2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report to the Community

Dear District 535 Community Members,

This has been a year of milestones, new beginnings and continued progress inside our walls and throughout our communities. Since officially transitioning to Oakton College in January 2023, we’ve enjoyed connecting with community partners to “re-introduce” ourselves, affirming the value of the relevant and life-changing educational opportunities available to students. Perhaps you’ve noticed Oakton’s evolved identity throughout our communities, incorporated in our Connect to Opportunity campaign. We’re reaching prospective students and community members through outdoor and digital ads and our series of commercials on broadcast television and streaming services. We’re proud to convey how an Oakton education has helped students achieve career success and positively impact their communities. Throughout the pages of our Annual Report to the Community, we share some inspiring ways we’re working to build just and thriving communities, which is the bold vision of our strategic plan, “Vision 2030.” For example, by encouraging employees to adopt intentional behaviors, we create an increasingly welcoming and supportive learning environment for all students. Since expanding our Early College programs, more in-district high school students are getting an early start on their college education, saving them time and money as they pursue their goals. And our partnerships with four-year colleges and universities make it easier than ever for students to pursue bachelor’s degrees after leaving Oakton. We also continue to prioritize our commitment to equity and justice, the connecting thread of all our strategic plan’s pillars. We’re excited about the incredible impact that several equity-focused initiatives have had on individuals from historically marginalized communities, and the opportunities they’ve created for them. Throughout the year ahead and beyond, we look forward to building on our recent progress and finding new ways to support students and the broader community. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we pursue that bold vision of building just and thriving communities for all.

Joianne L. Smith, Ph.D. President, Oakton College

Wendy B. Yanow, Ed.D. Chair, Board of Trustees

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Building Just and Thriving Communities In our first year as Oakton College, we embraced our new identity with a comprehensive rebranding effort that raised our visibility and amplified student voices across our community. Through TV commercials, mailers and billboards, we showcased our Oakton pride, reinforced why we matter to our students and residents, and strengthened our important role as the community’s college.

Vision 2030 reaffirms our commitment to our students and our community through three foundational pillars of transformation that set our course for the next three years: • Strengthening Students’ Oakton Experience • Enhancing Workforce Readiness and Community Engagement • Advancing Racial Equity Together, these pillars support our mission of providing access to quality education throughout a lifetime and empowering and transforming our students in the diverse communities we serve. In this report, we highlight some of the programs and actions that brought those ideals to life in the first year of our strategic plan.

We also made significant progress toward meeting the goals of Vision 2030, our bold new strategic plan. Launched on June 30, 2022, the plan calls on us to build just and thriving communities by providing a transformative education, strengthening pathways to meaningful careers, and leveling the playing field for all members of our community.

“Vision 2030 sets out a bold goal of creating just and thriving communities. It speaks to equity, it speaks to inclusion, and it speaks to our conviction that everybody can belong in the Oakton environment.” –Karl Brooks, Ed.D. Vice President for Student Affairs

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“What I love about Oakton’s Early Childhood Education Program is that it’s giving me the theory for the knowledge I have already from being a mom. My whole life I’ve been around kids because I’m the oldest sister. And now with the classes I’m taking, I know there is research and resources for all of the child development milestones. I’m going to be the first of my siblings to graduate from college. I feel very proud of myself.” –Ely Lemus Early Childhood Education Student

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Strengthening Students’ Oakton Experience This year, we strengthened our focus on expanding access to an Oakton education through intentional outreach to all of our community members — including high school students, adult learners, students intending to transfer and more. We also strengthened student services to meet the needs of our diverse student population.

• We’ve worked closely with our partner high schools to build our Early College program and expand opportunities for students to get a head start on a college degree. This year, in line with our strategic plan, we increased enrollment in dual-credit programs by nearly 18% and grew our concurrent enrollment program by 22 students. And in May, we awarded Basic Nurse Assistant Training certificates to a record-breaking 78 high school students, qualifying them to work as nursing assistants. • More than 90 faculty members have completed the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Online Teaching Practices course, a nationally recognized credential designed to improve the learning experience for students enrolled in online courses. In addition, our new Caring Campus initiative mobilizes staff members to make students feel welcomed and supported through specific behaviors such as greeting students in hallways and providing warm referrals to colleagues in other departments.

• We’ve added several new staff positions, including equity coordinators and student success navigators, to provide students with the holistic support they need to thrive. For example, we hired an additional care coordinator to connect students to resources that address food and housing insecurity, health care and mental health support. We also hired a bilingual counselor and student experience navigators to provide cohort-based advising. • We’ve expanded our transfer agreements with four-year universities to provide our students with even more pathways to their next step. For example, Elmhurst University will award a full scholarship to one Oakton honors student each year. Also, Oakton degree students who earn a Cannabis Cultivation Certificate can now transfer smoothly to Lake Superior State University to earn a bachelor’s degree in Cannabis Business.

“We want students to feel they belong at Oakton — that their lived experiences are valued and that they made a smart decision in choosing Oakton to help them achieve their goals.” –Joianne L. Smith, Ph.D. President

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“The WEI Program is giving people the opportunity to change their lives. Before, it felt like I was at a standstill, just going job to job. No new experiences, just you know: go to work. There was nothing exciting about it, no way to advance in my job. But now, I feel that I can move up if that’s my choice. It has given me a different perspective on what I can do for my family. I can provide better. I can give more. I can take us to newer heights. It gives some security to know I can now take my family to a place where we’ve never been.” –Jametris Johnson ’23 Workforce Equity Initiative alum of the Commercial Drivers License program and Local-Regional Truck Driver for Dot Transportation, Inc.

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Enhancing Workforce Readiness and Community Engagement

Our district’s employers count on us for the well-educated and trained workforce they need to run their businesses and contribute to a thriving economy. And community members turn to us for the education they need to earn a living wage, support their families and pursue their dreams. This year, we put a particular focus on expanding our network of partnerships with industry and not-for-profit leaders across our communities to ensure that we’re meeting the needs of all our stakeholders. • Through our Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI), we’re collaborating with community-based organizations to create pathways for students in high-poverty areas to programs like Commercial Driver’s License, Emergency Medical Technician, and Pharmacy Technician. Last year, more than 100 WEI participants earned credentials that equipped them for jobs with an average starting wage of more than $22 an hour. • In partnership with Endeavor Health, we’re addressing critical shortages in the health care workforce. We launched several new short-term credential programs, including Sterile Processing Technician and Patient Care Technician, and we’re developing additional certificate and degree programs that will launch in 2025. • When asylum seekers arrived in our district last year, we were one of the first organizations to rise to the occasion. Within weeks of the first arrivals, we were preparing asylum seekers to enroll in on-site English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. We also provide on-site ESL classes in partnership with LSG Sky Chefs and other companies, responding directly to our community’s workforce needs.

• To alleviate shortages of child care workers, we developed a program that combines training and work-based learning opportunities to prepare Spanish-speaking residents to earn both early childhood education and English as a Second Language credentials. In partnership with the City of Evanston and several community organizations, we are preparing students to enter the workforce and serve local families. Innovating to Meet the Community’s Needs We launched or re-imagined several programs to better serve students, businesses and entrepreneurs. For example: • We revamped our automotive program to offer shorter- term certificate programs, leading to significantly higher completion rates. • Our new Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers business advising and training for members of our community. • We introduced a new Robotics and Vision Technician Certificate program to prepare students to thrive in the growing field of robotics.

“Family income has a significant impact on children’s success in school. By helping parents prepare for high-wage jobs, we are helping the whole family. And when you help multiple families, you create just and thriving communities.” –Jesse Wade Ivory, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President of Workforce, Innovation and College Partnerships

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“I was born on the island of Guam, and I moved to the United States when I was 12. Guam’s culture is very different from American culture, so it was a challenging adjustment. But coming to Oakton, I really found my people. Being part of groups like COMPASS has helped me think about my heritage and explore how I can advocate for the AAPI community. My experiences here have helped amplify my voice and given me confidence in becoming a leader.” –Lydia Cruz Current student and member of Center for Organizing Minority Programs to Advance Student Success (COMPASS) and the Asian American Student Leadership Institute

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Advancing Racial Equity

At the heart of our mission is an unwavering commitment to expanding opportunities for the most underserved members of our communities and dismantling the structural factors that can serve as obstacles to access and success. We recognize that closing persistent equity gaps demands an innovative approach and the courage of our convictions, and while we still have a long way to go, we’re proud of the progress we’ve made. This year, we launched a variety of innovative programs and community partnerships designed to increase access, foster an inclusive environment, and help create a more equitable world. • Recognizing the vital importance of a hands-on, individual approach, we created new staff roles on campus that allow us to expand holistic support for Black, Latino/a/x and Asian American and Pacific Islander students and strengthen our connections in low-income and minoritized communities. For example, our new assistant director of enrollment for equity outreach is strengthening our connections with our most underserved communities. • A key focus of those efforts is the Emory Williams Academy for Black Men, a new program designed to foster success through mentoring, scholarships and designated staff support. In fall 2022, the program welcomed an inaugural class of 28 scholars. More than 75% of those scholars persisted to the following semester, and more than half continued the following fall.

• Four Oakton students spent three transformative weeks in Ghana as part of the College’s study abroad program. They took courses on Ghanaian history and literature, explored historical sites and immersed themselves in cultural experiences. Funding from the Oakton College Educational Foundation and other organizations was instrumental in making the trip possible. • Course offerings and certificate programs in areas such as Jewish Studies and Peace and Social Justice Studies empower students to explore equity from a variety of perspectives, backgrounds and cultures. • A series of culturally based “teen summits” brought hundreds of teenagers from Black and Latino/a/x communities to campus to learn about our programs and resources. By showcasing our welcoming community and celebrating diverse cultural identities, these events send a message to students that they belong here.

“There is a history of disenfranchisement in higher education for our most underserved communities. I’m proud that our outreach efforts help students enroll and support them throughout their trajectory here so they can enter the workforce.” –Ella Whitehead Assistant Director of Enrollment for Equity Outreach

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Oakton College Finances for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023


Oakton College remains fiscally sound The College has prepared itself over the years to address potential financial shortcomings in state funding or property taxes. This is mainly attributable to strong financial planning, healthy reserves and a strong property tax base. For fiscal year 2023, the College again received a clean, unmodified opinion from its external auditing firm. The following charts reflect operating results for fiscal years 2021-2023. REVENUES FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 (in millions)







2022 $ 16.7

2023 $ 12.5 $ 2.8 $ 64.1 $ 1.4 $ 11.1 $ 13.3 $ 4.9 $ 1.5 $ (1.2)

$ 16.7

Student Tuition and Fees * Auxiliary Enterprises Other Operating Sources * Local Grants and Contracts State Grants and Contracts ** Federal Grants and Contracts Investment Income Earned Property Taxes

$ 1.5 $ 1.6

$ 2.1 $ 1.5



$ 57.2 $ 1.1 $ 8.4 $ 10.8

$ 61.7 $ 3.6 $ 8.9 $ 21.6 $ (0.6) $ (1.0)

Revenues by Source 1. Student Tuition and Fees 11% 2. Auxiliary Enterprises 3% 3. Other Operating Sources 1% 4. Property Taxes 58% 5. Local Grants and Contracts 1% 6. State Grants and Contracts 10% 7. Federal Grants and Contracts 12% 8. Investment Income Earned 4%

$ 0.5

Interest on Capital Asset Related Debt $ (1.3)


$ 96.5 $ 114.5 $ 110.4





2021 32.6 16.3 12.6

2022 37.2 16.1 15.6

2023 30.0 16.6


Academic Support Student Services

12.2 5.0 11.5 5.0 11.1


Operations and Maintenance General Institutional Support


8.3 11.1 4.7


Auxiliary Enterprises

4.3 9.8





$ 94.2 $ 103.9

$ 91.4


*Revenue includes funding provided by the Oakton College Educational Foundation in the form of scholarships and grants to underwrite innovative projects, augment resources available to academic programs, and fund capital investment. Information about the Oakton Educational Foundation follows in the next section of this report. **Excludes state contributions for pensions and other post-employment benefits made on behalf of Oakton College. Recognized for excellence The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) recognized Oakton College with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its 2023 budget and with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. This was the 32 nd straight year the College has received this award for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.


Expenses by Function

1. Instruction 33% 2. Academic Support 18% 3. Student Services 13%

4. Operations and Maintenance 5% 5. General Institutional Support 13% 6. Auxiliary Enterprises 5% 7. Depreciation 12%

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Dear Friends,

Thanks to the generosity of our incredible network of donors, the Oakton College Educational Foundation has remained dedicated to our mission to enable student success. We’re supporting more students than ever, we’ve added talented new staff and board members, and we’re preparing to roll out a new strategic plan to guide our work over the next three years. This year, we provided $1.1 million in donor-funded scholarships, grants and awards to keep Oakton students enrolled, engaged and on track. We awarded 623 scholarships to 582 deserving students – a 25% increase over last year. At the same time, we saw an increase in scholarship applications, demonstrating that your support is more important than ever.

Our work this year has been guided in part by Vision 2030, the College’s strategic plan. As we work to support the College’s goal of building just and thriving communities, we’re engaging more members of our community than ever before.

Within the Educational Foundation, we have also developed our own strategic plan. Inspired by the pillars of Vision 2030, our plan challenges us to chart a bold course for the future, working to build critical resources that benefit Oakton’s students and our entire district. As always, your contributions play an essential role in making an outstanding education accessible to everyone in our communities and in enriching the Oakton experience for all students. Thank you for everything you do.

Warm regards,

Katherine S. Sawyer, CFRE Chief Advancement Officer and Foundation Executive Director

Murray Sprung


Board of Directors

“This scholarship is a tremendous honor and a game changer for me. I am now able to take some days off work and put that into spending time with the ones I love and putting in extra effort for my classes. Oakton is giving me a tremendous head start on the road to reaching my dreams.”

Joseph Elkhatib Current Student

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Our Generous Donors New Funds

Experiential Learning Opportunities Fund Contributing to a rich learning environment outside the classroom, this program fund provides resources for experiential learning such as a speaker series, peer and professional conferences, and academic competitions. Initiated by a grant from the Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation, funds can be used to support student registration and travel expenses to enable participation. Gail B. Cohen Scholarship for Environmental Studies After spending her career in Oakton's Information Technology department, retiree Gail Cohen was inspired to launch this endowed scholarship to support students who intend to pursue the environmental studies concentration with the goal of making meaningful contributions to sustainability and conservation. UScellular Asian American Network Fund This scholarship was initiated by Distinguished Alumna and Oakton Trustee Theresa Bashiri-Remetio , 09 as an opportunity for her colleagues at UScellular to support scholarship awards for students who identify as Asian American/Pacific Islander and need financial assistance in order to attend college. Oakton Speech Team Fund and Oakton Debate Team Fund These funds were initiated by the Liberal Arts Department to underwrite the cost of competition travel for students who participate in the speech and debate teams at Oakton. Oakton Study Abroad Scholarship Providing exposure to diverse communities around the world and cultural immersion, this scholarship helps to underwrite travel expenses for students who participate in an Oakton-sponsored study abroad trip, including programs in partnership with the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs. Workforce Skills Development Scholarship Supporting scholarships for students who are enrolled in short-term certificate programs that lead to career opportunities, this scholarship was launched through a grant from the Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation. Woznicki Memorial Compassion Scholarship Launched by nurse educator and Oakton faculty member Mary Kakenmaster and her husband Mark, as Mary approached her retirement, this endowed scholarship honors the memory of Mary’s mother and is awarded to Oakton students who are in the final year of the Nursing Program at Oakton. Preference is given to students who have demonstrated community service or volunteerism or express a heart for caring for others.

Thanks to inspired donor gifts, we opened six endowments and eight current-use funds totaling more than $265,000 in new gift commitments this year. Of these funds, 71% focus on scholarships and 29% support programs and other investment areas. Arlean Vauthier Scholarship for Music Launched through an estate gift from Oakton alumna Arlean Vauthier, this endowed scholarship provides funding for students majoring in music to honor her deep love of music and regular participation in music education classes at the College. Alan D. Cohen Memorial Scholarship Honoring the memory of her late husband, Oakton retiree Gail Cohen initiated this endowment to provide scholarship awards for students who are returning to college as adults and in need of financial assistance to advance their education. ASPIRE Community Healthcare Workforce Scholarship Committed to accelerating opportunity, inclusion and economic equity, a collaboration between Endeavor Health, the City of Evanston and The Finnegan Family Foundation resulted in this fund, providing scholarships to students demonstrating interest in health careers. Recipients must be residents of the City of Evanston or a student/graduate of Evanston Township High School living in Oakton’s district. Recipients are eligible for internship opportunities and interviews for employment in Endeavor Health. Catherine Willis Grimes Memorial Scholarship Fund Launched in memory of former faculty member Catherine Willis Grimes by her daughter Sandra Moody Gresham and supported by family and friends, this endowed scholarship is awarded with preference for students who identify as members of under- represented communities and are enrolled in social science courses. Emory Williams Academy for Black Men Program Fund Honoring the legacy of former Oakton trustee Emory Williams, this current-use fund is available to support a wide array of programming needs for academy scholars as they advance their education. Resources help to underwrite career exploration, cultural events, presentations and opportunities to connect with other students. Emory Williams Scholarship Initiated by Trustee Emerita Joan DiLeonardi, this endowed scholarship is designed to support students who need financial assistance to attend college, have a 2.5 GPA or better, and are participating in the Emory Williams Academy for Black Men.

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Oakton College Educational Foundation Board of Directors 2023-2024

Officers President Murray Sprung

Board Members Hansy Charlier Acuity Brands Lighting

Ex Officio Liaisons Trustee Liaison Bill Stafford

John Madison John Madison, Inc.

Joan C. Richards, Ed.D. Wheels, Inc. (retired)

Immediate Past President Carl Costanza

Kate Gallagher Wintrust Bank

Industry Partner Liaison Ruben Howard II

Natasha Bannatyle Richards John Crane, Inc.

Vice President/President-Elect Julie Fenton

Hank Galatz, J.D. W.W. Grainger

Faculty Liaison Carol Bustamante

Jeffrey Rodriguez United Parcel Service

Treasurer Nancy Sullivan

Scott Hurwitz Deloitte (retired)

Alumni Liaison Tim Panfil, ’88, ’89

Steve Salaman Brookdale Senior Living

Secretary Jeff Coney

Kathryn Hunt Oakton College (retired)

Howard S. Singer

President (Ex Officio) Joianne Smith, Ph.D.

Regina Holloway, J.D. Axon

Cindy Veremis LSG Sky Chefs (retired)

Executive Director (Ex Officio) Katherine Sawyer, CFRE

Catherine Leonard Baird & Warner

Ella Woodford-Parker Ascension Holy Family

Kathy Lichtenstein Rex’s Place

Jodi Wrede Allstate

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Please join us in welcoming four new board members and one new staff member:

Regina Holloway, J.D., is VP of global strategic community impact at Axon, where she leads the company's efforts to build inclusive products that address the global public-safety challenges of the 21st century. She oversees the development and implementation of policies, programs and partnerships that promote racial equity and inclusion, human rights and social justice within and beyond the company.

Steve Salaman is the area director for Brookdale Senior Living, which has employed students from Oakton and has been involved with our Workforce Equity Initiative grant. After starting his career in hotel operations at exclusive properties managed by Hilton Hotels and the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, he worked his way up to overseeing high-end independent and assisted living communities with Brookdale Senior Living.

Catherine Leonard is a designated managing broker with Baird & Warner, where she manages the Evanston office. Before entering the real estate industry, she worked in advertising at Young & Rubicam in New York City, where she served as VP account supervisor on accounts such as Whitehall Brands and Colgate Palmolive.

Scott Hurwitz retired recently as the partner in charge of Deloitte's Chicago, Milwaukee and Eastern Iowa audit practices. He also served as lead client service partner and advisory partner for a number of public and private organizations.

Jessi Moon joined the Foundation staff in August 2023 as director of major and planned giving and associate executive director. She brings more than 15 years of nonprofit experience, including roles at DePaul University, University of Illinois Chicago, and Emerson College. Most recently, she served as chief development officer at Chicago Foundation for Women.

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The Oakton College Educational Foundation extends its sincere gratitude to all who gave their financial support toward the College, and most importantly to enable the success of our Oakton students. Each gift represents a commitment to the excellence and legacy of the institution. Thank you to all of the individuals and organizations highlighted in this Honor Roll of Donors for your generous contributions.

Lifetime Giving Cumulative gifts over a donor’s lifetime

Betty Keoughan† Jinn-Shia Y. Kong Greg and Carol Korak

Jayne Quellmallz† Hal and Karen Sider Howard and Alisa Singer Sondheimer Family Charitable Foundation Harry† and Lila† Tankus Unum Insurance Associate ($25,000 - $99,999) A. H. Entertainers, Inc. Abbey Family Fund William and Nora Albracht American Council of Learned Societies American Legion Auxiliary Skokie Unit #320 Antal and Elsie Andrin Anonymous Bedford Grow, LLC Trudy Bers Brunswick Foundation Chicago North MSBL Organization Liz and Jeff Coney Terese and Thomas Conway Des Plaines Publishing Company Joan W. DiLeonardi Tito Dinzey† Dollar General Literacy Foundation Marilyn R. Drury-Katillo Essendant The Estate of Arlean Vauthier The Estate of Beverly Offen Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Foundation First Midwest Bank Janice B. Footlik Erv† and Rosemary Geisler Generations Fund Glenview State Bank Joan Hall† Helene Fuld Health Trust David and Karen Hilquist Jerry and Roberta Horwitz Katie Hunt and the Hunt Giving Fund Illinois Community College System Foundation Industrial Motion Control, LLC J. Dawn Mercedes Trust Gary and Pat Joyce and Joyce Properties Junior League of Evanston-North Shore Juno Lighting Group

through June 30, 2023 Founder ($1 million +)

Linda A. Korbel Kraft Foods, Inc.

Irving M.† and Sylvia† Footlik and the Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation Rivers Casino Visionary ($750,000 - $999,999) Ernest C. Wentcher † and the Wentcher Foundation Benefactor ($500,000 - $749,999) Keith E. Dixon† The Estate of Stanley Harris Niles Township Government PharmaCann, Inc Advocate ($250,000 -$499,999) Allstate Foundation Chicago Tribune Charities - A McCormick Foundation Fund John Crane, Inc. The Estate of Herbert E. Liebsch Fellow ($100,000 - $249,999) Lynne B. Adams † Anne† and Mead Montgomery, Anne and Mead Montgomery Family Foundation Anonymous Elaine Beertema† Butler Family Foundation City of Evanston Debbie and Carl Costanza The Estate of Joan D. Cramer Curaleaf, Rooted in Good

Allen and Sue Kravis Lawson Products, Inc.

Margaret B. Lee Adele LeGere† Mesirow Financial Corporation

North Shore Visiting Nurses Foundation Oakton Alliance For Lifelong Learning Teresa M. O'Sullivan and Dave A. Pock Parker Hannifin Corporation Annette M. Prince Trent† and Joan Richards Robbins Schwartz Rotary Club of Skokie Valley Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center The Seabury Foundation Joianne and H. David Smith Melinda Steffey and Bruce Weiss Thomas and Suzanne† TenHoeve Thomas and Jeri Tippett Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. UOP W.W. Grainger, Inc. Jody and Florence Wadhwa and the Wadhwa Foundation Walgreen Co. Cheryl Warmann and Jay Pollak Robert L. Whitman Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Jane and Jeremy Wilson

Generations Fund Hatch Dispensaries Heavenly Cappuccino, Inc. Wilfrid Helms † HSBC Finance Corporation Paul and Nicole Legere Jane Ellen Murray

Northfield Township Government John C. † & Carolyn Noonan Parmer, The John C. & Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private Foundation

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Annual Giving Gifts between July 1, 2022 and June 30,2023 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Golden Oak ($100,000 and more) City of Evanston Niles Township Government* Northfield Township Government Rivers Casino* Scarlet Oak ($50,000 - $99,999) The Estate of Beverly Offen Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation* Wentcher Foundation*** White Oak ($25,000 - $49,999) Gail B. Cohen Carl and Debbie Costanza**** David and Karen Hilquist** The Estate of Arlean Vauthier DEAN’S CIRCLE Willow Oak ($10,000 - $24,999) Abbey Family Fund* Anne and Mead Montgomery Family Foundation** Theresa Bashiri-Remetio* Gail B. Cohen Liz and Jeff Coney** Joan W. DiLeonardi Sandra Moody Gresham Mary F. and Mark Kakenmaster*** Annette M. Prince Robbins Schwartz Thomas and Suzanne† TenHoeve** Carl Warschausky and Laurie McCollum* Chestnut Oak ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous**** Chicago North MSBL Organization* Carlee and Michael Drummer Lynn Dykstra and Andrew Davis** Janice B. Footlik** Joianne and H. David Smith**** W.W. Grainger, Inc. Canyon Oak ($1,000 - $4,999) Albracht Oil and Gas, LLC* Allstate Foundation American Association of Women in Community Colleges-Oakton Alona W. Anspach** Floyd and Susan Aylin*** Michael Becker

Ruth Williams*** C. Willis

Destiny Brown Gail and Robert Bush* Patrick V. Casali*** The Chicago Community Foundation Sunil and Maria Chopra** Jeffrey D. Chulay Bettye and David Cohns Willie Cohns Terese K. Conway** Cray Kaiser - Certified Public Accountants Harry Eikosidekas The Estate of Catherine E. Willis Grimes Evanston Community Foundation FCM, LLC Julie A. Fenton and Stuart Chanen**and the Chanen Family Charitable Account Tracy D. Friend Samuel H. Grimes Barry and Sandi Hartstein Katie Hunt and the Hunt Giving Fund Scott Hurwitz and Kelly Austin Thomas M. and Claire Johannesen* Paul and Elisabeth Johnson*** Gary and Patricia Joyce and Gary Joyce Properties Joyce and Allan Goldberg Charitable Fund* Junior League of Evanston-North Shore** Jinn-Shia Y. Kong

Damita Willis George Willis Jane and Jeremy† Wilson**** FRIENDS OF OAKTON Prairie Oak ($500 - $999) Anonymous Jhanna Appleby Sam Arnold Better World Books Jennifer and David Biedron Joan W. Boggs Nancy C. Bothfeld Noel Brigham Alice C. Brunner

Carol Bustamante*** Edwin Chandrasekar Wendy Chapman Lisa Cherivtch** David Collier James L. Cwick Mindy Finnigan*** Jill and Hank Galatz** Kathleen Gallagher* Ernest A. Gest**

Puamuh T. Ghogomu*** Ian and Norma Gilson*** Glenview Women of Today Verona Haffenden*** Mary V. Haines Colette Hands*** Illinois Health Information Management Association Irene E. Jinks Carolina Kecseti Kristin Keramidas* Steven Ko* Andrea and Jerry Lehmacher** John and Leslie Mabbott*

Linda A. Korbel**** Margaret B. Lee**** Gloria Liu and Francisco Sosa*** Mather

Christina Mendoza Edith M. Nordby**

Sean O'Grady Joselina Pecson Mary Ann Pellegrino Lynda M. Powe Joan Richards**** Katherine Sawyer and Mark Bisaillon** Hassan Sayeed Gus and Irina Schaefer** Katherine Schuster* Gregory and Dorian Seidler** Hal and Karen Sider** Howard and Alisa Singer**** Murray and Arla Sprung**** William and Ingrid Stafford** Esther R. Sussman** John M. Vertuno John Wade** Cheryl Warmann and Jay Pollak****

Jeffrey P. Manson Anne C. Martin* Steve Maynard Carla M. McAleer Kathy McGrath Megan Meier

Ann B. Michael** Stefanie Nagelbach Oakton Performing Arts

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William O'Connor Kimberly A. Peri** Andrelina Rodriguez Larry Rubin Nancy A. and Gregory N. Schwabe**** Victor A. Sciborski Michele and Joel Shoolin** Gerri H. Sizemore* Beatriz E. Sparks* Nancy Sullivan and Leo Falkenstein* Ivan G. Temesvari**

Rebecca Teel Daou David DeCoursey-James Jude Delashaw Madhuri Deshmukh* Glynis Doyle James J. Doyle Elizabeth Elsaesser Tina J. Fakhrid-Deen Kathleen Ferrarell**

Judy A. Langston Jude Laude Margaret Layding Mary LeGere*** Catherine Leonard Howard J. Levin*** Denise Lintz Ileo Lott Jackie Mack

Sandra Fisher** Trittney Fortson John Gable Linda Gerber

John Madison Jane C. Malik Judith E. Mayzel LeVon J. McAllister Phillip McCabe Maurae L. Gilbert McCants

Cheryl L. Thayer† Kathleen Thiessen Katherine L. Tootelian* Richard Van Hees* Leslie A. Van Wolvelear** Warnsman Giving Fund**

Noah and Cynthia Gilson Glenview Public Schools Karen and James Gorman Ella L. Green Gregory and Janet Stecklein Charitable Fund* Jody Gross

James P. McCarthy Candee McMahon Melissa M. Mendoza** April Miller Gary A. Mines**** Zoran Miodragovic*** Chinita Montgomery Lynette Murphy

Sherrill Weaver** Ella Whitehead** Andy Williams** Eric Witherspoon

Safa Hamed*** Greg Hamill***

Krissie R. Harris*** Camille Harrison** Yusuf Hasan David Helfand Ruben Howard II Matthew D. Huber* Illinois Education Association Michelle James** Michael G. Jensen Jacob Jeremiah Mary C. Johannesen-Schmidt*** Charmaine C. John Scott E. Johnson* Bennie Jones Justice Fund Abbe Kalos* Kathryn Kane Barbara Keeley Susan Keister Moritz Kellerman*** Constance Kelly Elizabeth Kershisnik* Julie Kimmel and Philip Schluter*

Oak Leaf ($100 – $499) Olabisi Adenekan* Adjunct Faculty Association May Alimboyoguen Sue Anderson*** Marilyn I. Appelson* David Arieti** Dr. Gregory Baldauf Keith Banks Ann Marie Barry and Kevin J. Barry**** Kelly Becker* Patricia Beem** Sheri Berg

Kevin Nelson Cindy Nijmeh Northbrook/Glenview School District 30 Laura Nowack Oakton Faculty Association

Jhosa C. Pagulayan Timothy J. Panfil** Thelma S. Parker

Nicole C. Perry Habeeb Quadri Juliet and Joseph Rago Natasha and Brad Richards** Ms. Mary Ringstad Brooke Roche** Jeffrey G. Rodriguez*** Erick Rohn** Margaret Romm Larry R. Roth Natalia Ruiz Steve Salaman Benjamin D. Salzberg Rachel Schmid Doreen L. Schwartz Timothy Selgrat Sandra A. Silvern Barbara M. Sipe** Judy and Norman Skurnick**

Donovan Braud* Carlos Briones***

Karl Brooks** Martha Burns Bob Burton**** Michelle Macklin Burton Stephen Butera** Prof. Julio Capeles Dr. John C. Carzoli*** Jerline Chambers Hansy Charlier Gary and Judith Childrey Penny and Gregory Cieply

Leah Kintner** Darlene J. Kirtz Aaron D. Klebanoff** Megan R. Klein Joseph J. Kotowski** Allen B. Kravis****

Will A. Crawford Virginia H. Curtis

26 2023 Annual Report | oakton.edu

Philip Sloan** Terry S. Slocum** Elena Smoukova Tracy L. Snow Karin Susens** Beth Tapprich B. Charmian Tashjian Marie Lynn Toussaint Luz C. Trejo Martha Trueheart* Ayush Varma

Joianne L. Smith Murray L. Sprung Cheryl Warmann Jodi Wrede

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. Please accept our apology for any errors or omissions. Should you have any changes or corrections for your listing, please contact the Oakton College Educational Foundation at 847.635.1893 or foundation@oakton.edu.

Given in Memory of… Marcy Abrams Gail Albracht Joseph Borowski Grace Burman Geri Charley Jacob Childrey Steven Ehrlich Pamela Cohns Fox Catherine E. Willis Grimes

Consecutive annual giving designations: * 3 or more years

** 5 or more years *** 10 or more years **** 20 or more years † deceased

Cindy Veremis** Tamara Wallace Irwin S. Weiss** Jerome E. Wexler Ruth Whitney Larry Williams**

Sabriya Hamed Kenneth Kleich Diane Kliebard Adele LeGere Jill Mawhinney Cheryl McKinley Miodrag Miodragovic Beverly Offen Bruce Olson Mary A. Olson Sean O'Shea Mario Paez Mark Spognardi Suzanne TenHoeve Cheryl L. Thayer George D. Tootelian Terry N. Trobec Richard Trueheart

Marcia A. Wineberg Michael Wisniewski Sally Witt Sandra Wittman Rebecca Wojcicki* Nancy Woulfe Jodi Wrede* Robert D. Wronkiewicz Floyd Yager Wa Yang Ms. Sheila Zabin** Suzanne Ziegenhorn** Jack F. Zrecny

Tribute Gifts Given in Honor of… Edwin Chandrasekar Victoria Cleary

Thomas Witte Gifts In Kind Gifts of physical property such as fine art or equipment.

Beverly O. Friend Mary Hope Griffin Mary C. Johannesen-Schmidt Paul R. Johnson Mary F. Kakenmaster Geraldine Kleich Linda Korbel

Philip Bergquist Nathan Harpaz Christopher Newman Jo Rydholm Norman Sandfield Christine Schwartz

Joseph J. Kotowski Lewis M. Lazarus Margaret B. Lee

Gloria E. Liu Jane C. Malik Jill M. Mawhinney Oakton Library Faculty & Staff Duane A. Oudenhoven

Nadine F. Poyser Howard S. Singer

2023 Annual Report | oakton.edu 27

Educational Foundation Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2023 (with summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2022)

Balance Sheet



Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents







Pledges Receivable, Net

$63,008 $11,448 $24,288

$244,601 $11,448

Accrued Interest Prepaid Expenses


Investments, Long-term



Total Assets

$19,232,533 $17,956,754



Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable

$22,991 $128,646

$14,479 $95,216

Due to Oakton College

Total Liabilities



Giving by Constituency

Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions Undesignated

1. Individuals 37% 2. Business/Corporations 21% 3. Organizations/Foundations 42%






Total Without Donor Restrictions

$9,360,115 $9,347,773

$11,937,543 $8,486,944

With Donor Restrictions

Total Net Assets $19,080,896 $17,847,059 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $19,232,533 $17,956,754 Statement of Activities 2023 2022 Revenues Gifts and Contributions $1,261,581 $1,357,166 Net Investment Return $1,509,086 ($2,821,632) Miscellaneous - $849 Total Revenues $2,770,667 ($1,463,617) Expenses Program Services $1,365,008 $1,672,677 Management and General $581,214 $431,741 Fundraising $50,592 $50,981 Total Expenses $1,996,814 $2,155,399 Transfer from Affiliate - Oakton College Contributions In-Kind $459,984 $444,908




Giving by Purpose 1. Student Scholarships 67% 2. Academic and Student Programs 24% 3. Unrestricted 9%

Change in Net Assets

$1,233,837 $17,847,059

($3,174,108) $20,994,167

Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year

$19,080,896 $17,847,059

Notes: Investment returns net of fees for Fiscal Year 2023 were 8.46%. The Foundation's investments are guided by a board-approved investment policy. The Foundation's endowment, comprimising permanently restricted and related temporarily restricted funds, was valued at $6,724,335 on June 30, 2023. Transfers from Affiliate - Oakton College are in-kind services contributed by the College to partially support the operation of the Educational Foundation, including staff expense. The Oakton College Educational Foundation received an unmodified/unqualified audit opinion from our independent auditors, Sikich, LLP in 2023.

28 2023 Annual Report | oakton.edu

Meet Our Distinguished Alumni Each year, Oakton honors outstanding graduates with the Distinguished Alumni Award. Our recent award recognized the following four graduates for their commitment to building just and thriving communities in keeping with Oakton’s Vision 2030 strategic plan.

Filza Ali AA, ,

Nathan M. Norman AA, , 18 is passionate about supporting young people. As workforce development manager for the City of Evanston, he connects Evanston youth and young adults with workforce development opportunities and resources that contribute to sustainable career paths. He also serves as an ambassador for Oakton’s Emory Williams Academy for Black Men, a program designed to support the success of Black male-identifying students.

17 has a long-standing

Julian G. Thompson (2005-2006) centers race and justice in his work as assistant professor of criminology, law and justice at the University of Illinois Chicago. The author of many articles on a variety of social work topics, he has served in leadership positions at various local organizations supporting vulnerable populations with job reentry, housing and access to mental health services.

Jerrod W. Tucker (2005-2007) is the head coach of the Jacksonville 95ers, a men’s professional basketball team based in Jacksonville, Florida. He also serves as dean and head varsity basketball coach at a charter school. An active community member, he volunteers his time to support homeless and low-income populations. At Oakton, he was a basketball team captain and led the team to its first trip to the national tournament. He was inducted into the Illinois Skyway Collegiate Conference Hall of Fame in 2019.

commitment to supporting immigrant and undocumented students. As a bachelor’s degree student at Loyola University, where she received the full-ride Magis Scholarship for undocu- mented students, she facilitated undocumented ally training for more than 300 students and employees and created platforms for undocumented students to network and strengthen their connection with the community. Today, she works as an associate research strategy and operations analyst at a Chicago-based biotechnology company and continues to advocate for immigration reform.

Oakton Alumni Council Composed of dedicated representatives from Oakton’s alumni community, the Alumni Council recommends, provides and supports a range of activities and services to alumni, students and the Oakton community. Members include:

Jonathan McFarlane ’05, Chair Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts Shakera Khatoon ’22, Vice Chair Associate in Science, Math and Science Theresa Bashiri-Remetio ’09 2019 Distinguished Alumni Honoree Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts Public Relations Certificate, Professional

Maria Lazanyi ’09 Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts Nathan Norman ’19 Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts

Norman Petroski ’15 Associate in Applied Science, Management and Supervision Dayani Pieri ’09 2016 Distinguished Alumni Honoree Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts

Franklin Ortega Attended 2008-2011 Tim Panfil ’88 and ’89 2014 Distinguished Alumni Honoree Associate in Applied Science, Electronics and Computer Technology Associate in Science, Engineering

Neha Shafizadah Attended 2008-2010

Accounting Certificate Patrick Dunne ’08 Associate in Applied Science Health Information Technology Coding Certificate

2023 Annual Report | oakton.edu 29

Mission Oakton is the community’s college. By providing access to quality education throughout a lifetime, we empower and transform our students in the diverse communities we serve. Vision Dedicated to teaching and learning, Oakton is a student-centered college known for academic rigor and high standards. Through exemplary teaching that relies on innovation and collaboration with our community partners, our students learn to think critically, solve problems, and to be ethical global citizens who shape the world. We are committed to diversity, cultural competence and achieving equity in student outcomes. Values A focus on Oakton students is at the core of each of these values. • We exercise responsibility through accountability to each other, our community and the environment. • We embrace the diversity of the Oakton community and honor it as one of our college’s primary strengths. • We advance equity by acknowledging the effects of systemic social injustices and intentionally designing the Oakton experience to foster success for all students. • We uphold integrity through a commitment to trust, transparency and honesty by all members of the Oakton community. • We cultivate compassion within a caring community that appreciates that personal fulfillment and well-being are central to our mission. • We foster collaboration within the college and the larger community and recognize our interdependence and ability to achieve more together. Ratified by the Board of Trustees on March 21, 2017, and reaffirmed annually, most recently on September 19, 2023.

Inclusion at Oakton Explore our Anti-Racism Statement, Land Acknowledgment and Neurodiversity Inclusion Statement to learn more about our commitment to equity and a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.

Board of Trustees Wendy B. Yanow, Ed.D., Chair Gail Bush, Ph.D., Vice Chair William Stafford, Secretary Theresa Bashiri-Remetio , 09 Martha Burns Benjamin Salzberg Marie Lynn Toussaint, J.D. Lydia Cruz, Student Trustee

Information subject to change. 112923JO

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