King's Business - 1962-04

Daniel Rose: a life o f dedicated service

Dr. Rose with his friend Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

D r . D aniel R ose , Director of the Jewish Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door, celebrated his 93rd birthday on February 23, 1962 in a way which he enjoys the most — by giving a word of testimony concerning his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Messiah-Saviour. The Jewish Department, since the arrival of Rev. and Mrs. Norman W. Allensworth, has made the occasion of Dr. Rose’s birthday a fitting cli­ max of each year’s activities. Scores of Jewish people contacted through visitation, home Bible fellowships and the radio ministry, along with many others invited by interested friends, are brought together at this annual affair. This year marked the Depart­ ment’s fourth Hebrew and Christian Evangelistic Banquet. It Was held in a large Banquet Hall in a Los Ange­ les Jewish community. Over 200 guests were present and of this num­ ber, 112 were unsaved Jewish friends Testimonies concerning Dr. Rose’s great love and faithfulness to his God- given task were given by Dr. J. Ver­ non McGee, pastor of the Church of the Open Door and Mr. A1 Sanders, Vice President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Jewish hearts were prepared for the Word of God by the

Daniel Rose’s own part on the pro­ gram. A hush fell over the audience as he, with his beautiful white hair and sparkling blue eyes, stepped up to the microphone to sing in unfal­ tering word and tone two stanzas of one of his favorite hymns, “ I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend! He loved me ere I knew him; He drew me with the cords of love, and thus He bound me to Him. And ‘round my heart still closely twine those ties which naught can sever, for I am His and He is mine, forever and for­ ever.” We are sure that the host of friends of our dear “ Danny” Rose truly con­ cur with all of us in saying, “We thank God for the many years of fruitful ministry which he has ren­ dered to our Lord Jesus Christ among His ancient and chosen people.” Truly here is a wonderful living example of a life fully dedicated to Christ. Rev. Norman W. Allensworth, Su­ perintendent of the Jewish Depart­ ment, wishes to make the advance an­ nouncement that plans are already under way to celebrate Dr. Rose’s 94th birthday with the Jewish De­ partment’s Fifth Annual Hebrew and Christian Evangelistic Banquet, to be held sometime in February 1963, God willing.

consecrated singing of Alan McGill, nationally known Gospel singer. A most appropriate message for the oc­ casion was delivered by Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Dean of the Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary. He very wonder­ fully wove into his message the tes­ timony of Mr. Rose’s conversion (available in tract form under the title, “ A Jew and the Name of Mes­ siah” ) and the purpose of the banquet.

A view of Mr. Rose's 93rd birthday cake He brought out the glorious truth to his Jewish brethren that the “hope” of all is found in the Messiah-Sav­ iour. The challenge was made clear to those present that, “We have found the Messiah,” taken from the testi­ mony of Andrew (John 1:41). This was the personal experience of the Christians in attendance. The highlight of the evening was



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