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a hospital exceed capacity, the paramedics have to wait for a space to open up before they can go back out. Offload delay increased by 161 per cent between 2018 and 2022, and the time spent waiting increased by 383 per cent. These delays cost EOWC paramedic services approximately $17 million per year, or nine per cent of the current budget. The next recommendation is for the Ontario government to commit to a perma- nent, sustainable, and predictable funding formula. Current funding programs have drawbacks including overlapping require- ments and reporting, as well as changing formats. A more consistent funding model would allow for better planning and long-term health solutions. The third recommendation is to modernize the dispatch systems for better deployment and support. Around 44 per cent of calls are incorrectly flagged as “highest urgency”, which takes up resources that would do better at actual emergencies. Modernizing dispatch systems would help solve some of these mistakes and include decision-making systems to inform dispatch personnel. The last recommendation is to increase paramedic student enrolment. Increasing call volumes, longer time spent on scene, and offload delay all contribute to workloads being too much for existing staff to handle. More staff are needed to thing out the workload, which means more student enrolment.
Le rapport actualisé sur le personnel paramédical contient des recommandations visant à améliorer les performances du personnel paramédical et à réduire la charge de travail. -photo d’archives four recommendations on how to prioritize paramedic services. CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
The first recommendation is to reduce hospital offload delays so paramedics can spend more hours serving their communi- ties. When the number of patients entering HUNTING SEASON APPROACHES FOR SNC workload. The Eastern Ontario Warden’s Causes (EOWC) released the refresh of its 2019 paramedic services report, containing an updated environmental scan, a five-year pre- dictive forecast and sensitivity analysis, and
The updated paramedic report contains recommendations for improving para- medic performance and decreasing
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
outdoor card, license summary, valid hunting tags, and proof of firearm accreditation.” An SNC hunting permit is $100 and allows watershed residents to hunt in approved areas without active recreational trails. A full list is available through the SNC’s online map. Hunters must obey all posted signs and regulations, wear high-visibility clothing, and display an SNC tag on their dashboards when hunting or trapping. The permit fees support the annual Youth Hunt Apprenticeship Program, offered in partnership with the Delta Waterfowl South Nation Branch since 2007. The program teaches the importance of ethical hunting, respecting safety, wildlife habitat, and private property. “We are proud to offer a Youth Hunt Pro- gram in the watershed. It’s a great opportu- nity for our local youth to learn how to hunt,
A list of approved hunting zones is avai- lable on the SNC’s website. As summer ends and hunting season approaches, the South Nation Conservation (SNC) has released a list of conservation properties that will be available for hunting and trapping. SNC offers almost 9000 acres of its forest, wetlands, and grasslands as hunting area each year, sustainably managed and restored for recreational use. “Responsible hunting and trapping are beneficial to ecosystems and help to main- tain balanced wildlife populations,” said SNC Conservation Lands Technician Ryan Robson. “Hunters must have provincial per- mits from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and should always carry their
Horaire de collecte des ordures ménagères et du recyclage Jour de l’Action de grâce 2023 À l’occasion du jour d’action de grâce du 9 octobre 2022, la collecte des ordures et du recyclage seront reportés d’une journée pour l’ensemble du territoire. Les services seront effectués du mardi au samedi. Waste and recycling collection Thanksgiving 2023 Note that collection services of waste and recycling for Thanksgiving Day 2023 on October 9th will be postponed by one day for all areas. Services will be performed from Tuesday to Saturday.
La CNS offre chaque année près de 9 000 acres de terrains de chasse. -photo fournie
To report poaching and other hunting or natural resource violations, please call the MNRF tip line at 1-877-847-7667. For more information and to access SNC’s permit application form please visit https:// www.nation.on.ca/recreation/hunting-and- trapping or call 1-877-984-2948. For more information contact Erin Thorne, Communications Specialist, 1-877-984- 2948, ethorne@nation.on.ca.
responsibly and safely,” said Robson. Residents should stay aware of their sur- roundings and wear high-visibility clothing if they are in a permitted hunting zone. It is illegal to hunt on SNC Lands without a permit from the Conservation Authority and all hunters must follow hunting regulations. Please be aware of specific hunting requi- rements in your area and always keep your SNC hunting licence with you while hunting on SNC Lands.
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