King's Business - 1962-04

NEW ! SIXTH EDITION1 How to Witness, Memorize, Mark Bible in Seven Colors for I Visual-Aid, etc. $1.00 Postpaid I (or this ad & 50 cents). Ray W. Davenport, 2421 W. I Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif. I OVER 30,000 WORDS 991 SCRIPTURE REFERENCES

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of knowing that your money is serving the best interests of the Lord’s work.

PHIL KERR'S "M U S IC IN EVANGEL ISM " Two books in one: a history of Gos­ pel Music, plus many stories of famous hymns and their writers. 216 pages, doth $ 1 . 5 0 Phil Kerr's Gospel Songs - 50 cents Box 409, Glendale, California (ColTikvaK S .... IN H E B R E W "T H E V O IC E O F H O P E " A DAILY BROADCAST TO THE STATE of ISRAEL EACH program accomplishes as much as a missionary could do in a year. The cost is only $54.00 per broadcast. Your prayer support is invited. Write to: b W AM ERKAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Archie A. MacKinney, Director ’ 7446 North Damen, Chicago, Illinois Consultant, Narcotic Education, National WCTU Facing the Alcohol Problem. An inspiring edu­ cational tool for use by young people and adults in churches and church schools. 60c per copy. Order NOW from: National WCTU Publishing Houso 1730 Chicago Are. Dopt. KB Evanston, III. JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you hove been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in undenomi­ national work, you are invited to become a member of this fast growing organization. Credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. Clark St. Chicago 1, III. TODAY 'S DECEIVER The Bible end Science vs. Alcohol by Helen M. Allen

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By The Honorable Nelson S. Dilworth (Retired State Senator) The militant army of atheism has as its leader one who ridi­ cules belief in God and states with a swagger that his astro­ nauts could find no heaven in the earthly sky. Now he threatens the free world with 100-megaton, super - colossal explosions. Shall America as a people allow their faith and trust in the living God to weaken and waver? Have we forgotten that some years ago the atheist horde, with a great army, attempted to con­ quer little Finland and failed? The heroic Finns are a brave and largely God-fearing people. Since that defeat, every at­ tempt by the atheist world con­ spiracy has been directed into conquest by secret fifth columns inside the country to be enslaved. List all their conquests. They have been brought about by atheist groups inside the coun­ tries taken over by the Commu­ nists. In China it took a year’s long civil war by Chinese against Chinese. The atheist battalions had the use of the weapons and ammunition America had ship­ ped to Vladivostok, the atheist capital of the Pacific. The Cuban conquest was an inside job by the Cubans following the Kremlin’s orders. If America ever falls, it will be an inside job led by socialists and atheist communist conspira­ tors and their misled followers here. Our enemies to be feared most are already in the United States. They are enjoying the pro­ tection of our freedoms and our court decisions and our privileges of political organization and ac­ tion. God has greatly blessed Amer­ ica, not only in peace, but con­ spicuously with victory in war. Why do so many neglect His wor­ ship and doubt His protecting care?

Find out for yourself why so many Chris­ tians are enjoying real satisfaction and ex­ cellent returns on Wheaton’s two proven investment plans. 1. WHEATON ANNUITIES yield a liberal rate of return (up to 8.6%, depending on your age) with the assurance of regular income checks for life. You can also provide regulated sums of money by will to loved ones. 2. WHEATON DEPOSIT AGREEMENTS for the person who wants his money to go into the Lord’s work, but finds it necessary to have the principal available if needed. Currently you receive 3 ^ % per annum, and payments are made semi-annually. W e’ll be happy to send you complete inform ation on both plans. 6 MA I L COUPON TODAY W H EA TO N CO LLEGE Wheaton, Illinois Dept. K42 Please send me □ Pleasant Tomorrows, book­ let explaining Annuity Plan. Q Folder de­ scribing Wheaton Deposit Agreement. Name ......- - Age_____ AddrAgq City---------------------------Zone___ State__________ SELLING OUT Stock of childrens 'King James' Bibles — New Testaments. Deluxe and regu­ lar binding, 350 of each. Buy one or all. Formerly $6.95, now $2.19; de­ luxe was $7.95, now $2.69 (plus tax and 25* postage per book). Write to: Children's Bible Distributors 4756 Ellenwood Drive Los Angeles 41 or call CLinton 6-4082

Re ach Ch i ld re n !

6 pages <— 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glandolo, Californio



TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS AND J G IR L S ^ fl


Were sold in 1961 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. Tney enable you to earn money for your treasury/ and make friends for your organization.

Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS, INC.

Established 1915

Cohoes, N.Y.

APRIL, 1962


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