King's Business - 1970-11

TO Darkness as he felt that it was. While this book cannot be compared with the writings of ex-SDAs like Canright and Jones, who brought the here­ sies of the cult under the light of God's Word, this volume could have been valuable were it not for one tragic fact. Whereas Messrs. Canright and Jones, after their K • break with SDA, went into the Gos­ pel ministry, Mr. Freiwirth has turned to the occult systems of Rosicrucianism, yoga and astrolo­ gy, to which he refers to as "the light” and “ the Pearl of Great price of Christian Religion.” We found this statement on page 10 to be very sad: “ It was fear more than anything else that drove me into the fold of the Adventists, although I did derive a certain satisfaction from the belief that I was one of a small minority who served God in accordance with His will. To be sure, members of the orthodox Protestant group I had forsaken made efforts to set me straight but their methods were not wise.” I looked in vain in this book for a testimony to the fact that the au­ thor had ever received Christ as his personal Saviour. This would ac­ count for all that has followed. KB * t y ► « l

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