King's Business - 1962-04

Sincerely Wrong

T h is w ill interest Y O U . - . Our field representatives meet Christian men and women quite frequently who are looking for places to invest their money. Most o f them need a return on their savings. Some are considering investments in stocks. But, because o f , their limited knowledge o f stocks and bonds, they are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because o f market fluctuations, uncertainty o f dividends, etc. And some tell us o f disappointing ex­ periences on their investments. * * W ithout exception, all are looking fop security . . . a guarantee that they will be assured o f a generous income. Some­ thing they can count on as long as they, live . . . in good times or bad . . . regard­ less o f whether the stock market is up or down. But they’re interested in something else , too. * * * You should see their faces light up . . . when we tell them about the d o u b l e d i v i d e n d s provided by M oody Annui­ ties. When we tell them that M oody Annuities assure them o f a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 814% depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the Lord’s work . . . they’re overjoyed! And when we tell them that every annuity is backed by all the resources o f M oody Bible Institute, and that MB I has never missed a single payment in almost 50 years . . . they are convinced that it’s the plan for them! W O U LD YO U L IK E T O R EC EIV E D O U B LE D IV ID E N D S ON Y O U R M ONEY? We’ll be happy to send you the free book­ let, double dividends , which explains the

I thought about our child tucked in safely every night, Some parents and their children know naught but war and fright. To guide our children right tries our patience much, and still At least they are not taken and taught that they must kill. We take so much for granted and never say "Thank you, Lord." Instead we are a nation who gets so easily bored! I have my ears for hearing and a clear-thinking mind, The wonderful gift of sight, thank God, I am not blind. I've been given a tongue, with which I'm able to speak, And I have the arms of Jesus to lean on when I'm weak. M y manner was wrong though sincere it seemed to be. The faults I dislike in others are also found in me, M y eyes on fellow Christians were leading me astray, M y eyes must stay on Christ, this is the only way. I paused to pray again, with an atti­ tude quite new, I asked for daily strength and added patience too. I thanked Him for the blessings that come to me each day And asked that Jesus guide me on this toilsome, weary way. Thanks for loving us and for sending your only Son; We know this love has never been surpassed by anyone. Lead us gently but firmly and cast out every fear And help us to be Christ-like as well as be sincere! Help us do thy will and be humble in all we do, Help us let the light of Jesus' love shine through. Help us love each other and make us very strong. Keep us all sincerely right and not sincerely wrong.

1 went to God in prayer when things were looking dim, There were so many favors that 1 must ask of Him, I thought of all the things that I desire so- Desire, but also need, material things you know. A bigger house, a newer car, and more expensive clothes To make a good Impression, they're Important, goodness knows! If there were more money, oh! It costs so much to live Then, Lord, if we have more, the more to church we'll give. Please enter into the hearts of people round about me They're just not as spiritual as I think they out to be For they complain and they bicker to the point of breaking up And they invariably go beyond any point of making up! Oh, I was praying for others all right, oh, yes, indeed, But I showed signs of selfishness, even a bit of greed. The faults that I see in others are the same that I possess, I should have begun my prayer with, "Lord, I now confess . . ." I could use financial help, that's very plain and yet I know how much more terrible things could really get! I do get very tired and I bear a heavy load- But Christ was also weary, upon the Calvary Road. Yes, freedom with my Bible and the matchless power of prayer, I was going to ask more favors, but then I didn't dare. I've more wealth than a millionaire, more treasures than a King With Christ as my Lord and Saviour, I need not one more thing! It's true that it is hard to keep from Satan's clutch, But I have both my arms— and I walk without a crutch.

Moody Annuity Plan in detail. Contains a chart showing income rates for all ages, explains tax bene­ fits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share. C L IP AND M AIL COUPON TO D A Y I

Dept. K-2-37-1

Write: Annuity Department

M O O D Y BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Please send m e, without obligation, information relating to: □ M oody Annuity Plan: □ W ills.

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