King's Business - 1962-04

by Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter

Classi fied Ads


Home for sale: two blocks from campus in La Mirada. Ranch style, two baths, three bedrooms, many extras. Gl loan. $16,950 full price. Call GL 4-7969. Bibles and Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York. Selling Out! Children's 'King's James' Bibles, formerly $6.95, now $2.19; deluxe $7.95, now $2.69 (plus tax and 25c postage each). Children's Bible Distributors, 4756 Ellenwood Drive, L.A. 41, or call CLinton 6-4082. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi.

thorns at easier

“M y grace is sufficient for thee” (2 Cor. 12 :9). T h o r n s a n d T r ia l s are blessings if they b rin g the opportunity for the grace o f Christ to perfect our character. Some flowers, as the rose, must be crushed before their fu ll fra­ grance is released. Some fruit, as the sycamore, must be bruised before it w ill attain ripeness and sweetness. Some metals, as gold, must b e flung into the furnace before they reach fu ll value and purity. So is it often with the saints. It is true w ith m any o f us that w e must b e la id low b efore w e w ill look h igh . W e must know G od ’s sm it­ in g before w e can appreciate H is sm iling. T h e potter must break the vessel ere he can make out of the same material a n ew and beautifu l vase. Our hearts must be broken be­ fore their richest contents can leak out and flow forth to bless others. But whenever G od sends a trial w ith one hand, H e gives grace w ith the other. Thus trials becom e tri­ umphs. Burdens becom e w ings. Afflic­ tions, instead o f b ein g a bed of thorns, and a pathw ay o f nettles, becom e a qu ilt o f roses. T h e very things w h ich seem to break us are the things w h ich rea lly make us. Eu roclydon blow s its tempests upon us! W e shall b e dashed in pieces on the rock-bound coast! W e shall be strangled in the h idden reef! But nay, w e are self-deceived. Lo, G od is in the hurricane, and instead o f driving the scared m ariner to destruction, it beats h im into that safest o f all har­ bors, the en circlin g arms of the D i­ vine love. Yea, it is so. T rials, tribulations, adversities, are often our biggest bene­ dictions; blessings in disguise; angels garbed in black fo r a small m om ent; messengers from heaven com e to make us m ore like the Captain o f our salvation w h o H im self was made “ p erfect th rough sufferings.” T h e thorny crow n was in the plan fo r Jesus; bu t the thorns have given place to diadems. T h e cross was the

step to the throne. “ It is G od w h ich worketh in you both to w ill and to do o f H is good pleasure” (P h il. 2 :1 3 ). H ow ever jagged the “ thorn,” it is a blessing if it bleeds aw ay our selfish­ ness. A n d Jesus H im self has said, “ M y grace is sufficient fo r thee.” THE CROSS n evil long I took delight. Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new Object struck my sight. And stopped my wild career. I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. Sure, never till my last breath Can I forget that look. It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. M y conscience felt and owned the guilt. And plunged me in despair; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. Alas, I knew not what I did: But now my tears are vain; Where shall my trembling soul be hid? For I the Lord have slain. A second lok He gave, which said, " I freely all forgive: This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou mayst live." Thus while His death my sin displays In all its blackest hue; Such is the mystery of grace, It seals my pardon, too. With pleasing grief and mournful joy M y spirit now is filled, That I should such a life destroy, Vet live by Him I killed. — John Newton “ M y grace is sufficient fo r thee.” Oh, w hat a wondrous prom ise this is! T h e more one thinks upon it, the m ore glorious it becomes. W e are such unu tterably n eedy creatures that o n ly G od H im self can know the meas­ ure o f ou r n eed; and G od H im self, in Chn st Jesus, pledges to m eet us at every poin t o f our need. T h e prom ise is in the present tense, “ M y grace IS sufficient.” H is grace is sufficient now .

WITNESS W ITH TRACTS! 200 only $2.00. Beautiful, heart-touching, missionary song Free with order. Rev. Billy Swaan, Ruskin, B.C., Can.

Impending Write for free samples of Gospel Bomb Matches announcing the impending return of our Lord. CARLETON E. NULL — GOSPEL BOMBS, 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Christian Homes Christian's Guest Home. Blind persons invited. 19802 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, California.

Christian non-profit organization needs staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash.

M usic Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged. edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio.

GLENDALE READERS w ill find all of their supply needs at THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM 121 West Wilson, Glendale, Californio Free In form a tion How you can, study the Bible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Dr. Chase A . Saw tell, D irector 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California TRAINING WITH PURPOSE

NURSING — Courses for4, 8 or 12 months. 12-month course qualifies graduateto take California State Board Examina­ tion for LVN certificate. DENTISTRY — 4 month course. Approved by State of Cali­ fornia Board of Dental Examiners, Department of Voca­ tional and Professional Standards.

DISPENSARY — 4 monthcourse. Gives training in laboratory analysis andclinical practice. Instruction to set up a dis­ pensary. Write for Catalog. Biola School of M ISSIO N A RY M EDICIN E 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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