by Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter
Classi fied Ads
Home for sale: two blocks from campus in La Mirada. Ranch style, two baths, three bedrooms, many extras. Gl loan. $16,950 full price. Call GL 4-7969. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Selling Out! Children's 'King's James' Bibles, formerly $6.95, now $2.19; deluxe $7.95, now $2.69 (plus tax and 25c postage each). Children's Bible Distributors, 4756 Ellenwood Drive, L.A. 41, or call CLinton 6-4082. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi.
thorns at easier
“M y grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 12 :9). T h o r n s a n d T r ia l s are blessings if they b rin g the opportunity for the grace o f Christ to perfect our character. Some flowers, as the rose, must be crushed before their fu ll fra grance is released. Some fruit, as the sycamore, must be bruised before it w ill attain ripeness and sweetness. Some metals, as gold, must b e flung into the furnace before they reach fu ll value and purity. So is it often with the saints. It is true w ith m any o f us that w e must b e la id low b efore w e w ill look h igh . W e must know G od ’s sm it in g before w e can appreciate H is sm iling. T h e potter must break the vessel ere he can make out of the same material a n ew and beautifu l vase. Our hearts must be broken be fore their richest contents can leak out and flow forth to bless others. But whenever G od sends a trial w ith one hand, H e gives grace w ith the other. Thus trials becom e tri umphs. Burdens becom e w ings. Afflic tions, instead o f b ein g a bed of thorns, and a pathw ay o f nettles, becom e a qu ilt o f roses. T h e very things w h ich seem to break us are the things w h ich rea lly make us. Eu roclydon blow s its tempests upon us! W e shall b e dashed in pieces on the rock-bound coast! W e shall be strangled in the h idden reef! But nay, w e are self-deceived. Lo, G od is in the hurricane, and instead o f driving the scared m ariner to destruction, it beats h im into that safest o f all har bors, the en circlin g arms of the D i vine love. Yea, it is so. T rials, tribulations, adversities, are often our biggest bene dictions; blessings in disguise; angels garbed in black fo r a small m om ent; messengers from heaven com e to make us m ore like the Captain o f our salvation w h o H im self was made “ p erfect th rough sufferings.” T h e thorny crow n was in the plan fo r Jesus; bu t the thorns have given place to diadems. T h e cross was the
step to the throne. “ It is G od w h ich worketh in you both to w ill and to do o f H is good pleasure” (P h il. 2 :1 3 ). H ow ever jagged the “ thorn,” it is a blessing if it bleeds aw ay our selfish ness. A n d Jesus H im self has said, “ M y grace is sufficient fo r thee.” THE CROSS n evil long I took delight. Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new Object struck my sight. And stopped my wild career. I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. Sure, never till my last breath Can I forget that look. It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. M y conscience felt and owned the guilt. And plunged me in despair; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. Alas, I knew not what I did: But now my tears are vain; Where shall my trembling soul be hid? For I the Lord have slain. A second lok He gave, which said, " I freely all forgive: This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou mayst live." Thus while His death my sin displays In all its blackest hue; Such is the mystery of grace, It seals my pardon, too. With pleasing grief and mournful joy M y spirit now is filled, That I should such a life destroy, Vet live by Him I killed. — John Newton “ M y grace is sufficient fo r thee.” Oh, w hat a wondrous prom ise this is! T h e more one thinks upon it, the m ore glorious it becomes. W e are such unu tterably n eedy creatures that o n ly G od H im self can know the meas ure o f ou r n eed; and G od H im self, in Chn st Jesus, pledges to m eet us at every poin t o f our need. T h e prom ise is in the present tense, “ M y grace IS sufficient.” H is grace is sufficient now .
WITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00. Beautiful, heart-touching, missionary song Free with order. Rev. Billy Swaan, Ruskin, B.C., Can.
Impending Write for free samples of Gospel Bomb Matches announcing the impending return of our Lord. CARLETON E. NULL — GOSPEL BOMBS, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Christian Homes Christian's Guest Home. Blind persons invited. 19802 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California.
Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash.
M usic Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar ranged. edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio.
GLENDALE READERS w ill find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, Californio Free In form a tion How you can, study the Bible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A . Saw tell, D irector 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California TRAINING WITH PURPOSE
NURSING — Courses for4, 8 or 12 months. 12-month course qualifies graduateto take California State Board Examina tion for LVN certificate. DENTISTRY — 4 month course. Approved by State of Cali fornia Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca tional and Professional Standards.
DISPENSARY — 4 monthcourse. Gives training in laboratory analysis andclinical practice. Instruction to set up a dis pensary. Write for Catalog. Biola School of M ISSIO N A RY M EDICIN E 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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