
b. cost of positions required; c. cost of remodeling space; d. cost of purchasing furniture and other equipment; e. cost associated with moving; f. cost of new promotional and recruitment materials; g. website design costs and other related costs h. cost of faculty and staff time in working out the creation, reorganization or renaming 6. impact on the curriculum and programs across the university 7. criteria used to select the unit(s) for reorganization 8. before and after organizational chart for all units affected 9. implementation plan and timeline 10. potential impacts on tenure/promotion/review processes 11. impacts on students, faculty, and staff a. recommendations from each affected unit (e.g., the number of votes for/against and comments about the merits and weaknesses of the proposal) 12. impact on quality of degree programs, student retention, and graduation rates 13. impact of affected unit(s) on other units and programs 14. impact on external constituents 15. impact on accreditation B. Upon receipt of the proposal, the Executive Committee will proceed in a timely manner to determine the appropriate consultation mechanisms as outlined in Faculty Code Section I.D.2. When proposals are complete as outlined, the senate consultation process will conclude as soon as possible, with a timeline not to exceed 11 academic weeks (excluding summer), unless there is a strong rationale for delaying. The senate consultation process will result in a recommendation and collection of feedback to inform the decision-making process.

Rationale : A new Appendix A is being added to the Faculty Code to provide instruction and guidance regarding faculty consultation in cases of creation, reorganization, or renaming of academic units.

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