ligions shows that only Christianity can meet the needs of man’s deepest need. There may be certain moral, patriotic, and personal fe a tu re s which are instructive, but man needs redemption. As an illustration, it may be that some rat poisons are ninety percent corn meal, but the other ten percent is sufficient for killing. Please don’t think that we here at Biola think we are the only ones who have the truth. All those who claim the Bible as the norm, and central truth of their teaching and living have the correct view. Look to such standards as John 14: 6, 17:17, and I John 4:1-4. How can anyone trust his eternal welfare on what some man said? Our basis is the eternal Word of God. The only standard, we repeat, is the infallible Book given by direct revelation of God. He is a supernatural being, and
Lord until they come to the point where they have a vital relationship with the Saviour. The Bible doesn’t tell us that we have to point to a definite time. All we need to be sure of is that know Him now and rejoice in His salvation. Q. Portland, Ore. — “I find your pro grams very inspiring, but there is one point on which I cannot agree. I believe that there is good in all re ligions and that it is not right to condemn others as though you are the only one who has the truth. When there are so many religions, how can one know which is the right one?” A. Do you mean that all religions are on the same level concerning man’s most basic need in cleansing for sin ? If so, then you are incorrect, for an intensive study of world re
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The Biola Fellowship Plan The B iola F ellowship P lan was inaugurated to include all those who have been blessed by the ministry of BIOLA and who have a desire to invest in this work of the Lord on a regular (monthly basis). Con sistent, faithful giving by God’s' people enable us to carry on the many diversified ministries God has blessed since the school’s founding in 1908. The amount of your gift is up to the individual ; faithfulness in giving is what is most helpful in continuing the Lord’s ministry at BIOLA. The B iola B roadcaster , a publi cation consisting of messages, poems and illustrations given on the B iola R adio H our , is mailed automatical ly each month to the members of the B iola F ellowship . You may become a member of this F ellowship by simply filling in the information below and mail ing it to us.
Corinthians 3:9
'For we are laborers together with God.'
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