King's Business - 1962-04

It m ay be noticed that some manuals gave a number of alternate handcraft suggestions and recreation ideas rather than suggesting a single activity as is noticed in the balance. For instance, Gospel L igh t Press, though it has a handcraft kit correlated to the cu rricu lum ma­ terial, also gives suggestions for other activities w h ich w ou ld suffice w ere the price o f the kits prohibitive. Pupil M aterials: A great degree of variation is noticed in the ch ildren ’s materials. Th is varies from a strict storybook approach to a storybook and w orkbook activity in one volum e. Th e activities in these books w ill vary from fillin g in blanks to puzzles and picture coloring. Th is is noticed in Great Comm ission Publications and H erald Press. Scripture Press and Gospel L ight Press have colorfu l workbooks u sing stories, questions, coloring, and cutouts. Gospel L igh t Press pu p il books are die-cut, elim inating the n ec­ essity o f scissors w ith the pupil workbooks. W estm inster Press has strictly the storybook approach w ith five-color prints illustrating the stories. Some of the pupils’ workbooks are so arranged as to stimulate attendance b y the use o f stickers or charts. Only Gospel L igh t Press and Scripture Press suggest and produce a program for older youth and adults. T h e vari­ ous publish ing houses give recommendations as to h ow adults m a y be used and m anual suggestions for the possibility o f sessions fo r these age groups. Scripture Press produces a specific cu rricu lum for older you th and adults. Gospel L igh t Press suggests an evening program for youth and adults, recomm ending a review of the life o f Christ; this is given in some detail in the director’s guide. R ecreation : W ith ou t exception, the program s of recreation meet a very h igh standard or show a noticeable degree of cor­ relation between the games and music a n d /o r m ission­ ary material. Several in clude games from foreign coun ­ tries corresponding to their m issionary study. Others in clude games w h ich help the ch ild to pu t in to action various principles taught in the n ew materials. Others w ill in clude games in keeping w ith the overall prom o­ tional theme. T h e games selected have been carefu lly chosen on a graded basis. M aterials in this area are suggested in the leader’s guide and w ith each d a ily les­ son in the teacher’s guide. T h e degree o f variety of games does vary in the materials. It w ill be noticed that some m erely recomm end one game per day w h ile others give the w orker some choice.

Vacation Bible School (continued)

P u b licity: W estm inster Press gave no indication of special m a­ terials for the prom otion of V . B. S. T h e other publish ing houses appear quite sim ilar b y u sing such devices as buttons, dodgers, postcards, posters and invitations of various sorts. Scripture Press and Concordia u tilize door- hangers. Gospel L ight Press furnishes mats fo r display ads in the loca l newspapers. Great Comm ission utilizes a duplex postcard for invitation and pre-registration. A strong emphasis on prom otion through decoration is found in the Gospel L ight Press material, in clu d in g the decorating o f both the interior and exterior of the church in keeping w ith the prom otional theme o f the material. Patterns are in cluded in both the director’ s and teacher’s manuals. P rogramm ing: P rogramm ing for the total school in worship and de­ partmental activities is very stable am ong all suggested programs. M in o r variations are noted on ly in terms of sequence o f activity. T h e activities in cluded in all are worship, Bible stories, m ission study, Scripture m em ory, recreation, craft and w orkbook activities. A ll in clude rest and refreshment times fo r the prospective pre-school ages. O n ly Concordia and Scripture Press have distinct pro­ grams for the nursery and beginner level. Gospel L ight Press material has been arranged to cover pre-school ages in one book. W estm inster Press uses an adjusted schedule approach. Th is was the on ly material observed w h ich did not spell out time schedules fo r activities at all age levels. T each er M aterials: T h e on ly m ajor difference in the programm ing for the teachers’ materials is in format. T h e colorfulness of the material and added illustrative features w ith in the teachers’ quarterly makes some m ore attractive than oth­ ers. A ll in clude suggestions for age-group characteristics, teaching methods, crafts, music and recreational activity. W estm inster Press has a very strong emphasis in teach­ ers’ materials in the Junior and Y outh levels on creative activities in contrast to a w ell-defin ed and defin itely scheduled d a ily program . It w ou ld require a m ore ex­ perienced teach ing staff.

"Witnessing for Jesus"— Herald Press

Crafts: Gospel L ight, and Concordia are the on ly tw o pub­ lish ing houses w h ich have specific craft kits w h ich can be purchased w ith the material. A t the younger age lev­ els, these kits in clude a craft per day. T h e school-age ch ild has one project w h ich w ou ld cover the 'entire week



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