book reviews
by Arnold D. T.hlert Librarian, Biola College
of them. Written skilfully by one who knew Dr. Bingham intimately over a long period, and who has a keen grasp of the aims and objectives of the ministry of the Sudan Interior Mis sion, the book presents in unforgetable thrust the challenge of the lost of Africa and the world. Dr. Bingham’s courage was remarkable, his insight was great, and his interests were vast. He wrought much for God, for he would not admit defeat under any circumstances. He was full of good works, and the Sudan Interior Mis sion lives as a monument of his un flinching determination and zeal. Here is an effective antidote for the less than average Christian life which many are living today. 311 pages; cloth; Sudan Interior Mission, Toron to; $3.50. Charles L. Feinberg The Royal Route to Heaven Studies in First Corinthians By Alan Redpath Following Dr. Ironside’s practice of publishing in book form' messages preached at Moody Memorial Church in Chicago, Dr. Redpath presents here a series of expositions on one of the major books of the New Testament. It is not presented as a doctrinal study, but rather as an examination of the shallowness and ineffectiveness of the church today. Looking at the book in terms of a journey, the au thor sees discipline for the journey (ch. 1-6), dangers on the journey (ch. 7-12), and dynamic for the jour ney (ch. 13-16). There is only one starting point in this journey: Calva ry; but “beyond that starting point may occur many deviations from the plan of God; in this letter the Apostle Paul warns us of some of them” (p. 13). This is a heart-warming, yet a soul-searching, series of studies. 248 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N. J.; $3.50.
Interpreting the New Testament By James L. Price
This scholarly work will be very useful to one who wishes to know the various theological approaches to the New Testament. The author places emphasis upon the current viewpoints of New Testament interpretation in addition to expressing his own view point which is outspokenly liberal. While including much useful histori cal information, the author’s non-or thodox tendency is portrayed in such features as his rejection of the tradi tional view of authorship of a num ber of the New Testament books. The author’s position in regard to the in spiration of the Bible places him somewhere between the orthodox and the extreme liberal positions. He chooses not to align himself with those of the orthodox persuasion, be cause to him verbal infallibility is equivalent to a form of idolatry which he terms biblioatry. The author does not accept the methods of form criti cism in toto , but he manifests the same “ demythologizing” tendency as those who are advocates of this posi tion. Dr. Price, chairman of the Depart ment of Religion at Duke University, has done a very scholarly piece of work in the production of this vol ume, and has shown his own tendency to be discontented with the extreme ly liberal approach to the New Testa ment. At the same time, however, the author has been equally discontented with the view held by the church down through the centuries. This “ in between” attitude may be exhibited in his dealing with the authorship of Acts: He is unwilling to dispense with the Lukan authorship as most modern critics have done, but at the same time, he is unwilling to grant to the Book of Acts infallibility as the in spiration of the Spirit guarantees. Thus he places himself somewhere between the two extremes, xv, 572 pages; cloth; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, $8.50. — Re viewed by Robert L. Thomas.
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BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Current Publications)
EVANGELISM AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD by J. I. Packer. 126 pages; paper; $1.25. Expansion of a message originally given to the Pre-Mission Conference of the London Inter- Faculty Christian Union. It wrestles with the problems of God's sovereignty, man's responsi bility, and the Christian's evangelistic duty. RASHIDA, MUSLIM GIRL OF WEST PAKISTAN by Carol Allison. 28 pages; paper; Scripture Press Foundation. Wheaton, III.; $2.50. A flannelgraph lesson book with backed sheets of figures for ten or a dozen stories about home life of a Moslem girl. Designed as a mission story series.
A Flame of Fire By James H. Hunter
The Church of Jesus Christ possesses many splendid biographies of mis sionary pioneers. This work on the life of Rowland V. Bingham will easily take its place among the best
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