2021-2022 Scholastic Education Solutions Catalog

Traits Writing ™ Prepare for Next Generation Assessments now with the revolutionary writing program from Ruth Culham.

INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS 3 W riting 3 A ssessment 3 21st-Century Skills 3 Motivation & Engagement 3 NAEP Standards DEVELOPS 21 ST -CENTURY SKILLS SOLE SOURCE CURRICULUM WRITING GRADE RANGE K to 8

The writing revolution is here.

26 Mentor Texts A collection of fiction and

nonfiction books, and “everyday texts” serve as models for teaching the key qualities of the traits. Books and everyday texts align to a lesson in the Teaching Guide, and most are accompanied by a video of the writer who created it.

Inspired by 25 years of research and the best practices of thousands of teachers, Traits Writing is the only core writing program from Ruth Culham that enriches teacher skills and prepares students for the new generation of assessments—and beyond. Traits Writing is designed for today’s academic world. This curriculum’s innovative approach optimizes every teaching moment. Teachers enhance their skills along the way with built-in professional development tools. At the same time, students build confidence, becoming authentic writers who are ready for college and careers.

Teaching Guide Contains focus lessons, mentor text lessons, warm-up activities, differentiated small-group activities, tips for managing independent writing, and much more.

Ruth Culham, Ed.D. , has written over 40 books and best- selling resources illuminating both writing and the reading- writing connection for countless educators around the globe. Her

Easy to use! Works on any web-enabled device, including: interactive whiteboards, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers

 Implementation Guide Explains the instructional model, the research behind it, and ideas for scheduling instruction and managing the classroom. It provides detailed guidelines for assessing writing using the trait scoring guides, converting scores to grades, keeping records, and reporting progress to parents.

groundbreaking work with the writing traits is the culmination of 40 years of research, practice, and passion. Along with new writing projects, Ruth conducts professional development for schools and districts, and is a contributor and Writing Department editor for the professional journal Reading Teacher .

Student Handbook Includes definitions of the traits and key qualities, worksheets, write-on pages, warm-up activities, “Think Abouts,” author previews, graphic organizers, tip sheets, publishing checklists, and other tools that support instruction in the Teaching Guide.




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