S P E C I A L T O H O S P I T A L I Z A T I O N Pays $100.00 Weekly from First Day for Life to NO WAITING PERIODS * ONLY YOU CAN CANCEL O F F R
If you are the one Ameri can in four who does not drink, the Gold Star Total Abstainers' Hos pitalization Policy will pay you $100.00 a week in cash, from your first day in the hospital and as you are there, even for life!
L O W R A T E S F O R N O N -D R IN K E R S With a Gold Star Total Abstainers’ Hospitalization Policy, you receive $100.00 per week in cash, as long as you remain in the hospital, starting from your very first day there, for either sickness or accident. If your hospital stay is less than one week, you still collect at the rate of $14.29 per day. Even if you are already covered by another policy, the GOLD STAR PLAN will supplement that coverage, and will pay you directly, in addition to your present policy. And your bene fits are tax-free! This wonderful, generous protection costs only $4 a month for each adult, age 19 through 64, or $40 for twelve full months. For each child under 19, the rate is just $3 for a month’s protection. And for each adult of age 65 through 100, the premium is only $6 a month, or $60 for a full year. And remember, with Gold Star, the NO LIMIT Hospital Plan, there is NO LIMIT on how long you can stay in the hospital, NO LIMIT on the number of times you can collect (and the Company can never cancel your policy), and NO LIMIT on age! Compare this plan with others. We welcome comparison because the GOLD STAR PLAN pays from the very first day (we can’t pay any sooner); and it pays forever . . . as long as you remain in the hospital (we can’t pay any longer!). GU AR AN T E E
will continue paying as long
If you do not drink and are carrying ordinary hospitaliza tion insurance, you are of course helping to pay for the accidents and hospital bills of those who drink. Alcoholism is our nation’s # 3 health problem, ranking immediately behind heart disease and cancer! With the GOLD STAR PLAN you are not called upon to help pay the high bills for the ailments and accidents of those who drink. GOLD STAR rates are based on the SUPERIOR HEALTH RECORDS of Non-Drinkers! For the first time, you can get the newest and most modgSn type of hospitalization coverage at unbelievably low rates, because the Gold Star Policy is offered only to non drinkers. And your low Gold Star premium can never be raised because you have grown older or have had too many claims. Only in the event of a general rate adjustment up or down for all policyholders can your rate be changed! One out of every seven people will spend some time in the hospital this year. Every day over 64,000 people enter the hospital— 47,000 of these for the first time! READ WHAT A BLESSING THIS PROTECTION HAS BEEN TO OTHERS Mrs. Violet M. Johnson, Glendale, California — "M y check came just recently, and I want to thank you very much. I count it a privilege to be a member of your Gold Star Plan, am very pleased with it, and will highly recommend it to my friends. Thanks again for your good coverage." Mr. Henry T. Alford, Camden, Illinois — "W e received your letter by special delivery enclosing check in payment in full for eight days spent in the hospital. We are well pleased and want to say 'thank you'." Nella S. Barger, Tucson, Arizona — "Thank you a million! Will my friends be surprised when I show them my check. They were very skeptical. I shall certainly recommend your company to anyone I can." Mr. Lester R. Heffelfinger, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania— "I want to thank you very kindly for the check you sent me. I do appreciate it, but am sorry that I had to put in a claim even before I got my policy. I have recommended you to others." Mrs. Peter Bergman, Seattle, Washington — "The hospital here notified me yesterday that you paid the insurance in full. What can I say except, 'Thank you and the Lord bless you.' It has helped me so much, I can't eevn express it the way I'd like to. I'm still an invalid, but at home, and this news gave me a real lift. I will certainly recommend your company to my friends. Mr. William H. MacLaren, Portland, Oregon — "Thank you for your prompt and courteous handling of my claim. We take out insurance hoping we may never have to use it — it is comforting, when necessity arises, to know one is in good hands."
M o n e y -B a c k G u a ra n te e We’ll mall your policy to your home. No salesman will call; In the privacy of your own home, read the policy over. Examine it carefully. Have it checked by your lawyer, your doctor, your friends or some trusted advisor. Make sure it provides ‘exactly what we’ve told you it does. Then, if for any reason whatsoever you are not fully satisfied, iust mail your policy back within ten days, and we'Jl cheerfully refund your entire premium by return mail, with no questions asked. So, you see, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
For raforonco, contact your local Chamber of Comerce or Better BusinessBureau.
This is the same GOLD STAR PLAN as offered in over 250 other leading publications includ ing the fo llow ing : I • Baptist Beacon • The Gideon • Baptist Bulletin • King's Business (= • CadleCall • Lighted Pathway • Child Evangelism • Moody Monthly Ml ’ ~'r Christian Life Eternity Sunday School Times Sword of the Lord Evangelical Beacon • The Voice
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