King's Business - 1962-04

“Hear. 0 ISRAEL!” “FAITH COMETH BY HEARING.” Jews who will not enter a church will tune in our “Message to Israel” broadcasts aired over 50 stations with coast-to-coast and foreign coverage, including the State of Israel. Many reached for Christ by mail, Correspond­ ence Course and personal calls. This ministry, now in its 26th year, is dependent under God upon the prayerful and financial support of His people. Send for free copy of our informative mag­ azine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. M E S SAG E TO ISRAEL, Inc. Box 682, General Post Office, New York 1, New York


C R I T I Q U E by Betty Bruechert F ollowing are some suggestions, in answer to the question, “ H ow Can W e H elp Jehovah’s W itnesses?” w h ich appeared in the Nov. 1, 1961 A llia n ce W itn ess and w h ich are re­ produced (in condensed form ) b y the kind perm ission of this magazine. M r. T ed D encher, the author, is a form er Jehovah’s W itness, and for young Christians he advises: “ A fter greetings, thank the person for com in g to see y ou . . . I f you real­ ly w ant to take h im b y surprise, say: ‘I thank the Lord for sending you to m y door this m orn ing.’ T h en iden tify yourself . . . say that y ou are a Christian, not b y y ou r original birth, but b y spiritual birth w h ich y ou attained b y confessing Jesus Christ as y ou r Saviour. “ Y ou should have some good printed material handy to give to the representative. T h e w riter has special literature available w h ich can be used for this purpose. Or you m igh t like to use any good Gospel literature available. O ffer it along w ith some­ th ing id en tifyin g the chu rch w ith w h ich you are affiliated . . . Hand this to the Jehovah’s W itness, saying: ‘Please take this and read it w ith your Bible as soon as you get back home this afternoon !’ A note of u r­ gen cy in your voice w ou ld not be out of the way. F in ally, offer to pray for this person. Y ou m igh t say something like this: ‘P rayer availed m u ch in m y life, especially the prayers o f others on m y behalf before I became a Chris­ tian. So I shall be rem em bering you in earnest prayer. Please com e back again.’ ” For those w h o are more mature Christians, and better acquainted w ith the W ord , M r. D encher sug­ gests: “ Challenge the W itness. Ask him : ‘Y ou do not believe in Christ as I do, do you? That is, you do not accept H im as equal w ith the Fath-, er, the Second Person o f the T riun e G odhead?’ T h e Jehovah’s W itness w ill have to adm it that he does not. T h en you say, ‘W e ll, I can prove to you from the Bible, that H e is what I say H e is’ ” . . . Arrange a time for a discussion; get his telephone num ­ ber and give h im a ca ll . . . I f you w ill stick to the subject of the deity o f Christ, you w ill never go w rong.”




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APRIL, 1962

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