Biola Broadcaster - 1967-10

parables and pearls


trouble. It’s simply, ‘What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee’ (Psalm 56:3).” The other nodded in agreement, “Yes, that’s good, at least when you’re first starting off in the Christian life. But, you know, I can tell you some­ thing even better. When you have more faith in the Lord, you can just turn that around and claim what Isaiah said, ‘Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid’ (Isa. 12: 2).” Do you see the difference? One says, “When I am afraid, I will trust the Lord.” The other, having gained the victory, confidently affirms, “I will trust and not be afraid.” That’s the blessed promise of the Word of God. For when the Lord puts a burden dn you, He also puts His own arms under you, holding you up. Can you say it today, “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid?’? * Religious differences are not nearly so disastrous as religious indifferences. * * * THE BOOK OF BOOKS It has been well said that, “The Bible is our greatest national asset; the mas­ terpiece of God. It comes to us worn with the fingers of saints through the ages, expounded by the greatest intel­ lects, and stained with the blood of martyrs. The Bible is the old time book, the new time book, the all time book. It will demonstrate its own character and its own power. This is the rock of ages and they who build upon it are safe for eternity. The name of Jesus, the supreme personality, the center of the world’s desire, is on every page in one form or another. Pierce the Book anywhere and it reads that His price­ less blood was shed for our redemption. 28 * *

SIGNS OF THE END ING People frequently ask, “Is there any­ thing in the Bible which gives us some definite information as to when the Lord will be returning?’’ While Scrip­ ture warns about setting dates, we are encouraged to note the signs, which we believe indicate that He can return at any moment. Suppose, while in the midst of rendering the complete work of Handel’s “Messiah”, someone would come in and ask how much longer the performance was expected to go on in the light of the fact that two hours had already elapsed since it was started. A musician might respond with the prediction of five or six minutes, ex­ plaining, “It’s true we’ve been per­ forming this wonderful composition for more than two hours. However, I know it will soon be over because I have the score right before me, and the choir is now singing the last chorus.” You see, the Christian has before him the Word of God. It prophesies, with un­ mistakable signs, the events of the hours in which we live. Again, while we don’t set specific dates, the Lord has told us to be looking constantly for that blessed hope and the glorious ap­ pearing of the great God and our Sav­ iour Jesus Christ. * * * Men may whitewash sin, but only Jesus' blood can wash it white. * * * AN EVEN BETTER VERSE How important it is that we under­ stand the Bible so that in onir daily experience of problems and difficulties we may learn to rely on the Lord. A woman testified to her Christian friend, “I have a very comforting Scripture passage that helps me when I’m in

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