2023 Cure OM Stewardship


CURE OM (Community United for Research and Education of Ocular Melanoma) is the Melanoma Research Foundation’s (MRF) initiative created to increase awareness, education and research funding for ocular melanoma (OM), while improving the lives of people affected by this disease. Founded in 2011 by Drs. Gregg Stracks and Sara Selig, together an OM patient and caregiver team, CURE OM mirrors the MRF’s tri-partite mission of research, education and advocacy. CURE OM aims to accelerate research, find new and effective treatment options and to increase awareness and support of patients, clinicians and researchers. To date, CURE OM has funded over $2.4 million in OM research and pioneered international collaborations, innovative patient support resources and patient-powered scientific initiatives like the VISION Platform (VISION). CURE OM excels because of the hard work and dedication of its Patient and Scientific Steering Committees and the generosity of the OM community.

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