crucified as was his Lord. It m ay or m ay not have been so.
TITLE OF JESUS' MOTHER Q. W h y did the Lord Jesus address His mother as “woman”? Was this not a title of disrespect? (See John 2:4.) A. N ot at all. W h en Jesus was on the cross, H e addressed her in the same w ay: “ W h en Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, w hom he loved, he saith unto his mother, W om an , beh old thy son !” (John 19:26). It is though t b y some that in those days the w ord was used in the same w ay as our w ord “ la d y.” It was a title of respect. W h en one w om an went to Jesus, exercising great faith, and H e w ished to comm end her, H e said, “ 0 w om an , great is thy faith ” (M att. 15:28). There is no evidence that the Lord Jesus ever used the title “ m other” w hen speaking to M a ry after He entered upon H is p u b lic m inistry. A new relationship had been established the m om ent H e stepped out of His home life at Nazareth, and began H is m inistry. (Com pare Matt. 12:46-50). From that time on, it was H is super natural parentage that H e empha sized — that H e was the on ly be gotten Son of the Father in heaven. THE DEATH OF PETER Q. Does the Bible tell us how Peter died? A. In John 21:18, 19 the risen Lord said to Peter: “ V erily , v erily, I say unto thee, W h e n thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkest whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands (this suggests cru ci fix io n ), and another shall gird thee, and carry thee w h ith er thou wouldest not. This spake he, sign ify in g by what death he should g lorify G od.” Th is is all the Bible tells o f the death of Peter. T radition indicates that he was cru cified w ith his head down, for he felt unw orthy to be
A N IM A L SACRIFICE Q. Please tell me why so many ani mals were required for sacrifice in the Old Testament times and none are now. Did the blood of those ani mals really take away the people's sins? A. The O ld Testam ent animals were sim ply types of the Lam b of God w ho at the conjun ction of the ages (the m eeting place of the ages) poured out H is life in complete fu lfillm en t of these adumbrations. T h e believing Israelite looked forw a rd to the cross of Christ as w e look back in faith. Only the blood of Christ cou ld save then; on ly the blood o f Christ can save us now . W e read in Hebrews 10:4-10: “ For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and o f goats should take aw ay sins. W h erefore when he com eth into the w orld , he saith, Sac rifice and offering thou w ouldest not, but a bod y hast thou prepared m e; In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had n o pleasure. Then said I [Ch rist] Lo, I come (in the volum e of the book it is w ritten of m e) to do thy w ill, 0 God . . . He taketh aw ay the first, that he m ay establish the second.” T h e entire tab ernacle and temple worship services, the furniture, the priests — all were bu t shadows of H im w h o was to come. It was all done away in Christ because H e had fu lfilled it all, and w ho pays any attention to shadows when the reality is there? NAMES FOR THE TR IN ITY Q. Is it right to call Christ our “E l der B r o t h e r a n d God our “Father- Mother God?" A. These terms are not in the Bible and I think w e should lim it ourselves to the names b y w h ich God calls H im self and His Son and the H oly Spir it. T h e study o f the names given to the Lord Jesus Christ is a th rilling and rew arding one. Take Isa. 9:6 for a starter!
Q. Do you not think it is unchristian to find fault with the liberals? Many of them are doing good in the world, and are living exemplary lives. A. Th ere is a difference between fau lt-finding and earnestly contend in g “ for the faith once fo r all de livered unto the saints” (Jude 3 ). Certainly w e must be kind, h oldin g the truth in love. But w e must not fa il to warn m en to flee from the w rath to come. Perhaps the follow in g facts w ill suffice to show w h y w e feel im pelled to poin t out the u nb elief in the lib era l camp. These false teach ings are not modern. T h ey were being taught w hen our Lord was on earth. Th is school of th eology teaches that w h ile the B ible contains the W o rd of God, it is not the in fallible, verbally- inspired, eternal W ord o f God. It robs our Lord Jesus of H is eternal deity, seeking to destroy all faith in H is V irg in Birth, H is m iracles, H is b od ily resurrection, and H is com ing again. It denies the efficacy o f Calvary’s Cross, substituting m an ’s own efforts — self-righteousness — as a means of salvation. Good works are important, bu t they are the fru it of salvation, never the means of salvation. These are some o f the most danger ous o f the teachings b eing proclaim ed from m any pulpits of evangelical churches in Protestantism today. The m en w h o teach such doctrines w ou ld be m ore honest w ith G od and w ith their congregations if they w ou ld com e out in the open and take their stand against Christ and H is W ord. Perhaps they are self-deceived; w e know they are deceived b y Satan. Yet w e dare not keep silence so lon g as such untruth is b ein g sounded forth in the name of our blessed Lord.
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