Working Catalogue 2025. Architectural / Decorative / Outdoor
Working Catalogue 2025 | 1 |
INDEX | 5 |
Content | 4 |
Architectural | 7 |
Outdoor | 10 |
Emergency | 15 |
Decorative | 16 |
Intelligente Beleuchtungslösungen / Soluzioni di illuminazione intelligenti | 21 |
Corporative | 22 |
Strahler / Schienen / Proiettori / Binari | 45 |
Atom | 46 |
Iris | 52 |
Strom One | 54 |
Strom | 55 |
Infinite Slim Track | 59 |
Track | 62 |
Niederspannung / Bassa Tensione | 71 |
Atom Low Voltage | 75 |
Kiva Low Voltage | 77 |
Strom Low Voltage | 79 |
Iris Low Voltage | 80 |
Tango Low Voltage | 81 |
Bento Low Voltage | 82 |
Nara Low Voltage | 84 |
On Low Voltage | 85 |
Infinite Low Voltage | 86 |
Track Low Voltage | 88 |
Track Low Voltage Surfaced | 88 |
Track Low Voltage Pendant | 89 |
Track Low Voltage Recessed | 93 |
Track Low Voltage Up & Down | 96 |
Track Hyperlink Surface | 99 |
Track Hyperlink Recessed | 102 |
Track Hyperlink Pendant | 105 |
Downlights | 109 |
Nit | 110 |
Veo | 114 |
Vol | 116 |
Play | 118 |
Play Mini | 122 |
Play Standard | 123 |
Play Best Sellers | 124 |
Play Flat | 125 |
Play High Visual Comfort | 127 |
Play IP65 | 128 |
Play Pinhole | 129 |
Play Snoot | 130 |
Play Deco Symmetrical | 131 |
Play Deco Double | 132 |
Lite | 134 |
Lite Deep | 138 |
Lite Flat | 140 |
Dome | 141 |
Ges Recessed | 142 |
Bento | 144 |
Bento Adjustable | 149 |
Bento Recessed IP | 151 |
Bento Wall Washer | 153 |
Multidir Evo | 157 |
Ecofit | 160 |
Pendelleuchten / Sospensioni | 163 |
Luno Slim | 164 |
Iris | 166 |
Play | 169 |
Strahler / Deckenleuchten / Proiettori / Plafoniere | 171 |
Iris Ceiling | 172 |
Iris Spotlight | 174 |
Luno Slim | 176 |
Ges | 179 |
Play | 180 |
Multidir Evo | 181 |
Atom | 184 |
Atom Surface | 185 |
Atom Hide | 191 |
Atom Recessed | 196 |
Bento | 199 |
Bento IP66 | 201 |
Kiva | 202 |
Kiva Recessed | 204 |
Lineare Beleuchtungssysteme / Sistemi Linearid’Illuminazione | 207 |
Apex | 208 |
Infinite Pro | 218 |
Infinite Slim | 228 |
Infinite Slim Pendant | 234 |
Infinite Slim Recessed | 236 |
Lineal | 238 |
Taglio di Luce | 240 |
Taglio di Luce Direct | 244 |
Taglio di Luce Indirect | 249 |
Signalisierung / Segnaletica | 253 |
Click | 254 |
Bat | 256 |
Arc | 262 |
LED-Bänder / Strisce LED | 267 |
Asai | 268 |
On | 272 |
OUTDOOR | 279 |
Lineare Beleuchtungssysteme / Sistemi Lineari d’Illuminazione | 281 |
Taglio System | 282 |
Vercle | 296 |
Asai | 300 |
Mex | 304 |
Convert | 309 |
Cube Linear | 312 |
Strahler / Proiettori | 321 |
Cube | 322 |
Max | 329 |
Max Spotlight | 331 |
Max Spotlight Base | 336 |
Aro | 338 |
Eko | 342 |
Modis | 346 |
Hubble | 350 |
Hubble Cob | 352 |
Hubble GU10 Aluminium | 356 |
Hubble GU10 Technopolymer | 357 |
Micro | 358 |
Zoom | 362 |
Helio | 367 |
Unterwasserleuchten / Lucisommergibili | 369 |
Aro | 370 |
Aqua | 376 |
Deckeneinbauleuchten / Incassi a soffitto | 379 |
Max | 380 |
Dako | 386 |
Dako Fixed | 388 |
Dako Adjustable | 389 |
Eko | 390 |
Wandeinbauleuchten / Incassi a parete | 393 |
Max | 394 |
Click | 400 |
Micenas | 402 |
Bat | 404 |
Tiny | 410 |
Arc | 412 |
Bodeneinbauleuchten / Incassi a pavimento | 417 |
Max | 418 |
Aro | 426 |
Gea | 432 |
Gea Pro | 436 |
Gea Power LED Pro | 437 |
Gea Cob | 441 |
Gea Wall Washer | 444 |
Gea Compact | 446 |
Gea Signaling | 448 |
Gea Technopolymer | 450 |
Kay | 454 |
Ios | 456 |
Rim | 458 |
Pixel | 460 |
Xena | 462 |
Uplights für Aufsatzmontage / Uplight di superficie | 465 |
Xena Surface | 466 |
Rexel | 468 |
Soul | 470 |
Pollerleuchten / Mobile Mastleuchten / Faretti / Lampioni / Portatile | 475 |
Ele | 476 |
Modis | 480 |
Modis Bollard | 482 |
Modis Lampost | 484 |
Helion | 486 |
Rack | 488 |
Moal | 493 |
Orbit | 495 |
Orbit Bollard | 499 |
Orbit Lampost | 503 |
Orbit Table Lamp | 504 |
Orbit Floor Lamp | 506 |
Lyon | 508 |
Sinia | 512 |
Juncus | 518 |
Invisible | 522 |
Eko | 526 |
Rek | 529 |
Newton | 534 |
Newton Pro | 536 |
Newton LED | 537 |
Dan | 538 |
Row | 541 |
Simenti | 543 |
Cubik | 545 |
Priap | 547 |
Nott | 548 |
Grid | 549 |
Citizen | 550 |
Proud | 551 |
Zigzag | 552 |
Cisne | 553 |
Wandleuchten / Lampade da parete | 557 |
Modis | 558 |
Max | 564 |
Eko | 568 |
Cosmos | 572 |
Afrodita | 576 |
Afrodita Led | 578 |
Afrodita Power Led | 580 |
Afrodita GU10 | 582 |
Nemesis | 584 |
Wilson | 586 |
Clous | 588 |
Simenti | 589 |
Wandleuchten für dekorative Beleuchtung / Applique illuminazione decorativa | 590 |
Finestra | 590 |
Rack | 593 |
Moal | 596 |
Wandleuchten für Durchgangsbereiche / Applique zone di passaggio | 598 |
Sam | 598 |
Arc | 600 |
Kössel | 603 |
Wandleuchten für direkte Beleuchtung / Applique illuminazione diretta | 604 |
Skat | 604 |
Curie | 607 |
Basic | 609 |
Mega | 626 |
Deckenleuchten / Pendelleuchten / Plafoniere / Sospensioni | 613 |
Max | 614 |
Eko | 617 |
Cosmos | 619 |
Modis | 621 |
Afrodita | 625 |
Mega | 626 |
Bento IP66 | 627 |
Cisne | 628 |
Easy Safe Garden | 631 |
Zoom | 636 |
Gea Technopolymer | 636 |
Cisne | 637 |
Orbit | 637 |
Redo | 642 |
Deco | 645 |
Deco IP44 | 647 |
DecoIP65 | 648 |
Deco Track | 649 |
Flag | 651 |
Line | 652 |
Play | 653 |
Infinite Pro | 658 |
Afrodita | 662 |
Vol | 663 |
Veo | 665 |
Notfall-Kits / Kit di conversione | 667 |
Modulare Systeme / Sistemi Modulari | 671 |
Circular | 672 |
Geometric | 680 |
Scarlett | 688 |
Tubs Modular | 694 |
Pendelleuchten / Sospensioni | 713 |
Voiles | 714 |
Levels | 718 |
Ilargi | 724 |
Iris | 727 |
Plat | 730 |
Khoi | 732 |
Glam | 734 |
Gong | 738 |
Coco | 742 |
Shoemaker | 746 |
Veneto | 750 |
Nimes | 754 |
Noway | 755 |
Keops | 758 |
Attic | 762 |
Super Attic | 769 |
H | 773 |
Napa | 776 |
Candle | 778 |
Invisible | 784 |
Prolix | 787 |
Dew | 790 |
Alive | 793 |
Punto | 796 |
Mist | 798 |
Circ | 800 |
Caprice | 804 |
Pipe | 806 |
Stylus | 808 |
Bravo | 810 |
Caribe | 812 |
Bol | 814 |
Net | 815 |
Deckenleuchte / Plafoniere | 817 |
Levels | 818 |
Gong | 824 |
Spark | 828 |
Caprice | 832 |
Miso | 834 |
Bol | 838 |
Vetro | 839 |
Deckenleuchten mit Strahler / Lampade da soffitto con faretti | 840 |
Prolix | 840 |
Simply | 843 |
Pipe | 844 |
Stylus | 845 |
Wandleuchten / Lampade da parete | 847 |
Perlina | 848 |
Voiles | 850 |
Spark | 852 |
Trip | 855 |
Trip Glass | 860 |
Bloom | 862 |
Tubs | 864 |
Invisible | 868 |
Prolix | 870 |
Veneto | 872 |
Big Bang | 873 |
Attic | 874 |
Super Attic | 878 |
H | 882 |
Organic | 885 |
Miso | 886 |
Drone | 887 |
Vetro | 888 |
Nude | 889 |
Wandleuchten mit Leselicht / Applique con luce da lettura | 890 |
Perlina | 890 |
Invisible | 892 |
Chic | 894 |
E-lamp | 896 |
E-lamp Mini | 898 |
Hall Slim | 899 |
Gamma | 900 |
Gamma Mini | 901 |
Gamma SR | 902 |
Gamma USB | 903 |
Gamma Extend | 904 |
Radar | 905 |
Simply | 906 |
Pipe | 907 |
Stylus | 908 |
Bed | 909 |
Link | 910 |
Tip | 911 |
Wandleuchten mit Lampenschirm / Appplique con paralume | 912 |
Hall Slim Screen | 912 |
Clip | 913 |
Metrica | 915 |
Architektonische Wandleuchten / Applique architettoniche | 918 |
Fino | 918 |
Kub | 919 |
Duna | 920 |
Jet | 921 |
Lia | 922 |
Lia LED | 923 |
Ges | 924 |
Ges Circular | 925 |
Tischleuchten / Lampade da tavolo | 927 |
Levels | 928 |
Ilargi | 932 |
H | 934 |
Tubs | 936 |
Perlina | 938 |
Woody | 939 |
Tischleuchte mit Flexarm / Lampada da tavolo con braccio flessibile | 940 |
Maca | 940 |
Invisible | 942 |
Gamma | 944 |
Organic | 945 |
Simply | 946 |
Nude | 947 |
Tischleuchte mit Lampenschirm / Lampada da tavolo con paralume | 950 |
Clip | 950 |
Metrica | 952 |
Mobile Tischleuchten / Lampada da tavolo portatile | 954 |
Cocktail | 954 |
Portobello | 958 |
Stehleuchten / Piantane | 963 |
Levels | 964 |
Perlina | 968 |
Noway | 970 |
Woody | 973 |
H | 974 |
Tubs | 976 |
Invisible | 978 |
Gamma | 980 |
Organic | 981 |
Nude | 982 |
Stehleuchten mit Lampenschirm / Piantana con paralume | 986 |
Clip | 986 |
Metrica | 988 |
Bad / Bagno | 991 |
Perlina | 992 |
Bloom | 994 |
Dresde Led | 996 |
Toi Led | 998 |
Toilet Slim | 1000 |
Toilet Q | 1002 |
Mist | 1004 |
Vetro | 1006 |
Vanity | 1007 |
Dec | 1009 |
Konnektive Lösungen / Soluzioni connettive | 1011 |
DALI2 | 1014 |
Bluetooth Casambi | 1018 |
DMX | 1022 |
Standalone | 1024 |
Extra Reader’s Guide | 1026 |
Installationsempfehlung / Consigli per l’installazione | 1027 |
Technische Angaben / Informazioni tecniche | 1028 |
Drivers | 1029 |
Controller / Apparecchi di controllo | 1029 |
Stromversorgung / Fonte di alimentazione | 1030 |
Sensoren / Sensori | 1030 |
Steuergeräte / Controller | 1031 |
Tabelle zur Auswahl der Netzgeräte und Controller / Tabella per la selezione delle fonti di alimentazione e dei controlle | 1032 |
Ausführungen / Finiture | 1036 |
Materials / Materiali | 1039 |
Symbole / Simbologia | 1040 |
Verzeichnis (Artikelnummer sortiert) / Indice di referenze | 1045 |
Wichtige Informationen / Informazione importante | 1057 |
Kontakt / Contatto | 1058 |
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