King's Business - 1970-11

teacher, pastor, or informed lay reader. — 10 vols., Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1965-69; $64.95. — Reviewed by Dr. James E. Rosscup. T H I S W A Y T O L I F E by DEREK PRIME Are you looking for good litera­ ture to use with non-Christians that are willing to read the facts about becoming a Christian? This book is designed to help meet this need. Derek Prime, a pastor in Edinburgh, Scotland, has focused his approach toward those persons that are seeking for meaning and purpose for living. This book will help Christians appreciate God’s provision of salvation. Non-Chris­ tians will be squarely faced with their dilemma and the Christ of salvation. The book is divided into six parts with a total of 15 chapters. After patiently presenting a background of God’s revelation and man’s sin, the writer presents the Good News and in the second half of the book, clearly explains the “ way of life.” Unique, picturesque introductions open the crisp, short chapters that are well peppered with Scripture. The Berkeley Version of the Bible is used in direct quotations of verses. Illustrations of s p ir itu a l truths are vividly expressed to help the honest seeker find the clear meaning of theological statements. This book will be helpful for col­ lege students and older adults in­ volved in evangelism. Home Bible study groups will want to use it as well. It is a good starter for dis­ cussions about salvation and should find wide distribution for visitation and outreach m in is trie s . — 92 pages; paperback; Moody Press, Chicago, 1968; $.95. — Reviewed by Stan Leonard. TREASURY O F GREAT GOSPEL SERMONS, Vol. 1, Classic Sermons, Vol. 2, Contemporary Sermons, about 250 pages each, paper, Baker Bookhouse Grand Rapids, Michigan, $2.95. Each includes messages by Charles E. Finney, D. L. Moody, R.A. Torry, Billy Graham, Vance Havner, Robert G. Lee and many others. THE RUDY ATWOOD STORY, by Rudy Atwood. 126 pages, cloth, Fleming H. Revell Co., Old



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