King's Business - 1970-11

POWER ENCOUNTER b ff Clyde Cook Rev. Clyde Cook is director of the Missions Department at Biola College.

W hat happens if no one ac­ cepts?” “ I would be very with the power of God.” “ Are you sure that someone will accept your message?” “ Yes, I believe that God has spoken to some of you here to­ night.” The power of the gospel was up against 20 young Indian Hindus, Muslims and Zoroasters. The set­ ting was a party these young adults were having on the 13th floor of an apartment near Bombay, India. They had asked me to present who Jesus Christ is and what He did. They listened to me carefully and asked questions as Christianity was new to them. Then the leader threw out the challenge as to whether it would work among them. It was a power encounter: the Gospel versus their unbelief. And the Gospel won, as three of their number commit­ ted their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many others said they would investigate further. This incident was just one of many as the power of the gospel presented by the B io la K in g ’s Players transformed thousands of lives this summer. For the third year the King’s Players toured Asia, presenting the Lord Jesus Christ through the play “ Revolt at the Portals.” The per­ formance presents six characters who have just died and are await­ ing news of their eternal destina­ tion: R. A. Tycoon, a business executive; Sadie Sunshine, a hypo- 8

chondriac; Rip Daren, a young swinger; Mrs. Bessemer, a high so­ ciety woman; Miss Alquist, an athe­ ist, and one true believer, Jenny Smith, who come into the office of Mr. Peters to see if they will go through the door to heaven or the one to hell. There is a lot of comedy in the first part of the play, written by Roswell Rodgers, but the tension builds to the final overpowering scene where the reality of heaven and hell is presented so vividly. An invitation to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives is then given. Thousands have responded and prayed with the members of the cast. This summer almost 4000 re­ sponded to the invitation to receive the Lord. Each of these has a mar­ velous story of God’s grace in his life. Take, for example, Ignaous George, age 13. He approached Robin Baker and said, “ My name is Ignaous George, but you can just call me Iggy.” Robin introduced him to the Saviour and Iggy was so thrilled about his new-found faith in Christ that he “ bugged” his older sisters to come and see the play. Two came that night and trusted Christ, another sister the next night and another the follow­ ing afternoon, and then eight of his friends. Talk about becoming an instant soul winner! There was also the principal of a school, who asked “ How can we be sure we are going through the

gold door to heaven?” One Stephen said, “ I am like your character Mrs. Bessemer. I go to church and try to be good, but I do not know God. I feel ashamed. Please would you show me the way to know God.” A businessman, asked, “ Can a busi­ nessman really be a Christian?” When he heard the answer, he prayed and asked Christ into his life. A very special privilege is meet­ ing people who have trusted the Lord on previous King’s Players’ tours. This summer we met Mrs. Junday, who committed her life to Christ at a performance in 1969. Since then, she has led her son and her husband to the Lord. Mr. Junday was a strong Hindu but saw the difference that Jesus Christ made in his wife’s life and so he too became a Christian. Mrs. Jun­ day had been raised in the church but never was told that she needed to trust Christ. She said, “ The first time I heard about receiving Christ was when the King’s Players came to Hindi High School.” The whole Junday family has been baptized and are members of a good evan­ gelical church in Calcutta. Another existing story is that of Professor Rodriguez who teaches International Relations at one of the most influential and explosive uni­ versities in Calcutta. Last year someone brought him to see “ Revolt at the Portals.” Af­ ter the play, he sought me out and indicated that although he had THE KING’S BUSINESS

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