King's Business - 1962-04

many at least, the standard of liv­ ing is almost as high now as it is in the United States. Needless to say this is a m o s t remarkable achievement, considering the fact that fifteen years ago the German economy was a complete shambles. The article is frank to state that, “ There is no present sign of a ‘United States of Europe,’ ‘political divisions appear less important.’ ” But the writer continues, “ The growing cooperation and consulta­ tion among the nations o f Europe is tending to reduce differences.” Could it be that the portion of God’s prophetic word dealing with the rise of the Anti-Christ is being fulfilled before our very eyes? No one is so presumptuous as to say “ This is it!” But, whether or not we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecy at this very moment in history, we do know that when the end time comes the European fed­ eration will be formed exactly as Scripture foretells. Following the great wars of the early part of the tribulation period the Anti-Christ, according to Scripture, will emerge as the world ruler and dictator. Most assuredly he will be the world dictator in the fields of economics, finance, military and religion. No­ body will be able to buy or sell without showing him proper wor­ ship and respect. Thank God, the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be taken up to meet the Lard in the air before these great wars of the tribulation ever break into full blast. And we read that at the end of the tribulation period when the Lord returns with His church to set up His millennial reign upon the earth, the Anti-Christ, accord­ ing to Daniel 11, “ W ill come to his end and none will help him.” It is to be regretted that so many ministers o f the Gospel today are willingly ignorant, or at least ne­ glectful, of preaching on these great prophetic portions of God’s Word. Not only do they deprive them­ selves of blessing in the study o f the prophetic Scripture s, but they also keep their congregations in the dark concerning the signs of the times, and, as a result, earnest Christian laymen are often deprived o f the thrilling experience of observing the fulfillment of the Word of God­ in the unfolding of present-day na­ tional and international events.

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APRIL, 1962

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