honor my father as he is an alcoholic and has never supported my mother or the family.” A. This is a heart-breaking situa tion. While we don’t know all of the facts in the case, yet Scripture wants us to show due respect. This man is still your father, although he may be a failure. You don’t have to emulate his actions. It is difficult and it will take the grace of God. You, however, may be used as a tool in the hands of the Spirit to God to show him the Lord’s love, and to lead him to Christ. Q . Laguna Beach, Calif. — “I have al ways been a church person, and therefore I can’t see why I should have such poor health.” A. People have asked questions like this for centuries. No one enjoys experiencing continued pain and suf fering. Yet, we need to keep Romans 8:28 in mind. Sickness is a part of the “all things.” Sometimes health problems come because our Lord is chastening us. We need to profit from such experiences. The Apostle Paul was not healed of the thorn in the flesh for he did not want to be “exalt ed above measure.” Paul assuredly declared, “Most gladly will I there fore rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” If the Lord calls upon you to suffer, count it all joy (Jas. 1:1-5). Q. North Hollywood, Calif. — “Is it wise to allow a child of 12 to be come a church member?” A. If he has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour, there is no reason why he should not. When a child can recognize his sin and need, he has definitely come to the age of accountability, and is able to make a decision. Q . Gilroy, Calif. — “How can Isaiah 19:23-25 be quoted as evidence that the ecumenical movement to unite the churches is biblical?"
Participants in the recent dedication of Biota's Student Union Building are pictured above. From left to right in the front row are Dr. Samuel H. Sutherlandwithstudents Dave Hum phrey, Steve Nickerson, Lyle Jacobson, with Biola Board Chairman, Dr. Ray A. Myers. Standing in the backareDr. J. Richard Chase, academicvicepresidentof Biola, Mr. William Siemens, dean of students, and Mr. Paul W. Schwepker, treasurer and vice president for Biola.
A. It can’t. This portion has noth ing to do with such fallacious teach ing. Such an application is not war ranted by the text. Notice how many times Egypt is mentioned. Don’t be misled in geography. The passage the modernists usually give is John 17 in the prayer of our Lord Jesus for unity. Here, however, He is ap pealing for unity among genuine be lievers. The so-called “world church” is a far cry from this. Q . Yakima, Wash. — “We would ap preciate an explanation concerning Judas Iscariot. Why did Jesus re mark that it would have been good for that man if he had not been bom when He knew all things from the beginning?” A. God the Father, as well as the Son, knew all things from the begin ning. Yet Lucifer, the son of the morning, was allowed to rebel, choos ing evil instead of good. Judas cer tainly missed the mark in his life. It has often been said concerning Hitler and others like him that the 25
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