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“MIH offers outreach services throughout all five counties, accessing our services through our satellite offices. Each year, MIH supports over 500 women through its outreach services in Prescott-Russell and Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry.” This year’s fundraising project for MIH is an evening supper and concert December 6 at the Bonnie Glen Pavilion in Alexandria. A Christmas choral concert by the L’Orignal Chorale de l’amitié will be the highlight entertainment portion of the evening. The event will also include a silent auction and a series of raffles. MIH is also organizing a special draw as part of its fundraising this year. A $25 ticket offers a chance tow in a $3000 gift certicate for a vacation of the winner’s choie. Second prize is a pair of economy-class airline tickets to anywhere in North America, and also including Hawaii, Mexico, and the West Indies. Tickets for the event are $150 and reserved tickets are available at www.miin Those unable to attend the event but wishing to help support MIH may also make donation pledges at the website. All funds raised through the evening event, the special ticket draw, and all other donations made to MIH through its web- site, go towards providing non-subsidized but essential services to the women and children seeking help from the agency. That includes help with buying food, providing childcare, transportation for medical or other appointments, Christmas gifts for those in need, and emergency financial assistance for those in dire need. acte a suscité un bonheur pour les agents de la banque alimentaire. À l’occasion de la célébration du 20 ème anniversaire, l’équipe de No frills ainsi que M. Nadon avait organisé un barbecue pour remercier le soutien de la communauté active durant toutes ces années qui a eu lieu ce 16 Septembre dernier. Des sand- wichs, hotdogs, des chips, des boissons ont été servi à titre gratuit, mais une boite de don avait été mise en faveur des résidents dépourvus de moyens. La générosité des participants à l’évè- nement s’est élevée presque à 500$. Les agents de la banque alimentaire remercie la communauté entière.

Le personnel, les bénévoles et les sympathisants de la Maison Interlude se réunissent pour célébrer l’annonce d’une campagne de financement spéciale visant à souligner le 40 e anniversaire du groupe régional de services sociaux à but non lucratif. —photo d’archives


This year the agency will host a benefit evening December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. December 6 is the day of the Montréal Massacre when Marc Lepine went to l’École Polytechnique de l’Université de Montréal and shot nine women, killing six of them and wounding three others, while screaming that the women were feminists and that he hated feminists. Every year since then, the flags in Canada are flown at half-mast as a reminder of the tragedy

and a promise to prevent a repeat of such an event. The special event evening will also mark the 40 th anniversary of Maison Interlude House (MIH) and its work in providing shelter for women and children trying to escape abusive domestic situations, and also in providing support services for women dealing with abuse. “Today, in addition to welcoming women and their dependents to its shelter,” stated Muriel Lalonde, MIH executive director,

Maison Interlude House confirmed a new fundraising campaign this year. Past years have seen the non-profit regional agency hold a poinsettia sale prior to the Christmas season to raise funds to help support the women’s shelter program and other support services for women and children in the Prescott-Russell region who are dealing with abusive situations at home.


Daniel Nadon de l’épicerie No Frills exprime ses sentiments de compas- sion en donnant un chèque de 500$ à la banque alimentaire de Casselman, grâce à l’évènement du 20 ème anniver- saire organisé par l’épicerie No Frills de Casselman. En signe de reconnaissance pour la com- munauté de Casselman qui est l’une des clientèles assidues de l’épicerie No Frills, M. Nadon s’est vu de redonner un sourire au personnes démunis, surtout dans ces périodes de récession actuelle oû la crise économique se fait réellement sentir. Cet

Daniel Nadon, owner/operator of the No Frills Grocery in Casselman. —photo Kalonji Mukendi

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