King's Business - 1962-04

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss J i m c o u l d h a v e turned aw ay w ith a flat refusal, “ I don ’t go for this religious stuff,” or, “ That’s all righ t for you, bu t it’s not for m e.” But he didn ’t. He hesitated fo r a few seconds and then said, “ I don ’t get it. There are so m any contradictions in the Bi­ ble.” H e had comm itted himself. He real­ ly was interested. H e was offering an excuse. The earnest, sincere testimony of a Christian friend affected h im more than he cared to admit. He was caught com pletely off-guard w hen his friend pursued the matter b y asking casually, “ W ou ld you m ind telling m e about several contradictions that have troubled y o u ?” A fter a pause, Jim said, “ I can ’t think of one just n ow , bu t I have heard that the Bible contains a great m any contradictions.” “ D id anyone ever show you one of these?” his friend inquired, “ Or have you ever discovered one for yourself? Person­ ally, I haven’t found any, and I w ould like to have them pointed out.” “ No, I can ’t remember a specific instance, bu t I have heard about them ,” was Jim ’s reply. His friend didn ’t stop just because an excuse had been given, neither did he enter upon a preachm ent about believing G od’s W ord. H e turned to II T im oth y 3:16 and said, “ Jim, w ill you read this?” A fter Jim had read the verse aloud, his friend asked, “ I f this is G od’s in­ spired W ord, w ho is saying this?” Jim cautiously replied, “ I guess you w ou ld say that God is saying it.” “ Jim, do you think that God, w h o is the Author of this book and the Creator of the w orld , w ou ld contra­ dict H im self?” Th is called for a de­ cision. It must be either for or against God. Jim made the decision to accept the invitation to receive Christ as his Saviour. W h a t if the Christian friend had stopped when the objection was raised or had not understood the W ord w ell enough to give an answer? Excuses are best answered from G od’s W ord. It was not on ly understanding the W ord , bu t the guidance of the H oly Spirit W h o was directing the use of the W ord. “ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every m an that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, w ith meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15).

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APRIL, 1962


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