
Central Washington University Board of Trustees October 22, 2018 Action – Approval of Board Policies

In order to support greater transparency and efficiency, trustees may review and revise policies that guide board activities. The review of board meeting requirements in CWU policy suggests the following revisions may be advisable: • CWUP 1-10-040: remove references to a retreat in the summer, to provide greater flexibility, transparency, and efficiency. The board shall elect a chair and vice chair each year at the summer retreat to take office on September 1annually. The chair shall call meetings and preside. In his or her absence, the vice chair shall preside. (See Constitution of the Board of Trustees). • CWU 1-60-070(2): remove references to a summer retreat , and retain language requiring annual elections. The board of trustees shall elect the chair and vice chair. The chair and vice chair shall be elected annually at the summer retreat of the board of trustees, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected. In the event of an interim vacancy in the office of chair or vice chair, successors may be elected to hold office for the unexpired term. • CWUP 1-60-080: remove references to minutes of the meetings of board committees . The Secretary to the Board of Trustees. The secretary to the board of trustees shall give public notice of all meetings of the board of trustees and all meetings of committees of the board of trustees. The secretary shall ensure that minutes are kept of the proceedings of the board of trustees, and the proceedings of all committees. The Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves revisions to CWUP 1-10- 040 and 1-60-070(2) to remove references to summer scheduling of elections and a board retreat; and to CWUP 1-60-080(2) to remove the requirement of minutes for meetings of committees of the board. Submitted: Approved for submittal: We propose the following motion:

James L. Gaudino, President

Linda Schactler, Chief of Staff

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