In Biolas urgent program of development, essential buildings need to be constructed immediately to alleviate difficult problems. As the Lord uses human instruments to accomplish His divine purpose, perhaps He will speak to your heart regarding these matters.
music education building
Growing numbers of young people are realizing the importance of music both as a ministry and as a voca tion. Music instruction facilities are limited now to small practice rooms and studios scattered throughout other buildings. The new Music Building will be equipped with necessary* classrooms and facilities to supply adequately the needs of this important phase of training. Interestingly, Christianity is the only religion which has music in a major key. Biola trains key young people majoring in Christian music. A physical education program, including gymnasium facilities, is required by state law. Although a track and playing fields are already in use, there are certain activities of the physical education program which must be conducted indoors; thus a gymnasium is essential.
1 needed . . . on campus and the downtown location. A duplicity of costs results, amounting to many thousands of dollars each year. As the hub of all campus activities, the Administration Build ing will free other rooms, presently used as academic administrative offices, for smaller classes and faculty offices essential for personal counselling with students. Biola has established a firm policy of not going into debt in order to erect buildings. Some funds, however, have already been received for the new dormitories. Several friends have given money to help pay for individual rooms which serve as an excellent memorial to a loved one. Cost per room is approximately $2500.00. The entire business offices of the organization, which includes accounting, printing, mailing, service, and other vital departments, will all be housed in this convenient structure.
physical education building
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