King's Business - 1962-04

M a y have their m any sins forgiven, 1 John 2:12 H e is the on ly W a y. John 14:6 T o b rin g us n igh to God Eph. 2:13 H is precious blood was given: Eph. 1:7 T h rough H im you n ow m ay happy b$ Phil. 4:4 T h rough H im m ay enter heaven. Rev. 21:22 Yes! H e has died for all, 2 Cor. 5:14 Y ou m a y the blessing kn ow ; Rev. 22:17 Come then, at once, just as you are, Isa. 1:18 H e’ll wash y ou white as snow. Psalm 51:7 H e’ll keep and guard and guide, Heb. 13:5 T ill H e again shall com e John 14:3 T o ca ll you b y His voice o f love, 1 Thess. 4:16 T o be w ith H im “ at h om e.” 2 Cor. 5:8

crack; then the crack w idened and a little figure in white pajamas stood in the lam pligh t. For a few moments he stood there h ard ly kn ow in g what to do, for he had been put to bed once, and w ou ld these grow n -up peo­ ple understand w hy he didn ’t stay there? Th en Grandm other glan ced up as she turned a page, and saw him . “ W h a t’s the matter, D an n y ?” she asked sympathetically, and D anny cam e in to the room. “ T h e dark is so b ig ,” he tried to explain. “ M oth er always leaves a light, and . . . and I can’t g o to sleep.” D o you suppose G randm other could rem ember any experience o f her ow n w ith “ b ig darkness” ? I w onder— for she laid d ow n her book and took D anny on her knee. “ D anny, rem ember the story I told you w hen you w ent to bed? Do you remember that Moses’ m other left her baby out in the river in a basket and she w ent back hom e because she knew that God takes care o f little boys w hen n ob od y else is there? God is w ith y ou in the dark, D anny, and if the room seems big, rem ember He is b igg er than the darkness. Listen to what I was just reading,” and she took up her Bible: “ ‘I w ill lift up m ine eyes unto the hills, from w hen ce com eth m y help. M y h elp cometh from the Lord, w h ich m ade heaven and earth. He w ill not suffer thy foot to be m oved: he that keepeth thee w ill not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall n either slum ­ ber nor sleep. T h e Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right- hand. T h e sun shall not sm ite thee b y day, nor the m oon b y night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall pre­ serve thy soul. T h e Lord shall pre­ serve thy g oin g out and thy com ­ in g in from this tim e forth, and even for everm ore’ ” (Psa. 121). D anny didn ’t understand all of it, but he discovered that for some strange reason his little b od y relaxed and he yawned. G randm other took h im b y the hand and led h im back to bed. Once m ore tucked in, he was soon fast asleep. In the days that follow ed , G rand­ m other and D anny read the w onder­ fu l old Psalm over m any, m any times, until D anny learned it b y heart. A n d w hen M oth er was w ell and D anny w ent home, he never again wanted the ligh t left on when he w en t to sleep, for, he explained, “ God is real in the dark.”

Bible Arithmetic M u ltip ly the num ber of Jacob’s sons b y the num ber of books in the Pentateuch. From this product sub­ tract the num ber of books in the N ew Testament. D ivide the result b y the num ber of the chapter in John’s Gos­ pel w h ich tells o f the raising of Laz­ arus from the dead. T o the result add the num ber of pigeons that M ary, the m other of Jesus, offered as a sacrifice in the temple. M u ltip ly the result b y the num ber of people w h o w ent into N oah ’s Ark. The answer w ill be the num ber of years Saul, David, and Solom on each reigned as king. W h a t is you r answer? little ones may come Children o f every age Matt. 11:28 M a y come to Christ today; 2 Cor. 6 :2


E stands for the “E a r ly M o rn ing ” when the women “ came unto the sepulchre, bring the spices.” Luke 24:1 A stands for the “Ange l” which said “ unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified.” M atthew 28 :5 5 stands for the “Stone” which the angel .. .from heaven . . . rolled back. M a tth ew 2 8 :2 Fo r the “Spices” which the women prepared and brought “unto the sepulchre.” Luke 24:1 for the “Sepulchre” that was “hewn instone” where the body of the Lo rd Jesus was laid. Luke 2 3 :53 for the “Saviour” who arose from the dead I Corinthians 15:20 X stands for “ T e ll” the message of the angel when he said “Go quickly and tell . . . that H e is risen.” M a tthew 2 8 :7 E stands for the “empty G rave” for the angel said “H e is not here: for H e is risen . . . Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” M a tth ew 2 8 :6 R stands for the “Raiment” of the resurrection angel whose “raiment was white as snow” for the stone that was “rolled away” M a rk 16 :4 for the “Resurrection” of our Ix>rd and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:20


APRIL, 1962

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