Q . Westminster, Calif. — “Can you ex plain Genesis 2:2-3 and Exodus 16: 23 in regard to keeping the Sabbath observed before the law came?" A. Both passages are very important. Having carefully studied Genesis both in this language as well as in the original, I find there is no indi cation of the Sabbath there at all for man. It was God who rested in His perfect creation and not man. This wasn’t a rest because He was weary, for the Lord never gets tired. Where is the command here that man was involved in any way? In Exodus 16 we find the Sabbath mentioned. If the Sabbath had been in existence ever since Genesis 2, why would the Lord have to indicate that the sev enth day was a holy sabbath? In the 16th chapter, the Sabbath is giv en by way of a gift. In Exodus 20:8 it is given as a part of the legal system. Genesis 2 is God’s Sabbath of rest from His wonderful finished work. Exodus 16, the Sabbath is giv en by way of gift before imposition of law. Q . Wichita, Kans. — “I have always been confused when I have heard preachers talk about God’s wrath. The other day I heard it on your pro gram, and I wonder just exactly what you meant by it. It doesn’t seem comparable to God’s love.” A. It is the exact opposite. His love is infinite, as is His wrath. See John 8:18. The condemnation of God has to do with His judgment upon sin and u n r e p e n ta n t sinners. When Christ died on Calvary’s cross, He took the wrath of the Father upon Him as an atonement for our sins. He paid the penalty for our sins so that we through faith in Him do not have to endure the eternal wrath of God. (See Revelation 14:9.) Q . Eugene, Ore. — “In Exodus 20 it tells us to honor thy father and thy mother. I find it most difficult, to 24
Dr. RayA. Myers (left), chairman of the Blola Board of Directors, presents special citations to Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoker upon their retirement from Biola. Each has put in more than 40 years of service. Standing with him from left to right are Mrs. Gordon Hooker, Miss Mabel Cuifer (life long friend of the Hookers and former Biola staff member) and Dr. Hooker.
trovertible fact than Christianity. Religions are not founded upon his tory and geography as is Christian ity. Isaiah 45:22 and Hebrews 11:6 show the importance of faith. Yes, our faith is directly based on fact, yet men still doubt. There is the sinfulness of the human heart cou pled with the attacks of Satan. There is the pressure to conform to the world. Sin brings doubt about God. It has no basis in fact at all. Faith, however, has something to rest upon, the reality of a true and living God. Q . Tucson, Ariz. — “Does God have a body or is He now and will He always be an invisible spirit?" A. The Bible tells us that God is a Spirit gnd they that worship Him in spirit and in truth. No one knows the nature of the Spirit of God. It is hard for us to imagine. There are many things about God we do not comprehend. The Old Testament re fers to His hands and eyes, not that He needs them, but rather to reveal the fact that He is a personal God. This is the best way for us to under stand Him.
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