The Bible has all the answers to man’s every need. To find them is our greatest •privilege and opportunity.” With the Psalmist may our hearts re-echo, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart that 1 might not sin against thee.” * Faith, like muscles, will growwith exer cise. * * * A HUMBLE SERVANT Howwonderfully the Lord uses men who are willing to devote themselves humbly to His service! There was a little mission Sunday school started in a resort area where God blessed the faithful teaching of His Word by an elderly blind layman. Although with out physical sight, his spiritual percep tion of the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ was amazing. When it was an nounced that the then president of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, planned to visit the area for a vacation, the city fathers, since this was now the only church, wanted to bring in some well-known minister who held earned degrees as a substitute. When word leaked out to the president, Mr. Coo lidge announced that if the regular preacher were not there, he would can cel his plans to come. So things were left as they were. Because people are naturally interested, the little chapel was jammed to the door the morning the President attended. They say that this faithful blind saint presented a tremendous challenge. When the bene diction was over, he moved back to his chair on the platform, waiting for the church to empty. It wasn’t long after that a strange voice inquired, “Pastor, don’t you think we should leave now?” In humility, however, he answered, “It would be better, I believe, if we showed the courtesy to wait until the President and his party have gone. The people will want to see him.” The stranger went to the platform, and firmly hold ing the saint’s arm, declared, “Pastor, I am the President.” Together, to the chagrin of those who thought so little of the man of God, the two walked out of the church. It’s not always true that down here those who humbly serve the Lord will receive such recognition. Yet God keeps the records. There are many faithful * *
men of the Lord serving Christ in small churches in out-of-the-way places. Difficulties are very apparent. May the Lord strengthen, encourage and sustain you is our earnest and sincere prayer. Remember that blessed exhortation of Scripture, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” * * * An obstacle is something that is seen when you take your eyes off the goal. * * * PRAYER FORAG ING SA INTS “0 Lord, Thou knowest I am grow ing older. I realize it also. Keep me from closing my eyes to the fact. Keep me from becoming a pest, a self-ap pointed sage with the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Keep me from the temptation of trying to straighten out everybody else’s affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Lord, Thou knowest I don’t want to lose all my friends by boring them with the past. “Keep my mind free from the recital and repetition of past experiences and endless details. Seal my lips about my rheumatism and bad back; my aches and pains are unceasing and rehearsing them seems to become sweeter day by day. I don’t ask for improved memory, but for less cock-sureness about the memory of others. Teach me to admit that sometimes I am mistaken. Keep me sweet for sometimes saints seem so hard to get along with. Make me sweet er and mellower as my age progresses. Let me never grow old, only older. May it be said of me. ‘Though our outward man perish, the inward man is re newed day by day.’ ” * When looking for faults, use a mirror and not a telescope. * * * W HO TO REMEMBER The friends of a famous Christian political dignitary who were making a trip to the Holy Land, wanted to bring this friend something from their 29 * *
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