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Fulfilment of Prophecy by Dr. S. H. Sutherland
For a long time the great prophetic scholars of the Word of God have agreed on the fact that at the end of this dispensation there will be an allignment of four great powers striving for world supremacy.. Con flicts between them will occur in their most intense form during the early years of the so-called “ tribula tion” period. These four powers are plainly named in the eleventh chapter of Daniel’s prophecys the king of the North, the king of the South, the armies o f the East and the king of the W est elsewhere called the Anti-Christ. It is quite generally agreed that the king of the North is Russia. It is also quite generally agreed that the Anti-Christ will head up the nations included in the territory once ruled by Rome, plus perhaps the United States and other territories not specifically in cluded in the areas referred to by the other great powers spoken of in Daniel 11. The fulifllm ent of these prophecies is moving along apace. In the September 11, 1961 issue of the u. s. n e w s a n d w o r l d r e p o r t , a most interesting and enlighten ing article appeared, entitled, “Khrushchev’s Big Fear.” The article points up the idea that the Russian dictator must “ grab now before it’s too late.” The article states, in part, “ On his borders in eastern Eur ope is a captive empire of one hundred million res tive people waiting for a chance to revolt. Behind his back, in Red China, •is an over-populated nation of nearly seven hundred million people acquiring atom ic weapons and hungrily eyeing the open spaces of the Soviet Union. And now, growing up in Western Europe, is a new and rising danger. Here facing the Communist empire is a group of nations that as a whole, is far more powerful than Soviet Russia. Now those nations are beginning to combine their power.” This grouping of the W estern European nations began with the creation of the Common Market of six na tions known as the Inner Six. These consisted of France, W est Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Bel gium and Luxemburg. Then came the formation of the European Free Trade Association, or what has been called the Outer Sev'en, namely Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Portugal. The article says, “Now those two groups are moving toward a single large organization.” Tins organization is popularly called the “ Common Mar ket.” So rapid has been the development of the Com mon Market nations in their trade relationships with one another that Great Britain has been compelled to seek admission to the organization. The result is that “ What is seen as developing is a big economic union of most of Europe.” As these European nations integrate their economies, markets open up and in dustrial expansion speeds up until, in W estern Ger-
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