King's Business - 1962-04

annu it ie s and

by Paul Bayles, P jitofi Christ Community Church Conogo Pork, Calif.

the Christian home

Planned Parenthood

This 75 year old mission has enjoyed the confi­ dence of many Christians throughout the world, and the blessing of God throughout its years of service to the Jews. W e make no dramatic appeal, we merely ask for the privilege of presenting this history and pres­ ent program of our Christian Witness to Israel. CUP THi COUPON BELOW. A M E R IC A N M E S S IA N IC F E L L O W S H IP Archie A. MacKinney, Director 7446 North Damen, Chicago, Illinois

ED ITO R ’S N O T E : The following ar­ ticle is carried as the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of T H E K IN G ’S BUS I­ NESS magazine, or of The Bible In ­ stitute of Los Angeles, Inc. Since we have published articles with the op­ posite viewpoint, your Editors felt it was only fair that the following should be released. Your comments and opinions w ill be appreciated. M u ch has been w ritten on the sub­ ject of planned parenthood. Extreme and em otionally-charged statements are frequ en tly m ade against it or in its defense. Unrelated B iblical texts are called u pon to support both views. Scripture is u n iqu ely silent on the subject, possibly suggesting that each Christian couple is to determ ine for themselves w hat they w ill do. It is generally agreed that the sex­ ual relationship w ith in marriage ide­ a lly fu lfills tw o im portant purposes. It is a sacramental means of express­ in g love and it is the means w hereby children are reproduced. O f course, society sees procreation as the more important fun ction of the two, since the comm un ity depends upon the as­ surance that life w ill continue from generation to generation. However, the cou p le sees sex essentially as a love expression, since prior to :a ch ild ’s arrival, du ring his maturation and af­ ter his departure from the home, marital relations continue to p la y an important role in marriage. In fact, n o matter h ow m any interests a cou ­ ple m a y have in comm on, if they can­ not find love and solace in each other, their marriage lacks a source o f emo­ tional nourishment. T h e B ible as­ sumes that these tw o functions fo r sex are right. N ow h ere does it teach that the union of husband and w ife is for procreation purposes alone. Only dis­ torted ethics, in the nam e of Chris­ tianity, w ou ld foster this concept. A n cien t Israel did not feel that ch ildren were conceived sim ply b y the m ating of husband and w ife. T h ey believed that God alone had the ab il­ ity to open and close the womb. Therefore, H ebrew couples enjoyed the m arriage embrace as an expres­ sion of love, whether they wanted ch ildren or not. T od a y w e realize that God has always given married people the rather awesome responsibility of ach ieving or w ithh old in g conception,

under H is ultim ate sovereignty. Some couples continue to express love through this relationship and let the problem of procreation take care of itself. Other couples are extremely fertile and turn to scientific methods o f contraception as a solution to their problem . M an y Christian couples are am ong this group. Religious groups w arn against the use o f contraceptives w h en applied m erely to escape the responsibilities o f either marriage or parenthood. The British M arriage Guidance Council and our ow n State Departm ent re­ m ind us that one purpose fo r mar­ riage is to rear a fam ily. Society and the chu rch are righ tfu lly concerned. H ow ever, the num ber o f couples w ho refuse parenthood m erely to avoid the cost and trouble involved are proba­ bly few . Perhaps they are not ma­ ture enough for parenthood anyway. M ost married people feel that they w ish to fu lfill parental responsibili­ ties in the most thorough manner. In ­ ternational tensions, the emphasis on college education for all and eco­ n om ic lim itations u sually motivate couples to space their ch ildren in such a m anner that they can do fu ll jus­ tice to the needs of each one. T h ey believe in parenthood, bu t feel that this and all adult responsibilities should be planned. Dr. D avid M ace, w ell-kn ow n Chris­ tian counselor, writes in his book Whom God Hath Joined, “ Th ere is great diversity o f opin ion am ong Christian people today as to whether this (plann ed paren thood) is righ t or wrong. It is im portan t to notice, h ow ­ ever, just w hat the disagreement is about. T h e prin cip le that a couple m a y be righ t in lim itin g the num ber of ch ildren they brin g in to the w orld is n ot questioned. N o Christian bod y insists that Christian married people must produce the m axim um number o f ch ildren that is ph ysica lly possi­ ble. W h a t is in dispute is the means that m a y be used b y Christian hus­ bands and w ives to lim it their fam ­ ilies w hen they are satisfied that they are righ t in doin g so. Some believe that the on ly perm issible w a y is to refrain from intercourse altogether, cuting off the unitive fun ction in or­ der to prevent the procreative. Others consider that they are justified in us­ in g the so-called ‘safe period’ or ‘rh y ­ thm m ethod,’ con fin in g intercourse

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