King's Business - 1962-04

by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biela College

world newsgrams

condem ned the tw o m en to death. Th is w ou ld indicate that, in spite of all its claim s, Communism does not solve the problem s o f sin and all its manifestations. T h e Communists have overlooked the basic tendencies of the hum an heart. Age Limit for Bishops A resolution was adopted recently b y the Synod o f A n g lican D iocese of Auckland, N ew Z ealand, approving in prin ciple, compulsory retirement of Bishops and clergym en on reaching the age of 72. H ow ever, the resolution specified that after a retirement a m inister cou ld accept any office other than the one from w h ich he had re­ signed, the n ew appointm ent to be renew ed annually. One m em ber of the Synod raised very pertinent ques­ tions w hen he asked: “ W h a t is the age at w h ich a man ceases to serve God? A re w e righ t in pu tting a lim it on a m an’s service to G od ?” Rise in Smuf Mail to Youth Reported The transmission o f pornograph ic films, magazines, books and circulars through the m a il has increased from 300 to 500 per cent du ring the last year in N ew York, according to Post­ master Robert K. Christenberry in a recent report. A t a news conference at the N ew Y ork Post Office, presided over b y Representative Kathryn E. Granahan o f Pennsylvania, chairm an o f a House Post Office sub-comm ittee, M r. Christenberry said, “ N ot a day passes that w e d on ’t receive protests from indignan t parents about porno­ graphic material received in the m ail b y their children. M u ch o f this m a­ terial deals w ith sadism and h om o­ sexuality.” Mrs. G ranahan said that a m a jor drive had begun am ong dis­ reputable publishers and individuals to capture the teen-age market, and that in m any cases ch ildren ’s names were obtained from elem entary and h igh school graduating lists. She said the problem had becom e so extreme in Ph iladelph ia that secret clubs of homosexuals solicited teen-age m em ­ bers through the m ail and announced the locations and times o f meetings. Mrs. Granahan said she had in tro­ duced a b ill — H. R. 2425 — to give the authorities m ore control over “ smut and filth ” sent through the mail.

Analyst Sees Punishment As A Block in Child-Rearing A n expert in the care and h an d lin g of hard and troubled children con­ siders “ punishment” a dirty w ord and “ reward” a poor incentive. T h e tech ­ n ique of the carrot and the stick m ay succeed w ith dumb animals, hut it is ineffective w ith children, according to Dr. Ernest Papanek, a psychoana­ lyst. Dr. Papanek believes that pun ­ ishment and reward neither deepen insights nor foster a sense of m orality. If a ch ild is a behavior problem , pun­ ishm ent is lik ely to reinforce his feel­ in g that he is engaged in a constant w ar w ith parents, teachers and society in general. In corporal punishment, Dr. Papanek finds, a ch ild feels on ly that “ Th is grow n-up brute hits me because he is stronger than I am .” H e looks forward to the day w h en he w ill be grow n up and w ill be able to gain revenge. Instead of being pun ­ ished or rewarded, children should be helped to accept the natural conse­ quences of their behavior. Dr. Papa­ nek says, “ I f you tell a ch ild not to jum p out of a third-floor w in d ow b e ­ cause he w ill break his leg, y ou are not threatening h im w ith punish­ ment, but explain in g the probable consequences of his action.” A lthough Dr. Papanek’s ideas basically are in disagreement w ith Heb. 12:6, and other Scriptures, he has one valid idea w h ich he states in the query: “ I f a parent is always losing his temper, h ow is the ch ild ever g oin g to learn self-con trol?” Soviet Executes Two for Currency Dealings Apparently the so-called “ perfect system” of Communism has not w orked as w e ll as its proponents ex­ pected. A ccord in g to a recent report, tw o Russians convicted o f “ systematic profiteering” in curren cy deals have been shot, after h av ing been sent­ enced previously to fifteen years im ­ prisonment. T h e men, Y . A . T. Roko- tov and V. P. Faybishenko, were am ong eight reported earlier b y the official Soviet news agen cy Tass w h o had been jailed for fifteen years for v iolatin g curren cy regulations. Th e Prosecutor General protested against the “ m ildness” of the sentences against Rokotov and Faybishenko and appealed to the Supreme Court. A fter a tw o-day retrial, the Supreme Court

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