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T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor L H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board APRIL, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 53, No. 4 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-two Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual developm ent of the Christian hom e M a
Sure, you can w rite you r own camp lessons, but why not let Scripture Press do all the work? Each camp manual is loaded with Bible teaching techniques, correlated outdoor activities, craft suggestions, and many other proven helps used by thousands o f successful camp leaders. The 1962 camp course themes: Junior —How the Christian Grows Junior High—Heroes, every one! High School—Mr. Teen-Ager faces Christian living Each course clearly explains G o d ’s plan o f salvation and challenges campers to practical Christian living. Send today for free folder, or Camp Preview Packet, $3.15 plus postage. See your friendly Christian bookstore or write: SCRIPTURE PRESS M KBD-42 W H E A T O N , I L L I NO I S HO. 9-5883 HO. 9-5883 d3 a b u .l t ORIENTAL RUG o n CLEANERS Largest in the West
THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION — Wallace Emerson ...... 10 BECAUSE I LIVE — Arthur Hedley ....................................... 12 THE GLORY OF EASTER — R. R. Brown ................................ 13 DANIEL: A LIFE OF DEDICATED SERVICE ............................ 14 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE CHRISTIAN — John D. Frame ............................................................. 15 SPIRITUAL RECOVERY — Paul S. Rees .................................. 17 SINCERELY WRONG — Jo Ellen Rollins .................................. 18 LIVES IN YOUR HANDS — Special Insert .............................. 19 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL MATERIALS — William Bynum ...... 46 WHEN GOD SENDS A TRIAL — J. Sidlow Baxter...................... 50 Futhm A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .......... 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................... 29 CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson S. Dilworth ......................... 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................ 32 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................ 34 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................... 35 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................. 36 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller .................... 37 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .................. 40 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........................... 42 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ......................... 43 ALUMN I NEWS — Ine* MeGahey ........................................ 45 Celuwu READER REACTION ............................................................. 4 PEOPLE ............................................................................. 8 HOMILETICAL HELPS .......................................................... 41 TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS ............................................... 44 — All Rights Reserved —
545 M. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. POpIo r 6-2479
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Helps you find and use the right illus tration at the right time in the right way . . . with more than 140 illustrations. An invaluable tool for public speakers!
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JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JERRY JENSEN: Production Manager
EDITORIAL BOARD William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $ 1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'nThe King's Business/'
Robert J. Hastings
APRIL, 1962
been a great comfort in so many ways for which we thank you. Anna M. Hovland, Weed, California I do get so much enlightenment in read ing the whole magazine. I thought Dr. Talbot’s explanation of Heaven in hif Question Box very good. Mis. Alex Larson, Albert Lea, Minnesota I have enjoyed this magazine so very much in the past years, especially the Prophetic messages. This is one of the best magazines I get, and I get quite a number. Rev. R. G. Chisholm, Clearlake Baptist Church, Gibbon, Minnesota It has been our privilege to read THE KING’S BUSINESS for several years and we do appreciate the well-rounded minis try it gives us. Among other things, we have much appreciated the information you give on cults. Mrs. Raymond S. Jackson, Glendale, California I just received my first issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I particularly wish to thank Rev. Mr. Campbell fqr reporting his long fact-finding study of “Herbert Armstrong — Mr. Confusion.” I just re cently ran across his program and have had my doubts about him. So I was most thankful for your article on this “ wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Mrs. J. W. Kuhlman, Worley, Idaho GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS We have received wonderful commen from the recipients of gift subscriptions to your magazine. In one instance, it was placed in a beauty salon where the pages are being read many times a day. It has brought a blessing into our own lives, and we hope to place more sub scriptions in many homes where no sound spiritual literature has entered before. Mrs. R. S. Nelson, Seattle, Washington MORE THAN FOUR DECADES A READER I believe I became a subscriber in Au gust of 1919, so I am well along in my 43rd year. I regard THE KING’S BUSI NESS as a trustworthy old friend. It has followed me half way around the world. I consider it one of the finest Christian magazines published. Miss Mary J. McGee, Live Oak, California THANKFUL FOR "MR . CONFUSION" ARTICLE
I wish to tell you how much I endorse Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in THE KING’S BUSINESS on the new translations of the Bible; or are they man’s translations? Keep up the good work. Mrs. H. Jessie Dickson, Victoria, B.C. I was amazed at the criticism regarding your articles on the new translations which are coming forth so rapidly. PLEASE don’t stop setting forth the errors and changes in the new translation. If it were not for you and the Sunday School Times many of us would swallow the fad of trying every new thing that comes along. So please continue the articles with out fail! Miss Lena Bridenstine, Holtville, California The first effects of the dangers that you outline are often seen on the mission field where most of the Christians are but babes and not well instructed. Satan uses the doubts and errors of well-known men in either wrecking or stunting the faith of these believers. The effects of any lack of obedience or outright denial of some aspect of truth will be much more slowly real ized in this country. POOR ARGUMENTATIVE FORM The February KING’S BUSINESS is the first issue of the magazine I have ever read and the editorial “A Dishonest Trans lation” so disturbed me that I felt com pelled to write and object to the poor argumentative form used. The editor certainly has his right to his opinion of the RSV translation of the Bible, but to use the form, if you can’t win an argument by logic attack the person, is certainly in poor taste. The editor has attacked the moral integrity of the RSV translators by intimating that a change was made in the RSV purely from mone tary considerations. Now this may or may not be true, but the editor has not offered one scrap of evidence to prove his assump tion is correct, thereby committing the same error he is accusing the translators of — dishonesty. Surely if the RSV is not an accurate translation as the editor claims it can be easily proven without restorting to character assassination. Robert L. Miller, Campbell, California MORE EDITORIAL COMMENTS I want to thank you for the editorial “ Defeat By Default.”
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ENJOYS MAGAZINE Want to tell you what a great blessing THE KING’S BUSINESS is to me. It has
God gave me a life in this body of mine, To have and to use for a certain time. I must be careful of life, for you see It doesn't really belong to me! It has been entrusted to my care; It is something that God and 1 sorta of share. I hope that when He wants it back some day, He will find that it hasn't been thrown away. I hope He will find it honest and pure; I've tried to keep it that way I am sure, One feels a trust for a thing in his care, So I've guarded this life with a fer vent prayer. That my heart would be like an open book, Where God might turn the pages and earnestly look, For the good in these pages of time, To see how I've used a life not mine. — Unknown
Only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day — assures Christian loving care for an otherwise desolate waif. Spon sors are being blessed in providing shelter, clothing, food and school tuition (charged for in Korea), all for so small an amount. Invite a friend or relative to join you as a co-spon sor, only $4 each a month, or interest your Sunday School or another organization group. SAVED FROM TRAGEDY A N D DESPAIR No. Y -l above is Ahn Jung Taek. This boy’s father died of T.B. The mother, having no means to care for the boy and four brothers and sisters, lost her mind. At Christmas time a staff member of one of our orphanages found the five children begging from door to door. They were taken in. All five and many others in our Christian orphanages are hoping for a “ Daddy and Mommie” or “ Big Sister or Brother.”
No. Y-2 is Bak M i Ok. Her father was drowned at sea while out fishing and left her mother with no means of livelihood. When a man offered to marry her but would not have her children, she abandoned them and disappeared. The neighbors cared for the two children as long as they were able. Finally, they were brought to one of our orphanages where they found safety, love and care. Choose your own orphan who will know you as sponsor. The child’s picture, life history, name and address, as well as the story and picture of the orphanage itself, will be sent to you. You can write or send packages, and replies will be prompt and in English. This personal contact THRILLS and BLESSES sponsors just as the Lord has greatly blessed die work of the ESEA. New sponsors are desperately needed to care for the many innocent victims of conflict and misfortune crowding our orphanages. These children are taught the Bible each day, sing Christian songs and eamesdy pray. All are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. All attend church and Sunday School. Don’t miss this God-given opportunity to help train up a child for Christian leadership in Korea.
Aren't you glad it's Easter morning, That the cross was not the end? Aren't you glad the tomb is empty; Christ a living, saving friend? Aren't you glad you have salvation, That He paid your debt that day? Aren't you glad someone told you Jesus Christ had made a way?
THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASS'N., INC. 4848 North Leonard Oept. K-4 Chicago 31, Illinois 1----------------------------CLIP A N D M A IL T O D A Y ------------------------------ j • □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. M y choice is I Number ............... If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to support another whom you will | select. W ith God’s help I will send $8 a month to your . office. Please let me have m y child’s name, picture, address arid story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. I I Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. . , | □ I cannot sponsor a child but want to help a child by giving I □ piease mail foider, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans.” • Name ------— — ............................— ...................................... — .............. Address .....---------------------- ----------------—------------------- -— ---------------------............ City .................................................... Zone ........ State . Gifts of any amount are welcom e. A ll gifts and sponsorings are j ■ income tax deductible. I The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association, Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation | Dept. K-4, 4848 No. Leonard, Chicago 31, III., Tel. GL. 6-6181
The ESEA is caring for over 13,000 Korean orphans, chil dren of lepers, deaf, dumb and blind children and war widows’ children. Its work is widely known. The Korean govern- ment has given their highest honor to ESEA. It is registered with the Illinois Secy, of State and Internal Revenue Dept, of the U .S. -Govt. Dedicated, con scientious, economical work through 10 years has produced wonderful and lasting results. More thari 15 million meals are served each year in our 134 orphanages. Each one is a Christian institution with Bi ble believing staff and Board members. Sponsors are urgent ly needed. Write or phone now.
Aren't you glad to tell the story, That He saves from every sin? Aren't you glad to let Him use you, Other precious souls to win?
Aren't'you glad it's Easter morning? Don't you want to shout abroad? That the Tomb . . . the Tomb is empty! He's the LIVING Son of God! — Fran McMahon
p i i
Fulfilment of Prophecy by Dr. S. H. Sutherland
For a long time the great prophetic scholars of the Word of God have agreed on the fact that at the end of this dispensation there will be an allignment of four great powers striving for world supremacy.. Con flicts between them will occur in their most intense form during the early years of the so-called “ tribula tion” period. These four powers are plainly named in the eleventh chapter of Daniel’s prophecys the king of the North, the king of the South, the armies o f the East and the king of the W est elsewhere called the Anti-Christ. It is quite generally agreed that the king of the North is Russia. It is also quite generally agreed that the Anti-Christ will head up the nations included in the territory once ruled by Rome, plus perhaps the United States and other territories not specifically in cluded in the areas referred to by the other great powers spoken of in Daniel 11. The fulifllm ent of these prophecies is moving along apace. In the September 11, 1961 issue of the u. s. n e w s a n d w o r l d r e p o r t , a most interesting and enlighten ing article appeared, entitled, “Khrushchev’s Big Fear.” The article points up the idea that the Russian dictator must “ grab now before it’s too late.” The article states, in part, “ On his borders in eastern Eur ope is a captive empire of one hundred million res tive people waiting for a chance to revolt. Behind his back, in Red China, •is an over-populated nation of nearly seven hundred million people acquiring atom ic weapons and hungrily eyeing the open spaces of the Soviet Union. And now, growing up in Western Europe, is a new and rising danger. Here facing the Communist empire is a group of nations that as a whole, is far more powerful than Soviet Russia. Now those nations are beginning to combine their power.” This grouping of the W estern European nations began with the creation of the Common Market of six na tions known as the Inner Six. These consisted of France, W est Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Bel gium and Luxemburg. Then came the formation of the European Free Trade Association, or what has been called the Outer Sev'en, namely Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Portugal. The article says, “Now those two groups are moving toward a single large organization.” Tins organization is popularly called the “ Common Mar ket.” So rapid has been the development of the Com mon Market nations in their trade relationships with one another that Great Britain has been compelled to seek admission to the organization. The result is that “ What is seen as developing is a big economic union of most of Europe.” As these European nations integrate their economies, markets open up and in dustrial expansion speeds up until, in W estern Ger-
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many at least, the standard of liv ing is almost as high now as it is in the United States. Needless to say this is a m o s t remarkable achievement, considering the fact that fifteen years ago the German economy was a complete shambles. The article is frank to state that, “ There is no present sign of a ‘United States of Europe,’ ‘political divisions appear less important.’ ” But the writer continues, “ The growing cooperation and consulta tion among the nations o f Europe is tending to reduce differences.” Could it be that the portion of God’s prophetic word dealing with the rise of the Anti-Christ is being fulfilled before our very eyes? No one is so presumptuous as to say “ This is it!” But, whether or not we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecy at this very moment in history, we do know that when the end time comes the European fed eration will be formed exactly as Scripture foretells. Following the great wars of the early part of the tribulation period the Anti-Christ, according to Scripture, will emerge as the world ruler and dictator. Most assuredly he will be the world dictator in the fields of economics, finance, military and religion. No body will be able to buy or sell without showing him proper wor ship and respect. Thank God, the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be taken up to meet the Lard in the air before these great wars of the tribulation ever break into full blast. And we read that at the end of the tribulation period when the Lord returns with His church to set up His millennial reign upon the earth, the Anti-Christ, accord ing to Daniel 11, “ W ill come to his end and none will help him.” It is to be regretted that so many ministers o f the Gospel today are willingly ignorant, or at least ne glectful, of preaching on these great prophetic portions of God’s Word. Not only do they deprive them selves of blessing in the study o f the prophetic Scripture s, but they also keep their congregations in the dark concerning the signs of the times, and, as a result, earnest Christian laymen are often deprived o f the thrilling experience of observing the fulfillment of the Word of God in the unfolding of present-day na tional and international events.
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APRIL, 1962
AFFORD TO RETIRE at the world’s only Christian mobile re tirement campus at Oceanside, Cali fornia — 38 miles north of San Diego — known for the finest tropical all- year climate. Those over 60 years who qualify will live in this fabulous sun- soaked retreat — a colony of 1,000 carefully selected men end women of all denominations. Sumptuous luxury mobile units with 20 ft. x 13ft. living rooms, 2 bdrms., kitchen, and bath and Yz — Over 760 sq. ft. Your own private castle on your own estate. $100 Down holds your choice—$1,400 moves you in—total of $13,500 additional for life can he financed. Free — insurance — medical aid — utilities — maid service — gardener — electric cars — art — sewing 4r- instruction in crafts — and much more. Developed by a large group of Christian business and profes sional men dedicated to provide twice the living for half the usual cost. This non-profit co-op corporation is under written by ministers and Christian business corporations across the land. W e expect to sell out by April 20, 1962. Write or wire San Louis Rey Campus Business Offices, 569 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California. SOUTHAMERICA 1 Million Jews Who Need Christ— How Long Must They Wait? The need and the opportunity can be read between the lines from a letter Dr. Garten- haus wrote to a friend: "Sometimes I almost wish I had not gone to South America, for since then the burden of that dark continent has weighed very heavily on my heart. I met several very capable Jewish Chris tians, prospective missionaries, and I am asking the Lord to help me raise the support for five more missionaries. With His help I shall: get it. “Everywhere I went I found the doors and hearts of the people wide open. More than ever I believe that God’s time to favor Zion has come.” Share with us this burden not only for the million Jews of South America, but of other parts of the world. Write for free copy of our bi-monthly THE EVERLASTING NATION, rich in news of world Jewry. Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC.
Dr. Robert A. Cook has been named president of King’s College, Briarcliff Manor, New York. He succeeds the late Dr. Percy Crawford, founder and first president, who died October 31, 1960. In accepting the presidency of the 400-student institution, Dr. Cook said, “ I believe ray whole life till now has been a preparation for this new ministry. It would be hard to find a greater challenge than that of enlisting and training young people for Christ-honoring service in our troubled time.” Guatemala City was the site for a five-day spiritual retreat sponsored by World Vision, Inc. Ministers of many denominations met for special ses sions of Bible study, prayer, fellow
Under the auspices of the Christ for the World Committee, the Moody Institute of Science will present daily “ Sermons from Science” lectures fea turing Dr. George Speake, at the Cen tury 21 World’s Fair in Seattle, Wash ington. In' addition to science lectures the committee has planned for coun-
seling services with an all-out effort toward personal evangelism. Pictured above is the Sermons From Science Building located right in the heart of the Fair. Youth for Christ International dedi cates their newly-occupied headquar ters building this month, according to Dr. Ted Engstrom, president. Dallas Theological Seminary and Graduate School of Theology have held their annual missions week. Speakers included Rev. Arthur Glasser, China Inland Mission; Rev. Bruce Ker, missionary from Ceylon; and Rev. J. O. Percy, general secretary of the IFMA. Dr. Victor E. Cory, founder and long time president of Scripture Press, is
ship and testimony. Left to right is Rev. Norman Parish, missionary to Guatemala, who served as interpreter, Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, president of Guatemala, Dr. Luis Fernando Galich, mayor of Guatemala City, and Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc. Dr. Merv Rosell, well-known evange list, has been asked by the Christian and Missionary Alliance to “ spark” its city-wide emphasis on evangelism in Miami, Florida, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of The Alliance as an evangelical, interna tional missionary organization. The eight nightly services will be held in the Dade County Auditorium. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship has announced the release of a new film of Christian work among college youth, “ Inter-Varsity on Campus.” Dr. O. E. Sanden, for ten years the pastor of Warrendale Presbyterian Chiirch, St. Paul, Minnesota, begins a ministry with “New Awakening” Campaigns. His headquarters will be at 3537 Thirty Third Avenue, S, Minneapolis 6, Minnesota. Rev. Mr. Sanden will be speaking upon the subject of Science and Religion.
pictured here introducing Mr. Vincent C. Hogren, the new president of Scrip ture Press, the second in its 28-year history. Christian Service Brigade marks an other step in its growth with the pur chase of its own headquarters build ing in Wheaton, Illinois. Mr. Clyde H. Dennis, founder of Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illi nois, died February 14, 1962 in Los Angeles, California. His death is a great loss in Christian service.
Patriots for Christ
theme for '62
Khrushchev boasts: "Communism will conquer the world by 1980!” Within the last ten years millions o f people have been enslaved by atheistic Communism. How is the Christian Church meeting this challenge? By indifference? Or by rekindling a burning devotion to the ' Lord and His infallible Word, and to godly principles on which our nation was founded? VBS affords a now-or-never time to instill love for G od and country into the hearts and lives o f our youth. They must more than match the loyalty and dedica-. tion o f Communists. That’s why we have chosen the theme PATR IO TS FOR CHRIST for ’62 VBS. It’s an impelling, dynamic theme for the whole family, from Nursery children to Adults, that will make them "strong in the Lord and the power o f His might.”
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Get acquainted with the 1962 VBS course. Order the PATRIOTS FOR CHRIST Intro ductory Packet. Examine teacher and pupil manuals,
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APRIL, 1962
Y , Ph.D. by Wallace Emerson
S ome facts are so significant that without them a whole series of events seem pointless. Such a fact is the resurrection of our Lord. The Resurrection of Our Lord — Is It a Fact? Many today hail the resurrection of Christ as a fact, but when inquiries are made as to what it is that is risen from the dead, we find strangely enough, it is not the bodily resurrection of Christ to which they refer, but the resurrection of the soul or the spirit. They think that Christian doctrine is satisfied, and that mankind has a proper and an authoritative hope for a general resurrec
tion of the just, if we admit the spiritual resurrection of Christ. They do not realize perhaps that a spiritual res urrection may, or may not be, a fact. Certainly it is not a fact upon which can be built any solid body of thinking. It may be a hope, a conjecture, a desire of the heart, but certainly not a fact, in that it is a demonstra ble actuality. The Body of Jesus Musi Be Disposed Of The most meaningful fact in the series of facts men tioned by the Gospel writers, and by the alleged explan ations, is this: If Jesus did not rise in the body, then the body was somewhere available to the malice of His
enemies. It must be understood by the simplest, that the men who wanted Him to die in the first place had infinitely more reason for wanting Him to stay dead than to be alive. It is one thing to kill a man who might be a prophet; it is exceedingly embarrassing to have the dead man come to life, and dispel forever all suspicion as to his sanctity or his relationship to God. The Sadducees and Caiaphas had many good reasons for wanting Jesus to stay dead. The first was based upon their theory about the life beyond. Dead men did not live again; there was no hereafter according to the Sad- ducean teaching. The second was personal. They had been included in Jesus’ fierce and accurate denunciation of the whole leadership of the Jewish people. Jesus had also quite completely made a fool of all those who had attempted to trip Him by the clever devices that would have worked on an ordinary man. There was the hu miliation of a personal defeat that made Caiaphas de sirous of keeping dead the Man whom he had killed. Thirdly, if the resurrection of Jesus were true, they stood convicted, not only of the murder of a prophet, but of the Son of God, since the resurrection authenticated what Jesus proclaimed Himself to be. No theft of a body, no hallucination on the part of Jesus’ disciples, no wandering of a sick and dying Jesus into any Judean household could have over-ridden the vengeance and malice of the high priest. If the body was available anywhere, he would have seen to it that it was restored to its original resting place, and again put un der guard. Those who deny the bodily resurrection of Jesus must clearly account for the failure of the enemies of Jesus to produce that body when the early Church be gan to preach His bodily resurrection. The Meaning of the Resurrection There are certain factors of Christian doctrine which by their very nature cannot be proven as facts in them selves, but must be accepted on the authority of other facts. The birth of Christ by its very nature cannot be proved. No man can prove his own paternity; it depends entirely upon the honesty of his mother, and perhaps circumstances that might prevent a paternity other than the one claimed. The significant fact of the resurrection is this: first, that it is a fact. We accept it on authority of the inspired Word of God. It has better attestation than any other single fact in history, and it is significant because it authenticates every other thing that Jesus did or said. What Jesus said about the hereafter must be so, since He who said it rose from the dead by the power of God, who thus acknowledges His person and His message. Jesus claimed to be the unique Son of God, one with the Father, but that claim is subject to controversy unless the fact of the resurrection be taken into account. We may say then that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is APRIL, 1962
what Paul said it was, the hallmark of authenticity for everything that Jesus said and did. Paul put it in this way: “ If Christ be not risen, your faith is vain: ye are yet in your sins,” and, “ of all men most misearble.” The whole point of the Gospel is authenticated by the resur rection. The Significance to the Non-Christian What then is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus? Is it that all shall rise, that all shall be furnished with glorious bodies, and that all shall partake of the merits of the glory of that Easter morn? To the non- Christian it means nothing of the kind. The resurrection at the last day, when the unjust shall stand before the great white throne of God, is no promise of glory, but of wrath. When at the final assize, guilty souls stand before God, one of the chief counts against them may be not the fact that they could not intellectually believe in the resurrection of our Lord, but that they had not even taken the trouble to investigate to see whether or not they might believe it. The fact of the resurrection of Je sus is not only glorious, but it is vital. It is either true or not true. If true, its significance is limitless; if not true, mankind is back on the same basis of the old pagan speculation, and modem speculation, without hope and without God. If the record of the Gospels and Epis tles is a fabrication, it is the most colossal and ingenious lie ever invented by the mind of man. If it is true, and if the fact of the resurrection is true, every other mirac ulous fact mentioned in Scripture is, at least by implica tion, true. The resurrection is the outstanding proof that God really. loves men, and that we live in a universe not only friendly, but eager and anxious that its Creator be understood and loved. The Significance to the Christian To the Christian, how great is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus? Some say He' has established the resurrection by analogy: because Jesus rose, therefore the dead rise, and hence the individual will rise. But we have the promise of Jesus, who never broke His Word, and would have no reason for doing so, that He has gone to prepare a place for us, “ that where I am, there ye may be also.” It is not a resurrection determined by analogy, but a resurrection by the power of Him to whom all power is committed. To the Christian who has placed in the hands of the Lord Jesus his future, his heart, and his soul, the resurrection is one glorious fact which will help him to endure disappointment, tribula tion, and persecution. He will be able to say with Paul, “ For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things pres ent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 11
because I live
by Arthur Hedley
and transitory burden of suffering is achieving for us, a preponderating, yes a vastly preponderating, and eter nal weight of glory; while we look not at things seen, but things unseen; for things seen are temporary, but things unseen are eternal” (II Corinthians 4:16-18, Wey mouth). For Paul death meant not annihilation, but im mortality; not the end of all things, but the beginning of eternal fellowship with Christ in a world in which he IVORY PALACES For three and thirty years they stood, Empty and eloquent Of Him who laid His glory down And went, obedient,
I n G reat B ritain , the manuscripts of radio sermons must be submitted to the Director of Religious Broad casting before they may be broadcast to the people. The late Director, Dr. Welch, at a conference on evangelism made the statement that out of six thousand manuscripts he had read only one which dealt with the hope of im mortality. It appears that we are become so immersed in this world, so occupied with social activities, that we are neglecting to give time and thought to the life beyond. To do so is foolish and fatal. It was the hope of immortality which gave the early Christians faith, courage, confidence and joy amid the trials and temptations of this present life, and which made the Christian faith unique among the world’s re ligions. The Gospel of Christ, with its assured hope of immortality, is the only Gospel which gives deliverance from fear, and lights up the dark valley of the shadow of death. How necessary it is at Eastertide, as at all times, to emphasize the hope of immortality, which is the central message of the New Testament. If Christ was not raised from the dead, there is no forgiveness; He died in vain and we are yet in our sins (I Corinthians 15:17). By His glorious resurrection from the dead, we are assured of the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice to justify us in God’s sight. He “ was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification” (Romans 4:25). His resurrection is the guarantee of our own. “ Because I live, ye shall live also” (John 14:19). Death met its master in Christ; He triumphed over death and overcame him who had the power of death (Hebrew 2:14). The Christian Church alone has the message of im mortality, and never was there a time of greater need for its proclamation. The social gospel is of no use to a world that is full of uncertainty and despair, it is like offering a stone to a starving man. The writings of the humanists, who believe that this is the only world, re veal their own consciousness that they have very little to offer man in the place of the Christian faith and hope. For instance, Mr. John Strachey dreams of a day, many centuries hence, when science will double the span of man’s existence, and the growth of social consciousness will take away the sting of death. What hope is there in this theory for all of the millions sorrowing, suffering and dying, in the present world? H. G. Wells in his latter days saw nothing but extinction for humanity. To the materialist, there is no God, no Heaven, no eternal life; death is the end of all things. Man is under the pressure of cruel material forces which will one day extinguish him. From such a dark and hopeless creed, we turn to Him who has abolished death; who teaches not extinc tion, but a richer, fuller life — an eternal life. “ For though our outward man is wasting away, our inward man is being renewed day by day. For this our light
To die for sins of you and me. He must have turned His eyes At times in homesick longing toward His mansions in the skies. I think the doors were never sealed, But partly left ajar, And something of Him lingered there Though He had gone so far. Perhaps the angels peered within Each waiting, empty room, And whispered of strange things, the Cross, Gethsemane, the tomb. And sometimes God Himself went there To think about that One Who never had been far from Him, His well beloved Son.
Now in His palaces the light Shines out from every room, And angels never cease their song, "The Son of God is home!”
— Martha Snell Nicholson
would enjoy perfect life and liberty. In contrast with the pessimistic outlook of those who reject the revelation of God in Christ Jesus, we think of the cheery words of that great poet of the Christian hope, Robert Browning, whose faith enabled him to sing: “ Grow old along witi me; the best is yet to be.” This sad, despairing world needs the hope of the Gospel if it is to rise out of its misery. The loss of that hope means the loss of all that makes life worth while. This is the hour for Christians to be bold and to tell forth with confidence and joy the Gospel of God’s for giveness in Christ, and of the gift of life eternal. We alone have the message which can bring light and life and healing to this dark, sin-stricken world. When Ja cob Boehme, the great mystic, lay dying, his ears seemed to be attuned to the harmonies of Heaven. He appeared to be listening to a rapturous strain which filled his •soul. “ Open the window,” he cried with his last breath, “ and let in more of that music!” It was the melody of the Easter hope.
/ / C hrist is risen ! What a glorious Easter song! Not only at Easter time, but daily it should be the song of our hearts for the two essential truths in the Gospel of Christ are that He died and He rose again. We would ask you to think of resurrection truths in the form of a pyramid. We must, naturally, begin with the base and proceed until we reach the apex — the ultimate goal and glory of all redemption. We, therefore, begin at the base. Faith Faith for salvation. The apostle reminds us, “ If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (I Corinthians 15:19). All that Christ ac complished in His death became legally and spiritually effective for us by His resurrection. He not only died for our sins, but He was raised for our justification (Rom ans 4:25). Therefore, it is the ground of our faith for salvation. Christian faith implies not only a present possession, but a glorious hope. Life The second stone is realization — realization of the fullness of His risen life. Resurrection means life, liberty and abundant living through His indwelling by His Spir it. Not only are we declared just, but we become the children of God by the birth of His Spirit. Furthermore, we must recognize that since we were raised with Him,
is a tendency today to glamorize the Christian life. There is an attempt to take out of it the spikes, the spit and the spear. We must hear Him say as He did to the mother who was ambitious for her children, “Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of?” (Matthew 20 : 22 ). Christian Perfection The perfection of our spiritual life in all of its as pects is a process. Recause of His intercession, He is not only saving us to a life of victory moment by moment and a future glory, but this makes possible the woVk of His Spirit by means of His truth to perfect us in Christ. His ultimate joy in His resurrection will be realized when He brings many sons unto glory (Hebrews 2:10). Hope As we build our pyramid higher, there is emblazoned near its apex the flaming light of eternal hope. Because He lives, we, too, shall live (John 14:19). He could say to the bereaved sisters of Lazarus, “ Your brother shall rise again.” We are able to shout triumphantly by the open grave, 0 death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (I Corinthians 15:55). Christ arose and because He arose, we have the hope of resurrection. Immortality “ Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep,
we are now made free from the law and from the power of sin, so that sin shall not have dominion over us. Have you reckoned yourself dead? Then recognize your place in Christ and realize the fullness of His resurrec tion life. Inheritance Next in our pyramid we have rights and realities. We have the right to become the sons of God (John 1:12). We have been seated together with Christ in the heaven- lies (Ephesians 2:6). This not only suggests family re lationship, but it also means that we have the rights of sonship. Jesus said, “Henceforth I call you not servants.” This truth must be comprehended if we are to be vic torious in our living and effective in our prayer life. Many are defeated in prayer because they have a sense of unworthiness. Others are limited by temerity. We must learn to come boldly and remember that God answers prayer always because of Christ who alone makes us worthy. Fellowship We now have fellowship with Christ. “ And truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (I John 1:36). Furthermore, He wants us to know the fellowship of His sufferings and be partners with Him in His service. Christ never promised ease and comfort to His own. This is not the day of our rest. There
but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twink ling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (I Corinthians 15:51, 52). “ But we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (I John 3:2b). We shall see Him and be like Him. Immortality is the gift of God to all who have eternal life. It refers to the day when the bodies of our humiliation shall be transformed and become like His own glorified body. Reward The reward is the promise that one day we shall share with Him in His kingdom triumph. We are to reign with Christ. While we have shared with Him in His present humiliation, we are promised that we, too shall be with Him in His future glory. “ If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with him ;” and then throughout the endless ages of eternity the Scriptures say we shall serve Him day and night forever (Revelation 7:15). Endless privilege, to express undying love for His glorious redemption! We shall sing of His grace forever. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first begun. “Because I live, ye shall live also.”
APRIL, 1962
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