our affections are to be dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. In verses 9, 10, of this chapter we read “Let love be without hypocrisy, abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, be kindly affectioned one to another . . .” And dissimula tion. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another .. .” And in verses 14, 15 we have a diffi cult admonition, “Bless them which persecute you, bless and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Even our emotions, whatever that may mean to you individually, your emotions are to be under the con trol of the Holy Spirit. How deeply are you dedicated to Christ today in your gifts? What is your spirit ual I.Q.? How far have you gone in the things of the Lord? MAN'S SUFFERING E ver since sin entered the world, and separation or alienation from God thereby, human suffering has been the Nemesis of man. Perhaps it has never been so poignantly illus trated, however, as when more than a million men, women and children were destroyed by the intense Asi atic cold. No doubt it was the larg est mass tragedy ever to be wrought by weather. On November 13, 1919 in the city of Omsk, Siberia, a Rus sian admiral by the name of Kol chak had gathered around him the last remnants of the once mighty Russian army and empire. He de cided on that day to withdraw to the Pacific, a distance of almost 5,000 miles across Siberia. His retreating army numbered 500 000 men accompanied by 750,- 000 r e f ug e e s from Bolshevism. Among this group were 25 bishops, 12,000 Or t hodox priests, 4,000 Monks, 45,000 policemen, more than 200,000 ladies of Russia’s aristoc- 33
but that he must have full control as the Word tells us in verse 3. And we find another area in which we are to be brought under control as far as the Holy Spirit is concerned. We see in verses 4-8 of this 12th chapter of Romans that we have many members in one body that have not the same functioning, so it is with us as members of the body of Christ; some are given the gift of teaching while others that of leadership or ruling which they B U T G O D I know not, but God knows; Oh, blessed rest from fear! All my unfolding days To Him are plain and clear. Each anxious, puzzled "W h y ?" From doubt or dread that grows, Finds answer in this thought; I know not, but He knows. I cannot, but God can; Oh, balm for all my care! The burden that I drop His hand will lift and bear. Though eagle pinions tire, I walk where once I ran. This is my strength to know I cannot, but He can,
I see not, but God sees; Oh, all sufficient light! M y dark and hidden way To Him is always bright. My strained and peering eyes May close in restful ease, And I in peace may sleep; I see not, but He sees.
— Annie Johnson Flint
must do with diligence, showing mercy with cheerfulness. Also we are cautioned that those who have the privilege are to do it with sim plicity. Whatever gifts might be listed as of the Holy Ghost are to be brought under the leadership and ministry of the Holy Spirit. What you have received is not your own, it has been bought with a price and has been given to you to be used of the Holy Spirit. Finally we are admonished that
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