2021-2022 Scholastic Education Solutions Catalog





Longer and more complex stories than in Levels G and H, with more highly elaborated information; multisyllabic words arranged in longer sentences and paragraphs that require complex word solving; illustrations enhance meaning but provide less support for under­ standing the meaning of the text.

Informational texts with new concepts and beginning chapter texts with complex narratives and memorable characters appear in Level J. These texts require the reader to problem-solve through a longer text read over several days.

This level includes chapter texts and short informational texts with difficult concepts; readers learn about concepts and events outside their own experiences; readers need to use a variety of strategies to interpret different writing styles.


9NO718412 List $678.65 Your Price $508.99 Titles include: Fly Guy & Fly Girl: Night Fright Arnold · Peter and the Songbird

9NO718416 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Emma and Julia Love Ballet McClintock · Perfect

9NO718417 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Dragons Eat Noodles on Tuesdays Stahl ·

Amato · Unicorn and Yeti: Cheer Up Burnell ...and more

Moby Shinobi and Toby Too: Take a Hike! Flowers ...and more

Taylor · Trees and Me Mann · What Will We Build Today? Durgin-Bruce ...and more

ALSO SEE: Guided Reading A–J Leveled Reading Packs

9NO857951 List $678.65 Your Price $508.99 Titles include: Fly Guy’s Big Family Arnold · Swap! Light · Triangle Barnett · A Trip to the Bottom of the World with Mouse Viva · Who Eats Orange? White ...and more

9NO857952 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Bird Builds a

9NO857953 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Airplane

Nest: A First Science Storybook Jenkins · Charlie & Mouse Snyder · The Library Book Chapin and Mark· Map My Neighborhood Boothroyd ...and more

Adventure Meister · Andy Shane Hero At Last Richard Jacobson · Away Sher · A Raccoon at the White House Dougherty · Rosa Said No Smith ...and more

9NO833649 List $678.65 Your Price $508.99 Titles include: Animales

9NO833651 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Baila con Quique Fondeur · Cinco ovejitas Guerrero ·

9NO833654 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Antenas Canetti ·

nocturnos Marino · Coco, el conejo miedoso Monreal · Los colores de la selva Bennett · Cómo crece una mariquita Marsico ...and more

¡Carmen la estrella! Denise · Discurso del oso Cortázar · Los gusanos de seda Martínez · Un mundo mejor: derechos del niño Varios autores ...and more

Los dinosaurios Weidner · Pan dulce Contreras · El pollito de la avellaneda Rubio · Los ponis Marsh ...and more


9NO805748 List $678.65 Your Price $508.99 Titles include: About Fish

9NO805749 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Animals and Us Alexander · Chameleon! Bishop · Dance! Dance! Dance! Mitchell · Flat Shapes! Solid Shapes! Durgin - Bruce · From Sheep to Wool Craft ...and more 9NO562155 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Go Fly a Kite Cowley · Only One Harshman · Owl at Home Lobel · Rap a Tap Tap Dillon · What’s in Washington, D.C.? Falk · Wonderful Worms Glaser ...and more

9NO805750 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: Amazing Wheat Phillipson · Baby Wolf Batten · The Biggest Babies Auster · Even Steven and Odd Todd Cristaldi ·

ON THE WEB: For full title listings & much more, visit us online at scholastic.com/ guidedreading

Sill · The Crow and the Pitcher Stuart · The Earth Book Parr ·

Families Rotner & Kelly · The First Day of Winter Fleming ...and more

Farmers: Growing the Foods We Eat Mitchell ...and more

9NO562156 List $678.65 Your Price $508.99 Titles include: Baby Dolphin’s First Day Roop · Blackout

9NO562154 List $701.32 Your Price $525.99 Titles include: A Boy Named

MORE Guided Reading Individual Levels on next page

Boomer Esiason · Clifford for President Lapadula · A Dandelion’s Life Himmelman ·

Rocco · Critters in Camouflage Alexander · My Five Senses Aliki · Two Eyes, a Nose, and a Mouth Intrater ...and more

Have You Seen Birds? Oppenheim ...and more


SCHOLASTIC.COM/ GUIDEDREADING · 1-800-SCH-2222 (1-800-724-2222) · FAX US AT 1-800-560-6815

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