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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 MARC HERVIEUX EN CONCERT À EMBRUN L’artiste lyrique ténor bien connu Marc Hervieux viendra faire son tour à Embrun. Il nous propose un concert de Noël qui se tiendra à l’église St- Jacques d’Embrun, le 9 décembre pro- chain, à 13 h 30. Les portes ouvriront dès 12 h 30. On peut se procurer des billets en composant le 613-443-2817 ou le 613-443-3130. Des billets seront également disponibles à la porte le jour du concert. – Annie Lafortune RUSSELL KIN CLUB TO TAKE PART IN HOLIDAY CONCERT The Kin Club of Russell is assisting with the annual Butterfly Child Holiday Concert, which will take place on December 7 at 7 p.m. at St-Brigid›s Centre for the Arts in Ottawa. All proceeds will be donated to DEBRA Canada. The non-for-profit organization is committed to providing the best possible quality of life for families and individuals affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). The Kin Club of Russell is coordinating the baked goods and refreshments table, and asking for help with baked goods donations. If you are interested in sharing in the Holiday spirit, please contact Kin Michelle 613- 818-8738 for details. More information is at: https://debracanada.donorshops. com/2018-butterfly-child-holiday- concert.php. – Francis Racine

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For five years, students from Eastern Ontario Catholic schools have been going on a mission trip to the Sandy Lake Cree reserve in Northwestern Ontario. School trustees received a report from the students themselves about the latest mission. Ten students from several schools in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) region went to live on the Sandy Lake Cree reserve in June 2018, as part of an annual mission agreement between the CDSBEO and the Sandy Lake Board of Education. The focus of the annual mission is to help students from the CDSBEO develop “a clearer understanding of life JOB'JSTU/BUJPOTDPNNVOJUZ MFBSOJOHUIF traditions of the people, and building posi- tive relationships”, as part of the provincial HPWFSONFOUT'JSTU/BUJPOT .ÊUJT BOE*OVJU Education Policy guidelines. i6QPOPVSBSSJWBM uTBJE)PMMJF#FSLFST B student from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic )JHI4DIPPM 45" JO3VTTFMM iXFOPUJDFE that transportation, the prices of goods, and the medical issues of the residents were all impacted by isolation.” Students described their experience in Sandy Lake as “a life-changing journey” as they saw how isolation affected the way the residents lived. Sandy Lake is accessible by either bush plane during spring, summer and fall, or by winter ice roads. “We arrived by plane on a small gravel runway,” said Ethan Warnock, another STA student, told CDSBEO trustees. “When we visited the medical centre, we realized that they are not able to treat

Depuis cinq ans, des élèves fréquentant des écoles catholiques de Prescott-Russell et d’autres régions de l’est de l’Ontario partent en mission dans la réserve Première Nation de Sandy Lake, dans le nord-ouest de l’Ontario. Les conseillères et conseillers scolaires ont reçu un rapport des élèves eux-mêmes au sujet de la dernière mission. —photo fournie

serious medical issues in Sandy Lake, as they lack the proper facilities and resources. This means that patients must be flown out to the nearest hospital or medical centre for treatment. Citizens only have access to a medical doctor for a limited number of days each year.” “When first arriving to Sandy Lake, it was shocking to think that this is the same province that we ourselves live in,” explained Berkers. During their stay, students took part in community events like Treay Days, and local outdoor sports and other activities. They observed the ceremonial installation of the first female band chief, and made friends among the local youth.

“Thank you all for putting yourselves out there and taking the time to learn about Sandy Lake and their way of life,” stated 3PO&BNFS $%4#&0WJDFDIBJSNBOi*GUXP or three of you become involved in helping these communities based on the impact of your experience, and you are able to touch other people with this story, you have the opportunity to truly make your mark on the world.”

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Il y en avait pour tous les gouts lors du marché de Noël annuel de la Résidence St-François, à Casselman, qui a eu lieu le 10 novembre dernier. Une vingtaine d’artisans de la région ont offert leurs créations aux visiteurs de l’évènement. « C’est la troisième fois qu’on organise le bazar lors d’une fin de semaine, a fait valoir Ann-Marie Desroches, adjointe administrative à la résidence. Tous les fonds qu’on amasse lors de l’évènement seront utilisés pour les activités des résidents. » Ceux-ci ont eu la chance de faire prendre leur photo avec mère et père Noël, qui étaient de la partie lors de la journée. On reconnait, dans la photo, quelques-uns des organisateurs : Ann-Marie Desroches, la directrice en nutrition Hélène Lauzon, l’administrateur Eric Pitre et la directrice des activités Joanne Fournier. —photo Francis Racine

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