2023 Annual Report

Our Generous Donors New Funds

Experiential Learning Opportunities Fund Contributing to a rich learning environment outside the classroom, this program fund provides resources for experiential learning such as a speaker series, peer and professional conferences, and academic competitions. Initiated by a grant from the Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation, funds can be used to support student registration and travel expenses to enable participation. Gail B. Cohen Scholarship for Environmental Studies After spending her career in Oakton's Information Technology department, retiree Gail Cohen was inspired to launch this endowed scholarship to support students who intend to pursue the environmental studies concentration with the goal of making meaningful contributions to sustainability and conservation. UScellular Asian American Network Fund This scholarship was initiated by Distinguished Alumna and Oakton Trustee Theresa Bashiri-Remetio , 09 as an opportunity for her colleagues at UScellular to support scholarship awards for students who identify as Asian American/Pacific Islander and need financial assistance in order to attend college. Oakton Speech Team Fund and Oakton Debate Team Fund These funds were initiated by the Liberal Arts Department to underwrite the cost of competition travel for students who participate in the speech and debate teams at Oakton. Oakton Study Abroad Scholarship Providing exposure to diverse communities around the world and cultural immersion, this scholarship helps to underwrite travel expenses for students who participate in an Oakton-sponsored study abroad trip, including programs in partnership with the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs. Workforce Skills Development Scholarship Supporting scholarships for students who are enrolled in short-term certificate programs that lead to career opportunities, this scholarship was launched through a grant from the Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation. Woznicki Memorial Compassion Scholarship Launched by nurse educator and Oakton faculty member Mary Kakenmaster and her husband Mark, as Mary approached her retirement, this endowed scholarship honors the memory of Mary’s mother and is awarded to Oakton students who are in the final year of the Nursing Program at Oakton. Preference is given to students who have demonstrated community service or volunteerism or express a heart for caring for others.

Thanks to inspired donor gifts, we opened six endowments and eight current-use funds totaling more than $265,000 in new gift commitments this year. Of these funds, 71% focus on scholarships and 29% support programs and other investment areas. Arlean Vauthier Scholarship for Music Launched through an estate gift from Oakton alumna Arlean Vauthier, this endowed scholarship provides funding for students majoring in music to honor her deep love of music and regular participation in music education classes at the College. Alan D. Cohen Memorial Scholarship Honoring the memory of her late husband, Oakton retiree Gail Cohen initiated this endowment to provide scholarship awards for students who are returning to college as adults and in need of financial assistance to advance their education. ASPIRE Community Healthcare Workforce Scholarship Committed to accelerating opportunity, inclusion and economic equity, a collaboration between Endeavor Health, the City of Evanston and The Finnegan Family Foundation resulted in this fund, providing scholarships to students demonstrating interest in health careers. Recipients must be residents of the City of Evanston or a student/graduate of Evanston Township High School living in Oakton’s district. Recipients are eligible for internship opportunities and interviews for employment in Endeavor Health. Catherine Willis Grimes Memorial Scholarship Fund Launched in memory of former faculty member Catherine Willis Grimes by her daughter Sandra Moody Gresham and supported by family and friends, this endowed scholarship is awarded with preference for students who identify as members of under- represented communities and are enrolled in social science courses. Emory Williams Academy for Black Men Program Fund Honoring the legacy of former Oakton trustee Emory Williams, this current-use fund is available to support a wide array of programming needs for academy scholars as they advance their education. Resources help to underwrite career exploration, cultural events, presentations and opportunities to connect with other students. Emory Williams Scholarship Initiated by Trustee Emerita Joan DiLeonardi, this endowed scholarship is designed to support students who need financial assistance to attend college, have a 2.5 GPA or better, and are participating in the Emory Williams Academy for Black Men.

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