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J lA Y B E I ’ d b e t t e r not go to pray- JLvJLer meeting tonight.” Eight- year-old Mark was carefully rubbing a dinner plate half submerged in the dish pan. “ W h y n ot?” queried M other. “ Because I did not get a nap .” “ That’s all righ t this week. Since there is no school tom orrow , you w ill be able to sleep late.” “ I know w e don ’t have school. But if I go to chu rch tonight, I m igh t be cranky tom orrow .” “ W e ’ll take that chance,” M other g rim ly stated, all the w h ile w onder in g w hat he really had up his sleeve! M ark continued w ashing the dish es. He was as pokey as a run-down clock. “ Shake-a-leg, H on ey,” M other urged. “ Y ou must wash and dress for church. W e are due there in 45 m in utes.” It took a bit o f doing to get the dishes done and M ark ready. M other made a studied effort to ignore her son’s glum spirit. H onestly, M oth er was not a little amused at her y oun g son’s statement, “ I m igh t be cranky tom orrow !” Yet there was a serious side to the situa tion. Som ehow he though t he could “ w ork” M oth er b y being concerned about crankiness. H e must surely soon learn that his fam ily makes little al low an ce fo r such attitudes. Th ere is such a th ing as parental discipline where self-discipline is lacking. Across M oth er’s m em ory there flashed a command from G od’s W ord. “ . . . make n ot provision fo r the flesh . . .” (Romans 13 :14). Was not that exactly w hat M ark was doing? And at the tender age of 8! But chronolo g ica l age seems to make no difference so fa r as this sin is concerned. E ight or 28 or 68, w e all seem subject to Satan’s attacks in this respect. As M ark was tucked into bed, the truth came out. H e had becom e con fused about the evening a certain television program is shown. It is one of the very few the ch ildren are per m itted to see. He thought he had been forced to miss it for prayer meeting! “ Father in Heaven,” M oth er’s heart cried, “ give us all grace to obey T h y w ord to ‘make not provision fo r the flesh.’ ”
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