Biola Broadcaster - 1967-10

us a further indication of a lack of interest in the things of Christ. See­ ing all of these signs, we look up, knowing our redemption draweth nigh and cry out, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Q. Portland, Ore. — “What does it mean when the Scripture speaks of carnality? Where is this found?” A. This comes from the Latin relat­ ing to the flesh. Carnality does not refer to unbelievers who are unre­ generate. I Corinthians 2:14 refers to the latter while the next chapter has to do with those who have trust­ ed Christ. The saved are divided in­ to two groups : those who are living for this world and those living for the glory of the Lord. The former are the carnal. These are people who want their own way and are living

we cannot possibly know Him unless He reveals Himself. Anyone who has the Word of God and follows its plain teaching has the truth. There are many religions because there are al­ ways many counterfeits if the real object is worth anything. Q . Phoenix, Ariz. — “I have wondered if perhaps all of the trouble and ten­ sion in the world, accompanied by mental difficulties people seem to suffer, are not signs of the end time. Are there any Biblical passages which would verify this view?” A, Yes, we feel this is a very per­ tinent observation. There is also a great deal of demon possession in the world today. One of best references to this is II Timothy 3:1-5. There is a whole list of dire conditions which follow. II Timothy 4:3 gives

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