King's Business - 1970-11

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perfect g ifts for "now " Christians THOUGHTS FOR MEN ON THE MOVE W arren W. W iersbe. Poign- ant meditations that help men of today move forward with Christ. $2.95 WORDS TO LIVE BY E dw ard L. Hayes. "Quota­ tions from the Saviour Jesus Chr i s t ” com­ pressed into potent read­ ing. $3.50 INPUT/OUTPUT O rle y R. H e rro n . B e tty A le x a n d e r. Bible princi­ ples programmed into daily memos for the com­ puter-age man. $2.95

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made” goodies tasted good when I licked off the powdered sugar, cinnamon and little bits of tissue- thin dough. When all was in readiness, we were treated to a look at THE shim­ mering, golden-brown turkey, and that was the signal to find your chair, prepare for a w on de rfu l Thanksgiving prayer and then eat. All the children were seated in between adults (things didn’t get out of hand that way) and once I got to sit between Uncle Bill and Aunt Ellen. To this moment I can’t recall which was more glorious; those dear people or the food, but certainly Thanksgiving is for feast­ ing! Thanksgiving is a time for Feast­ ing on Fellowship. Certainly, the memory of all that food is still beautiful and clear to me, but so was all the fun and fellowship. One other memory of Thanks­ giving, just as clear, is one that happened a few years ago. Dick and I had our second year in our new home and that Thanks­ giving we invited my parents and my mother's parents. Even now I can see the face of each dear one around our expanded dining room table. This time there was a beauti­ ful centerpiece of chrysanthemums and wheat sprays, candles and NOVEMBER, 1970

room for many dishes. My mother brought pumpkin pies and my grandmother box after box of Hun­ garian goodies. Long after dinner, when the dishes were finished, my husband and I were taking out the last bit of trash and wiping up the last bit of turkey gravy from the stove, my darling old grandfather, his hands behind his back, strolled into our kitchen and made this grand pro­ nouncement in his Hungarian Eng­ lish. “ Dick, you are millionaire!" When Dick protested and smiled a “ no” reaction, Grandfather got very firm. “ No, it ’s true! You are million­ aire!” He went on, “ Why? I’ll tell you why. You have wife, beautiful children, this house and you have God. You ARE millionaire!” We both hugged him and be­ tween laughing and crying, told him he was so right. The feasting of fellowship enveloped us all that moment. Less than two months later, he was with the Lord and within nine months, my dear mother joined him. That memorable Thanksgiving still warms my spirit — I'm so rich in Christ — I’m a millionaire! Some of you are millionaires too — you’ve just never been told! Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, dear readers! KB

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