two examples. Note that blessed promise in I Corinthians 13: 12 telling us that we shall know even as also we are known. I John 3:2 reminds us that we are going to be conformed to Christ’s spiritual image. Yes, we shall know our loved ones in heaven. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “I understand that there are many Hollywood motion picture stars who are Christians. Do you permit your students to attend shows featuring any of them?” A. No, we do not. We believe, with a deep sense of conviction, that the motion picture industry typified by Hollywood is morally corrupt. Stu dents sign a statement that they will not attend moving pictures while they are students at Biola.
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