King's Business - 1970-11

It is perfecting a Biblical foundation * It is providing up-to-date methodology I It is preparing to meet a world head onl It is proclaiming God’s changeless trutl It is Talbot Theological Seminary

Dr. Robert Thomas, Registrar Talbot Theological Seminary 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California 90638 Graduate School of Biola College

Accredited by Western Association of Schools ana Colleges an Associate Accreditation in the American Association of \theological y M . D i v T h . M


"a message from the editor *

How Much Longer?

by Samuel H. Sutherland

T he newspapers of August 7th glared out the headlines “ ‘Yippies’ Outburst Shuts Disneyland.” The story related that ‘ ‘about three hundred long-haired youths invaded the Orange County attraction” and forced the officials to give “ refunds or rain-checks to almost 30,000 visitors after closing the park.” This is not a defense, neces­ sarily, of Disneyland, but there are principles involved here which would alarm all of us. This rather fantastic amusement park provides wholesome family fun and entertainment for multiplied thousands upon thousands every year, and it is outrageous that 300 young monsters could bring to an abrupt halt the entire operation and send home 30,000 people six hours before regular closing time. One does feel sorry for the hundreds or thousands of children whose parents brought many of them from great distances, to spend the one day available in the park. Their rain-checks will do them no good whatever, for they had to go on to meet their schedules. This is simply another in a long list of incidents in which this lawless irresponsible element of our society is getting by with its idiotic attitudes and actions. The newspaper account stated that “ most of the tourists watched the radical circus with toleration.” Therein lies much of the problem. It is the tolerant attitude toward these hard­ core individuals who are determined to wreck everything that they can possibly touch. It matters little that the leaders of this mob announced that they expected 10,000 Yippies to be present on that day cele­ brating the anniversary of the first atomic bomb attack on Japan dur­ ing World War II, and that only 300 to 350 actually showed up. It was this element that caused the damage and they got away with it. Accord­ ing to the newspaper account, they hoisted a Communist flag atop one of the Disneyland buildings; they marched down the streets cheer­ ing Ho Chi Min and other Communist leaders; they shouted profanity and obscenities which infuriated the mothers with small children, but they could do nothing about it. Many, many leaders of the older gen­ eration in high places have been extremely tolerant, and experience is proving that this is getting us absolutely nowhere. Disneyland has had an unwritten policy not to allow any long-haired or bare-footed characters within the park. But this year it was modified in the effort to show toleration. This episode was the result. One is reminded of a similar experience two or three years ago, when Cal State College at San Fernando Valley tried to show tolerance and co-operation with this same type of black young people. They NOVEMBER, 1970

Paul’s sn S nM M P p to Timothy rings cleat through nineteen hundred years, and still today the Scriptures have power, for young and old alike, “to make thee wise unto salvation.” For nearly four hundred years — longer than any other— Cambridge University Pressh is held the privilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, the Holy Bible.



NOVEMBER, 1970 / Vol. 61 / No. 10 Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home THE KING’S BUSINESS LA MIRADA. CALIFORNIA 90638 THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine is a publication of BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, J. Richard Chase, President.

admitted an appreciable number of the blacks regardless of whether the young people had academic qualifications to enroll. The second day that they were enrolled in the college they marched to the Presi­ dent's office and presented a list of impossible demands! And when these demands were not met forthwith, bloody riots resulted. Riots on the College and University campuses across the country have occured because of a tolerant attitude toward rioters both on the part of administrative leaders, faculty members and many of the “ straight” students themselves. This tolerant attitude reaches clear up to the Warren Supreme Court in the decisions which it rendered, aiding and abetting this very element, and hampering the efforts of the police on every level. Thse judicial pronouncements trickle down from the Su­ preme Court through the various lower courts until these criminals are the ones who are protected and the law-abiding citizens become the victimized culprits. In the final analysis, the older generation is largely to blame for this very condition illustrated by the Disneyland episode. The news­ papers told recently of the fact that certain bills are locked up in committees of Congress because the Congressmen are afraid to have to vote on these bills before the forth coming election. These are bills which would strengthen the law enforcement agencies, and impose stricter penalties on these young characters. But weaklings that they are, many of these Congressmen are afraid of their constituents if they stood up to be counted for good, solid Americanism. We are to blame. There are many situations existing in the country that we all are unhappy about. But it is tragic indeed, when we vote a straight- party line without realizing the ideological positions of these men for whom we are voting. And there is one over-riding issue at stake, and that is, how long are we going to be tolerant toward these individuals who are doing everything possible to destroy our beloved land? They are actively at work on the college and university campuses of our country right now. All too many of them have crept into our churches to preach their nefarious ideologies. And although our legislators and jurists should in no wise be considered as Communistic traitors to our country, yet they are encouraging this traitorous situation by their tolerance to­ ward it. We can do something about it! We can demand clear-cut state­ ments from our candidates for the various offices at the forth coming election. And, we can vote for the all-American candidate rather than the wishy-washy type of individual who is doing nothing and will do nothing to make this country of ours a safe and wholesome place in which to live. Please do not think for a moment that we are engaging in politics as such. Revolutions have been started and won by a mere handful of hardened activists because the vast majority of the people were tolerant toward their program and activities. The next revolution in these United States could well be fought over the theological position of the coming generation. We are fighting for the right to maintain the freedom of worship according to the dictates of our hearts and consciences. It is one thing to allow these Communists the right to proclaim their ideologies, but it is another thing altogether when they endeavor to take over so that they might deprive us of that right. And if they get away with it, we have absolutely no one to blame but ourselves. God grant that we might carry on our program in such a way, that we will be able to continue to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ in the years that lie ahead without fear of persecution. God grant that it might ever be thus. KB


Fire Inside / Horry Rimer Power Encounter / Clyde Cook Eskimos, Evangelism and Ecology /

5 8

Mildred Vandenburg 10 . The Necessity of Christian Colleges Today / Roy B. Zuck 12 Enter / Ruth Hockett 14

Generation Gap—Truth or Myth / William S. Deal 16 What's in a Nickname? / Dick Hillis 27 Profitable Bible Study for You / Gordon Chilvers 34 The Navajo Indian, Then and Now / Vena E. Howard 38 Report on Church Educational Ministries 40


Message from the Editor / Samuel H. Sutherland 3 Cults Critique / Betty Bruechert 6 Dr. Talbot's Question Box / Louis T. Talbot 18 Christian Workers' Clinic / Ray Syrstad 30 Book Highlights and Reviews 32 Over a Cup o f Coffee / Joyce Landorf 36 Talking it Over / Clyde M. Narramore 41

COVER: Under the direction o f Rev. Clyde Cook, the Biola Drama Team traveled many miles this past summer on an evangelistic tour using the tool of drama. See story on page 8. Editor: S. H. SUTHERLAND Managing Editor: BILL EHMANN Art Director: JOHN OZMON Copy Editor: BETTY BRUECHERT Circulation Manager: LOUISE POND Treasurer: PAUL SCHWEPKER Subscription .Rates* THE KING'S BUSINESS is pub­ lished monthly with the exception of July/ August issue which is combined. U.S., its posses­ sions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Add 90 cents extra for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Allow one month for a change of address to become effec­ tive. Please send both old and new address. Remittances should be made by bankdraft. ex­ press, or post office money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For informa­ tion address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSI­ NESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consid­ eration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California.




Special Review o f the Book FIRE INSIDE by MIGNON BRANDON RIMMER The biography, ‘ ‘Fire Inside,” is the life story of Harry Rimmer, writ­ ten by his widow, Mignon Brandon Rimmer. The very name, Harry Rimmer, recalls to the minds of countless thousands of people the influence that this man of God had during the first half of this cen­ tury— an impact second to none! Harry Rimmer excelled in many types of athletics; he was an ardent student of the Word of God; he was a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus Christ; he was a public speaker par excellence; and he was absolutely fearless in the face of unbelief, skepticism and skeptics. He had the truth in his heart and head and an uncanny ability to confound the skeptics in public debate. On a number of occasions, he was able to turn extremely hostile audiences into cheering admirers because of his wit, logic, and above all, his monumental knowledge concerning the Word of God as well as every other area of learning to which he put his mind and attention. He was a most unusual person, able to present the message of the Word of God in a most unusual and convincing manner, and this is but a little glimpse of the caliber of the man whose life is depicted in the book, “ Fire Inside.” Mrs. Rimmer has the happy abili­ ty to capture the personality of Harry and put it into words. The book is filled with anecdotes con­ cerning him, any one of which would make a beautiful illustration in a sermon. The unfolding of the Lord’s leading in his life is beauti­ fully depicted. The open doors in his experience, and the closed doors also, reveal how the Lord was molding and making Harry Rimmer into a man whom He could use and did use in a mighty way for years in the defense and proc­ lamation of the Gospel. Those con­ versations and events in Harry’s NOVEMBER, 1970 Cont on page 32

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by Betty Bruechert

S ometimes one wonders if there is such a thing as a “ cult per­ sonality.” So many people leave one false system and go right into another. For instance, the founders of Unity, Charles and Myrtle Fill­ more, originally were Christian Sci­ entists, who broke with Mrs. Eddy, went into the New Thought move­ ment, and ended up by starting their own cult which incorporated many of the heresies of the other two as well as their own specialties. Herbert Armstrong with his World Tomorrow began as a Seventh-day Adventist, took up Anglo-lsraelism, and now has added bits and pieces of many false systems to his hodge­ podge religion. Another who has jumped from the frying pan into the fire is Paul Freiwirth whose brief autobiography, “ Why I Left the Seventh-day Adventists” has been published recently. Besides the author’s personal story, it is an expose of SDA. Con­ verted to this sect as a teenager, Mr. Freiwirth attended an SDA col­ lege, and served for years as one of their ministers, missionary pro­ motors, teacher and editor. Finally becoming disillusioned with their inconsistencies and hypocrisies, he defected and in the volume tells it THE KING’S BUSINESS

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TO Darkness as he felt that it was. While this book cannot be compared with the writings of ex-SDAs like Canright and Jones, who brought the here­ sies of the cult under the light of God's Word, this volume could have been valuable were it not for one tragic fact. Whereas Messrs. Canright and Jones, after their K • break with SDA, went into the Gos­ pel ministry, Mr. Freiwirth has turned to the occult systems of Rosicrucianism, yoga and astrolo­ gy, to which he refers to as "the light” and “ the Pearl of Great price of Christian Religion.” We found this statement on page 10 to be very sad: “ It was fear more than anything else that drove me into the fold of the Adventists, although I did derive a certain satisfaction from the belief that I was one of a small minority who served God in accordance with His will. To be sure, members of the orthodox Protestant group I had forsaken made efforts to set me straight but their methods were not wise.” I looked in vain in this book for a testimony to the fact that the au­ thor had ever received Christ as his personal Saviour. This would ac­ count for all that has followed. KB * t y ► « l

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POWER ENCOUNTER b ff Clyde Cook Rev. Clyde Cook is director of the Missions Department at Biola College.

W hat happens if no one ac­ cepts?” “ I would be very with the power of God.” “ Are you sure that someone will accept your message?” “ Yes, I believe that God has spoken to some of you here to­ night.” The power of the gospel was up against 20 young Indian Hindus, Muslims and Zoroasters. The set­ ting was a party these young adults were having on the 13th floor of an apartment near Bombay, India. They had asked me to present who Jesus Christ is and what He did. They listened to me carefully and asked questions as Christianity was new to them. Then the leader threw out the challenge as to whether it would work among them. It was a power encounter: the Gospel versus their unbelief. And the Gospel won, as three of their number commit­ ted their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many others said they would investigate further. This incident was just one of many as the power of the gospel presented by the B io la K in g ’s Players transformed thousands of lives this summer. For the third year the King’s Players toured Asia, presenting the Lord Jesus Christ through the play “ Revolt at the Portals.” The per­ formance presents six characters who have just died and are await­ ing news of their eternal destina­ tion: R. A. Tycoon, a business executive; Sadie Sunshine, a hypo- 8

chondriac; Rip Daren, a young swinger; Mrs. Bessemer, a high so­ ciety woman; Miss Alquist, an athe­ ist, and one true believer, Jenny Smith, who come into the office of Mr. Peters to see if they will go through the door to heaven or the one to hell. There is a lot of comedy in the first part of the play, written by Roswell Rodgers, but the tension builds to the final overpowering scene where the reality of heaven and hell is presented so vividly. An invitation to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives is then given. Thousands have responded and prayed with the members of the cast. This summer almost 4000 re­ sponded to the invitation to receive the Lord. Each of these has a mar­ velous story of God’s grace in his life. Take, for example, Ignaous George, age 13. He approached Robin Baker and said, “ My name is Ignaous George, but you can just call me Iggy.” Robin introduced him to the Saviour and Iggy was so thrilled about his new-found faith in Christ that he “ bugged” his older sisters to come and see the play. Two came that night and trusted Christ, another sister the next night and another the follow­ ing afternoon, and then eight of his friends. Talk about becoming an instant soul winner! There was also the principal of a school, who asked “ How can we be sure we are going through the

gold door to heaven?” One Stephen said, “ I am like your character Mrs. Bessemer. I go to church and try to be good, but I do not know God. I feel ashamed. Please would you show me the way to know God.” A businessman, asked, “ Can a busi­ nessman really be a Christian?” When he heard the answer, he prayed and asked Christ into his life. A very special privilege is meet­ ing people who have trusted the Lord on previous King’s Players’ tours. This summer we met Mrs. Junday, who committed her life to Christ at a performance in 1969. Since then, she has led her son and her husband to the Lord. Mr. Junday was a strong Hindu but saw the difference that Jesus Christ made in his wife’s life and so he too became a Christian. Mrs. Jun­ day had been raised in the church but never was told that she needed to trust Christ. She said, “ The first time I heard about receiving Christ was when the King’s Players came to Hindi High School.” The whole Junday family has been baptized and are members of a good evan­ gelical church in Calcutta. Another existing story is that of Professor Rodriguez who teaches International Relations at one of the most influential and explosive uni­ versities in Calcutta. Last year someone brought him to see “ Revolt at the Portals.” Af­ ter the play, he sought me out and indicated that although he had THE KING’S BUSINESS

surprised because we are dealing

achieved his goals in life, still his life was empty. I told him about the abundant life that Jesus Christ offers and he invited Him into his life. Two weeks later I received a re­ port that Professor Rodriguez was "just aglow for Jesus.” Upon ar­ riving in Calcutta this year, I asked about him, and the report given by the YFC Director, Vijayan Pavamoni, was, “ I have never seen a person grow in the Lord so much in one year.” Praise God! Professor Rodriguez was the All- India debating champion in college, has a law degree and a Ph.D., and now he is using that experience and skill for the Lord. He has led many to the Lord and is leading a num­ ber of Bible studies on various campuses. Every Sunday afternoon he meets with student leaders from a number of universities. He recently wrote, “ I am amazed at how great an expense in time, effort, finance and prayer the Lord put you through in order to cross more than half the world to save miserable men like me. You have come almost to the uttermost parts of the earth to save a sinner. The countless wonders and mercies of our God ever since that 5th July night in 1969 never cease to thrill this child of God who was once so great a sinner. (If you only knew what you helped save!)” We could go on and on about the power of God in the preaching of the Word through this method. The King’s Players have present­ ed the Lord Jesus Christ now in Okinawa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bur­ ma, Thailand, India, Ceylon, Singa­ pore, the Philippines and Guam. Over 200,000 have seen the play; about 40,000 have been counselled and 10,000 have prayed and com­ mitted their lives to Christ. Besides this, tens of thousands of tracts have been distributed, and almost 20,000 have signed up to study the Bible through a free course that we offer. Future plans include Africa, the Caribbean, the South Seas and South America. Rejoice with us in the great things God has done. KB NOVEMBER, 1970

Steve Scott counseling.

Dave Judge sharing his faith in Jesus Christ in India.

Mrs. Junday and young man, both received the Lord in 1969 visit of the King’8 Players.

Professor Rodriquez and Clyde Cook

Judy Westbrook and Debbie Small explaining the good news to Chinese girls in Hong Kong.

Ruth Thune sharing with Indian girls how they can have eternal life.

Sue Wallis and Debbie Small in a scene from the play.

Mr. Clyde Cook counseling an inquirer.

Sonny Westbrook and young be-

Part of the crowd of 3000 that saw the play


in Burma.


ings, cut through fur-lined clothing, parkas, woolen socks, and heavy boots. There are no roads anywhere and no paved streets. Water is hauled in frozen blocks from rivers or springs. No trees are seen except scragly spruces along river banks, for tree roots can­ not penetrate the perpetually-frozen earth. Emergency communication to the outside world is limited to short-wave radio. Cargo is shipped from Seattle only twice a year, during the summer. Thus needs must be anticipated and paid for in advance— lumber, machinery, food, clothing, medicines, school supplies— or flown in by expensive air freight. Heating fuel for church and home costs the Shields around $150 a month. Electricity bills run from $90 to $100 in the winter months. In mid-summer, perpetual daylight 36 straight days upsets routines, eating and sleeping. Thawing of plants in the tundra at ground surface causes buildings to shift and crack. The Shields felt a special call to serve the friend­ ly, good-natured people at the top of the globe. In addition to their need for the love of Christ, a hope, a destination, and purpose in life, the American Eskimos need spiritual guidance through a trying period of transition and adjustment from the primi­ tive to the space age. And they need personal con­ tact with Christians who care. Harley Shield has been ministering to Eskimos in Alaska over four years. Each month he travels by plane, outboard, or sno-machine sled to four other villages and to Barrow, the most northern point in Alaska and largest Eskimo village in the world. Before the Shields were called into the ministry, Harley taught school on the Hoopa Indian Reserva­ tion in northern California. There he was converted, called into the Lord’s service, and worked at the Hoopa Baptist Mission for twelve years. “ Working with Eskimos is similar to working with Indians. My years at the reservation in California proved good training for Arctic bush living. Our chil­ dren, ages 11 to 21, are well-adjusted to living with natives. Three were born on the Hoope Reservation, and the others were reared there.” The two eldest, Bonnie and Ted, are presently attending collage at Riverside, California. The others attend the 12-grade public school in Kotzebue. They all love the winter sports in Alaska. The family has nothing but praise for their adopted homeland, with one minor exception. The Shields are all musicians. Harley plays the guitar, Martha the piano and accordion, and the children play wind instruments. The Arctic climate is hard on musical instruments, causing sticky keys and un­ stable pitch, they told me. “ There are no saloons in Kotzebue,” states Mr. Shield, “ no smog, no rioting, demonstrations, strikes, marijuana or LSD. There is beauty in God's heavens: long rosy twilights in spring and fall; a kaleidoscope of vivid colors in the Northern Lights on cold, clear

Harley and Martha Shield

Eskimo grandmother and child


Brother Shield chatting with church members at a Wednesday fellowship meeting in Kotzebue. by Mildred V andenburgh B efore I visited the Arctic, “ From Greenland’s Icy Mountains” were only words in a song to me. Then when I flew to Alaskan villages north of the Arctic Circle, I wondered why missionary Harley Shield moved his attractive and talented wife, Martha, and their six children from sunny California to Kotzebue, Eskimo trading center and polar bear capital of the world, 35 miles north of the Arctic Circle. With mis­ sion fields all over the globe, why did he choose Alaska? The Arctic is as rigorous for human life as any place on our planet. Temperatures go down to '50°. Long winters are without sunlight. Howling winds and blizzards, which pack snowdrifts to the tops of build­





well-adjusted and skilled whites. Unem p loym en t among Eskimos is highest in the nation. Living stand­ ards are lowest. Average income is less than 20% that of white workers. Parents perceive that modern education lessens their young people's ability to perpetuate their tradi­ tional pursuits and disrupts time-honored close fami­ ly ties. To illustrate: Compulsory education laws pre­ vent Eskimo boys from accompanying their fathers on winter trapping expeditions. Thus the men are isolated from their families; boys are not learning this native vocation, and family incomes are reduced. Eskimos who have conformed are working suc­ cessfully in the fields of mechanics, electronics, weld­ ing, radar, sanitation, defense, arts and crafts. The resolute become lawyers, educators, merchants, avia­ tors and congressmen. But those who are unwilling or unable to adjust to our clock-and-calendar economy rely principally upon welfare and unemployment bene­ fits. They unload ships, hunt, fish and trap in season. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Public Health Service are providing schools, free lunches, boarding dormitories, vocational training, adult education, hos­ pitals, clinics, traveling doctors and nurses. Some small low-cost houses are being built. Water systems and electricity are being installed in a few of the small villages. There is a crying need for sewers, roads, more medical care, and training in sanitation and home making. In the past, costs for the government to meet the needs have been prohibitive. But the recent oil bon­ anza has made Alaska the richest state in the Union. A gigantic pipeline is being planned to transport oil from the Arctic coast to the Gulf of Alaska, 800 miles across the state. Already millions of acres of wilder­ ness have ben destroyed. Several-native villages in the pathway have instigated lawsuits. Those new oil rigs at Prudhoe Bay are not far from Harley Shield's mission field. How will they affect his labors? Will capable native administrators and organiza­ tions share in the management of land development and mineral leases for the benefits of their people? Or will the needy, exploited Eskimos continue to be treated as incompetent wards, to subsist indefinitely on welfare? If the Eskimos are not granted equal opportunity in their own land, how can our missionaries convince them that the “ white man’s God” is a loving Saviour of all humanity, in whose sight every soul is equally precious? There is an old saying: “ What you do speaks louder than what you say.” Let us pray that decisions about uses of the mil­ lions in oil leases and the method of delivering the liquid gold will not be based upon greed and dis­ crimination, but upon fairness and retribution. Then the seed planted by our missionaries in the frigid Arctic will surely bring forth an abundant harvest. ---------------KB Photographs by Louise Yarbrough, Alaska Travel Divi­ sion, and the author. 11

nights; the nearness of moon and stars, and their reflection on the snow. In the spring, the tundra bursts forth with 300 varieties of wild flowers. “ Jets transport passengers, mail and freight to and from Anchorage and Fairbanks every day. Re­ sponse to emergencies is swift by short wave radio and plane.” The Baptist Church, one of five denominations in Kotzebue, was built in 1956, with parsonage at­ tached. An average of fifty attend Sunday school. Worship services are held Sunday mornings and Sun­ day and Wednesday evenings. Each summer, children are led to Christ at Vacation Bible School and at youth camps. Trained college students assist, spon­ sored by campus student union organizations and the Southern Baptist Home Mission Board. In March, a three-day Arctic Bible Conference is attended by Christians from seven neighboring villages. They come by dog sled, snow machine, boat, airplane, and on foot. This spring the Conference was held in Kotze­ bue. A previous one was held at Shungnak in a log cabin mission built by a youth team from Tennessee. Bob Lee, a dedicated Christian native, is ministering in Shungnak and Kobuk, villages east of Kotzebue. Miss Valeria Sherard, a missionary at Kiana for eight years, rotates with the Mr. Shield in visiting the various villages. To a minister in this frigid climate, it is heart­ warming when Eskimos accept Christ as their per­ sonal Saviour and seek baptism in water the tempera­ ture of ice water in our refrigerators; when marital problems are solved through total surrender; when college students bone up on dialects and spend their vacations leading others to Christ; and when young men respond to a call to serve as missionaries to their own people. "Our greatest need .is for Eskimo men to be raised up to preach the gospel in Eskimo to Eskimos," missionary Shield told me. Fishing and fur trapping with modern equipment and techniques are principal industries of white Americans, in competition with the Eskimos' crude oomiaks, traps, and harpoons. The state government has been selecting 103 million acres to use or to sell to homesteaders, from public domain. Some of the choice areas are home­ lands and hunting grounds of natives, who have been granted neither deed nor title. We are forcing the Eskimo to adjust to our “ civil­ ization” by usurping his habitat and destroying his ecology. We have robbed him of his source of protein diet and substituted alcohol, starches, and sweets. From his underground igloo of whale bone and sod he has moved to thin-walled frame shacks which lack ventilation and insulation. Tuberculosis and syphilis have taken their toll. Infant mortality is twice that of whites. Life expectancy is less than 35 years. Aver­ age education is fourth grade. We are relocating their youth to urban areas to compete for employment with


Who can deny that the nature and climate of education on many secular campuses has changed in the last several years? Student unrest and violence are commonplace. Lack of discipline and respect for authority is universal. Immorality is almost taken for granted. Un-American and anti-Christian ideologies are promulgated freely. These factors are frightening when we consider these words of Aristotle: “ All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.” It is because of this kind of educational climate that I am more convinced than ever of the necessity of Christian colleges. I would like to suggest three reasons why I believe in the Christian college. (I'm using the term “ Christian college” in a general way to include not only Christian liberal arts colleges but also Bible institutes and Bible colleges. Also, my re­ marks should not be taken as speaking against secu­ lar colleges or public schools. Certainly a strong Christian witness is needed in more secular colleges through Christian faculty members and students.) 1. Scriptural Perspective on Life. We are living in a day when people think they can get along without the Bible and without God. As a result, they are floundering and have no rudder for their souls. They are trying to find answers to their spiritual problems but they have forgotten God. They are like a man trying to open a safe after he has thrown away the combination. Only a Christian school can meet this need in college students’ lives for a Biblical perspective on life. If a student is not taught the Bible and led to know Jesus Christ, he misses the very basis of knowl­ edge and wisdom. According to Proverbs 1:7, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” In the Hebrew, the word translated beginning can also be rendered head, summation, or capstone. Without a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, we are in an educational vacuum and a spiritual void. A graduate of a secular college lamented, “ College gave us spokes, but no hub.” Irving Jensen, a Christian college Bible professor, wrote, “ The written revelation of God alone plumbs the depths of the secrets of life and living as it offers to man the keys to life everlasting and abundant. The speculative philosophies have nothing eternal or dependable to offer man.” C. Hoyt Watson, of the Seattle Pacific College, wrote the following regarding his training in a secu­ lar college: “ Mine was a long, arduous, painful task to build a reasonable foundation for my faith. Except for help outside the school, I was in a battle all along. . . . I was not given assistance in building a rational foundation for my faith. This has long since been done. But it was in spite of my teachers in the secu­ lar college. Had I attended an evangelical Christian college, I would have had sympathetic, yet scholarly, THE KING'S BUSINESS

The Necessity of Christian Colleges Today

by Dr. R oy B . Zuek Executive V ice-President, Scripture Press Foundation, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

y 1980, college enrollment is expected to climb ; from the present 7 millions to 11 millions. This is more than the number of students who attended college in the whole world in the entire 19th century! In the face of this growth, school administrators are wondering where to secure finances for these stu­ dents, academic deans are searching frantically for faculty members to teach these students, and bull­ dozers are digging dirt to construct facilities to house and feed these students. But a far greater problem that ought to concern all of us is the question: What kind of education will these millions of students re­ ceive in the 70’s? 12

help in relating my academic study to my faith and experience. . . . My understanding of the Bible was limited, and my knowledge of the proper way to study the Bible was negligible. Such understanding and such knowledge could have been gained at a Chris­ tian college.” In a Christian school, the Scriptures are the foun­ dation on which Christian education is built, the back­ drop against which all other subjects are to be viewed, the framework within which all else is to be inter­ preted, and the core around which all other subjects are to be integrated. The Bible is to permeate and penetrate our approach and our interpretation of the truths in other fields of study. The Bible is not like a garage attached to the house, but it is the founda­ tion on which the house is built. It is for this reason that I greatly appreciate the requirement that all Biola College students take 32 hours of Bible and doctrine. Dr. John Blanchard, Executive Director of the Na­ tional Association of Christian Schools, has stated the following: “ Can education be to the glory of God if science makes no reference to the Creator? Can edu­ cation be Christian if history makes no reference to the King of kings? Can education glorify God if litera­ ture is studied apart from a Biblical critique of man’s writings?” I would add the following questions: Can educa­ tion be Christian if it causes a student to lose con­ fidence in the Bible rather than to gain confidence in it? Can education be desirable if it causes students to turn from God rather than to God? Can education be Christ-honoring if it teaches that man is inherently good, does not need salvation, that morals are rela­ tive, God is dead, the Bible is no longer needed, the church is passe, and heaven and hell are myths? There is a story of a man who, after a nuclear holocaust, picked his way past the rubble and over the scorched earth until he reached a huge deserted apartment building. He entered the building and climbed a staircase up to the top story in the build­ ing. He stumbled along a long corridor, and happened to turn off into a room. There, to his surprise, he saw a man sitting on the sink, holding a pole and fishing in the bathtub. He informed the fisherman, “ You won't catch any fish in there.” The man very calmly replied, "I know it,” and continued fishing. This is a picture of the secular world trying to find meaning and significance and perspective in life apart from the Word of God. The Christian college has a distinct advantage: It knows where to put the fishing line in for truth. As Dr. Vernon Grounds, president of the Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, Denver, Colorado, has stated, “ We are not in pursuit of the truth; we are in possession of the tru th .” In a secular school a student generally learns only the secular viewpoint on life but in a Christian school he can view life from a Christian standpoint and at the same time analyze the secular world from that Biblical perspective. NOVEMBER, 1970

2. Spiritual Purpose in Life. Dr. Grayson Kirk, former president of Columbia University, has made this statement: “ The most im­ portant function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual.” But we would ask: To develop his personality in what ways and accord­ ing to what values? One of the distinctives of the Christian college is its capacity for helping to develop Christlike person­ ality, that is, for developing the character of Chris­ tian young people by instilling spiritual values. How unlike this are many young people today, who see no purpose in life and who are on the brink of despair. A 19-year-old wrote to the New York Times, “ I face the possibility of getting killed in the war. As an urban dweller, I face getting killed in riots or killed by a mad gunman. I face getting annihilated in a nuclear holocaust.” In other words he was exclaim­ ing, “ What’s there to live for?” George Wald, professor of biology at Harvard University, has written a frequently reprinted article entitled “ A Generation in Search of a Future.” In the article he summarized, “ What we are up against is a generation that is by no means sure it has a future.” According to Manning Patillo of the Danforth Foundation, “ All colleges are suposed to help stu­ dents forge a philosophy of life. It is the business of colleges to assist students to find meaning in human existence and to arrive at sound principles for the guidance of their lives.” But do all colleges fu lfill that function? I believe that only the Christian college can adequately fu lfill this need for spiritual purpose and the development of the spiritual life. But how can it do this? In three ways: A. By the application of Scripture to life. Not only is Scripture to be integrated into every subject of the curriculum; it is also to be integrated into every segment of the conduct. One is the primary respon­ sibility of the faculty and the other is the responsi­ bility of both the faculty and the students. A Chris­ tian college can and should help a student know the facts of the Bible and also lead him to live in con­ formity to and in harmony with its truths. B. By the cultivation of spiritual habits. Personal Bible study, prayer, worship, witnessing, etc., are spiritual exercises essential for the development of the soul. No doubt all Biola alumni could testify that their experience at Biola not only broadened their knowledge of God’s Word and world but also deepened their spiritual life. C. By the atmosphere of Christian friends, teach­ ers, and students. C. Hoyt Watson, referred to earlier, wrote the following regarding his lack of a Christian college training: “ When I talk with those who chose a Christian rather than a secular college, I am almost envious of them and their continued interest and contact with former fellow students. I feel the same way as I observe the wonderful friendships being formed each year on my own college campus. What 13

these young people experience is simply marvelous. To live together in a dormitory, to sing together in a quartet, choir, or chorus, to pray together, to be members of a Gospel team, to share burdens with one another, to be members of a Christian athletic team — these produce bonds of friendship which far out­ weigh the friendships formed in secular institutions.” We should not underestimate this very important influence of persons with whom we associate. I am more and more convinced that the college you attend marks you for life. There is no doubt about the fact that teachers exert a tremendous influence on their students. If young people from our churches attend secular schools, they cannot but be influenced in secular directions. According to a Dutch proverb, “ He who lives with cripples will learn to limp." An Italian proverb has it that “ He who lives with wolves will learn to howl.” But in contrast, Proverbs 13:20 asserts, “ He that walketh with wise men shall be wise.” 3. Significant Preparation for Life. What kind of school other than a Christian school can best train Christian young people for a Christian witness in this world? One of our most desperate needs in Christianity today is for well-trained Chris­ tians who can present Christ to a dying world that is looking for answers. We must prepare young people who are equipped to minister to a pagan society with its inverted values. Our culture is more concerned about air pollution than about moral pollution. It is more “ uptight” about the ecological problem of the “ garbage boom" than it is about the filth of pornography. Our society op­ poses the cancer of the lungs but gives very little attention to the cancer of the soul. There is a desperate need for more dedicated Christian workers who know the Word of God and can relate it to the world’s needs today. We need more well-trained pastors, directors of Christian edu­ cation, Christian journalists, missionaries, teachers in Christian and public grade schools, high schools, and colleges. We need Christian leaders in business, government, and industry. I am tremendously thankful to Biola and deeply gratefuly to God for the training I received at this school, a college that gave me a Scriptural perspec­ tive on life, a spiritual purpose in life, and a signifi­ cant preparation for life. But our job is not finished. We alumni must do more than be grateful. We must pray for Biola, promote Biola with our gifts, and publicize Biola to our young people. Christian colleges can continue to have a tre­ mendous spiritual impact on the world as we en­ courage our young people to gain a Christ-honoring education that will give them these same three values. This article is condensed from the message Dr. Zuck gave at the Biola Alumni Homecoming Banquet on February 21, 1970. A t the banquet Dr. Zuck was given the “Alumnus of the Year, 1970” award. 14

B arefoot tracks in the muddy path zigzagged through the tall cornstalks toward the thatched roof of a Camsa home. This new path was exciting to Linda Howard, Wycliffe Bible Translator, as she mapped the locations of Indian homes of the Sibun- doy Valley in southern Colombia. Dogs, chickens, and ducks announced Linda’s ap­ proach, but Linda paused at the log bridging the drainage ditch at the edge of the clearing, and called, “ Bosti!” She waited, but there was no answer. Camsa people never leave their houses unguard­ ed. Even if it is only a small shelter made of cane poles with a grass roof, someone “ watches” the house. This house was made of weathered, wide boards set perpendicularly, blackened by the smoke of continual cooking fires and topped with a mossy grass-thatched roof. Surrounding red geraniums stood five feet tall, fuchsias with purple and white bell­ shaped flowers nodded their heads in welcome and salmon-colored salvia lifted their friendly little faces to greet us. Snowy calla lilies bordered the smooth dirt patio. Evidently this was a rich family’s home, judging by the size of the building, the number of animals scurrying about, and the striking flower garden surrounding it. Linda was about to repeat the greeting when a woman quietly stepped into view. She seemed as frightened as her year-old child who was peering out of the black shawl on the mother’s back, his big brown eyes watching Linda’s every move. “ Enter,” the Camsa woman nervously invited, but she didn’t offer a stool, so they just stood study­ ing each other. “ Would you like to see the photos of Camsa Indians?" Linda asked as she handed her the photo­ graph album. This book had been the key to most homes lately. When Linda and her partner first came to the valley five years ago, there seemed to be no way to get to know the Indians. Neighborliness even among them­ selves was not acceptable. The family who rented a room of their home to the missionaries wouldn’t allow them to come into their own living quarters. Linda and her partner walked the footpaths for hours just to be seen so the fear of their strangeness gradu­ ally would wear away to acceptance. When sick folk started coming for medicine or when the paths of the Camsas crossed theirs on the way to market for supplies, their camera would catch the natural poses of Indian life. Now, the book of pictures was the key which opened many doors, for it never failed to in­ terest the curious Camsas, even if they were strang­ ers.

dim light filtering through the cracks, she saw the garb of a witch doctor— a feathered head-dress, doz­ ens of strands of beads and a brightly-stripped red- and-white robe hanging on the wall. On another wall hung a shelf, holding pictures of saints framed with candles and fresh flowers. Evidently this home was a strong mixture of pagan religion and Catholic­ ism. In the evening Linda met some friends on the road wanting to know where she was going. When they heard the name of the family, a quick look of apprehension crossed their faces, “ Did you know that man was a witch doctor, Señorita?” Ever since the encounter of the morning, Linda had been praying about the return trip. Loud laugh­ ing and yelling of drunken men could be heard at the edge of the cornfield. It took courage for Linda to walk through the tall corn and call out in a steady voice the evening Camsa greeting, "Buajtina!” The noises stopped but no one answered. Did that mean they didn't want to see her? She knew she must not walk a step closer to the house uninvited even though the woman had said to return. One’s house is one's domain and maybe the witch doctor was angry at the earlier visit. Silence must mean rejection. From the back corner of the house, a boy’s head with bowl-cut black hair, appeared just an instant and then disappeared. Voices murmured from inside as he evidently pleaded for permission to ask Linda in. Then he bobbed into sight at the front patio and said, “ Enter.” Camsa men in their black dresses bloused with woven belts clustered around the picture book in the witch doctor's house, asking questions until the dusk blotted out all light. “ Where did Linda live? Why did she live here among the Camsas?— to write God’s words in their language?” The witch doctor gave her a hearty invitation to return later and one of the men said, “ Come to my house on Sunday and bring the book.” “ Heart-paths” are sometimes camouflaged by activity, but the Master knows the hidden trails to reach you. He stands at the border of your inner self quietly asking for your attention. He knows just the words that will communicate, even if it’s “ Bosti,” "Buajtina,” or “ Hey, man! Stop hustlin’, give an ear." You’ll want to answer Him, “ Look, You’re for real! What I really crave is Your Presence within.” However, the Saviour doesn't trespass, for your soul is your domain, to choose your own Master. The friendship He offers you is based on neither fear or ritualism, for an acquaintance on a person-to-person basis is all He asks. Patiently He waits or comes again. He listens for your “ Enter.” Christ stood beside Linda Howard in the patio patiently waiting in the breathless silence for the Camsa greeting. He waits at your door for one word, "Enter.” KB 15

This woman “ coed and ahhhed” over three pages of the album, then reluctantly handed back the book. The man of the house and his workers would be home at five that evening; would the lady please return then so everyone could see the picture book? Linda promised to return. Looking about in the I NOVEMBER, 1970

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