King's Business - 1962-04

crucified as was his Lord. It m ay or m ay not have been so.

TITLE OF JESUS' MOTHER Q. W h y did the Lord Jesus address His mother as “woman”? Was this not a title of disrespect? (See John 2:4.) A. N ot at all. W h en Jesus was on the cross, H e addressed her in the same w ay: “ W h en Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, w hom he loved, he saith unto his mother, W om an , beh old thy son !” (John 19:26). It is though t b y some that in those days the w ord was used in the same w ay as our w ord “ la d y.” It was a title of respect. W h en one w om an went to Jesus, exercising great faith, and H e w ished to comm end her, H e said, “ 0 w om an , great is thy faith ” (M att. 15:28). There is no evidence that the Lord Jesus ever used the title “ m other” w hen speaking to M a ry after He entered upon H is p u b lic m inistry. A new relationship had been established the m om ent H e stepped out of His home life at Nazareth, and began H is m inistry. (Com pare Matt. 12:46-50). From that time on, it was H is super­ natural parentage that H e empha­ sized — that H e was the on ly be­ gotten Son of the Father in heaven. THE DEATH OF PETER Q. Does the Bible tell us how Peter died? A. In John 21:18, 19 the risen Lord said to Peter: “ V erily , v erily, I say unto thee, W h e n thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkest whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands (this suggests cru ci­ fix io n ), and another shall gird thee, and carry thee w h ith er thou wouldest not. This spake he, sign ify in g by what death he should g lorify G od.” Th is is all the Bible tells o f the death of Peter. T radition indicates that he was cru cified w ith his head down, for he felt unw orthy to be

A N IM A L SACRIFICE Q. Please tell me why so many ani­ mals were required for sacrifice in the Old Testament times and none are now. Did the blood of those ani­ mals really take away the people's sins? A. The O ld Testam ent animals were sim ply types of the Lam b of God w ho at the conjun ction of the ages (the m eeting place of the ages) poured out H is life in complete fu lfillm en t of these adumbrations. T h e believing Israelite looked forw a rd to the cross of Christ as w e look back in faith. Only the blood of Christ cou ld save then; on ly the blood o f Christ can save us now . W e read in Hebrews 10:4-10: “ For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and o f goats should take aw ay sins. W h erefore when he com eth into the w orld , he saith, Sac­ rifice and offering thou w ouldest not, but a bod y hast thou prepared m e; In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had n o pleasure. Then said I [Ch rist] Lo, I come (in the volum e of the book it is w ritten of m e) to do thy w ill, 0 God . . . He taketh aw ay the first, that he m ay establish the second.” T h e entire tab­ ernacle and temple worship services, the furniture, the priests — all were bu t shadows of H im w h o was to come. It was all done away in Christ because H e had fu lfilled it all, and w ho pays any attention to shadows when the reality is there? NAMES FOR THE TR IN ITY Q. Is it right to call Christ our “E l­ der B r o t h e r a n d God our “Father- Mother God?" A. These terms are not in the Bible and I think w e should lim it ourselves to the names b y w h ich God calls H im ­ self and His Son and the H oly Spir­ it. T h e study o f the names given to the Lord Jesus Christ is a th rilling and rew arding one. Take Isa. 9:6 for a starter!


Q. Do you not think it is unchristian to find fault with the liberals? Many of them are doing good in the world, and are living exemplary lives. A. Th ere is a difference between fau lt-finding and earnestly contend­ in g “ for the faith once fo r all de­ livered unto the saints” (Jude 3 ). Certainly w e must be kind, h oldin g the truth in love. But w e must not fa il to warn m en to flee from the w rath to come. Perhaps the follow in g facts w ill suffice to show w h y w e feel im pelled to poin t out the u nb elief in the lib era l camp. These false teach­ ings are not modern. T h ey were being taught w hen our Lord was on earth. Th is school of th eology teaches that w h ile the B ible contains the W o rd of God, it is not the in fallible, verbally- inspired, eternal W ord o f God. It robs our Lord Jesus of H is eternal deity, seeking to destroy all faith in H is V irg in Birth, H is m iracles, H is b od ily resurrection, and H is com ing again. It denies the efficacy o f Calvary’s Cross, substituting m an ’s own efforts — self-righteousness — as a means of salvation. Good works are important, bu t they are the fru it of salvation, never the means of salvation. These are some o f the most danger­ ous o f the teachings b eing proclaim ed from m any pulpits of evangelical churches in Protestantism today. The m en w h o teach such doctrines w ou ld be m ore honest w ith G od and w ith their congregations if they w ou ld com e out in the open and take their stand against Christ and H is W ord. Perhaps they are self-deceived; w e know they are deceived b y Satan. Yet w e dare not keep silence so lon g as such untruth is b ein g sounded forth in the name of our blessed Lord.



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